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Santa ... Shannon

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Posts posted by Santa ... Shannon

  1. Looks like all the more reason to plan a Fort day and a resort-hopping/DTD day on the weekends. I am wondering, though, when they say that if a bronze passholder wants to attend on a silver day that he'd have to upgrade his ticket, does that mean pay the difference on that day's admission, upgrade all remaining days on the ticket, or upgrade all original days on the ticket?! Seems like if it's anything but the last answer then it would make sense to pretty much always just buy bronze and upgrade as needed (unless you KNOW your whole vacay is going to be gold days).

  2. Let's keep this among just us chickens, but tomorrow begins the booking window for October 2016, tomorrow is 499 days from 10/1/16. Yes, I actually track this stuff! I have all my favorite Disney dates plugged into a countdown timer app (Reminder Pro) so I can see when 499 approaches, and 180, and 60. Now, the big question is, if you're going to try for Halloween how will you book it? For instance, if I want to arrive on the 28th and stay at least through 11/10 Disney expects me to wait until June 30, or 499 days from my departure date. But by then Halloween will have been booking for 10 days; what do you think will be left? My inclination under the new rules is to book the 28th on the first date available. Then the next night I'll try to book the 29th and 28th, and if I get it I'll cancel the other ressie. And I'll keep doing that daily until I get all the dates I need and cancel all the overlapped dates. I could see ending up with a box-full of ressies that look like: 10/28-29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/2-11/10. That would mean I have to checkout-checkin 5 times, but that seems to becoming de rigueur. I will try to get them to combine them, but don't hold a lot of hope. How will you handle advance booking for high-demand dates?

  3. I used to sarcastically combat those "best" questions by holding that 500 was objectively the best loop, and then run down the reasons. All my reasons being subjective, of course, and I would just hope the reader "got it". Much prefer "what's your favorite and why" especially since the responses will undoubtedly include criteria the OP might have never thought about: "it floods when it rains a lot?!"

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