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Santa ... Shannon

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Posts posted by Santa ... Shannon

  1. , "Leave him alone and whatever you do, don't try and take a selfie with him!"


    You just know they said that because some knucklehead actually tried it...

    Ok, I'm done, you win at Internet for today! LOL

  2. Now, here's a guy who probably DID get ejected. This is not quite the Fort, but pretty close. This was at Shades of Green. The staff acted like this was an everyday occurrence and I think they said a groundskeeper (!) would be along soon to relocate him. Not because he was a threat, he just wants to sunbathe, but because stupid non-Floridians were apt to overstep a line and make it into an unsafe situation. To which I say "What the Fort?"


  3. Wait, the guy that followed them into the bathroom wasn't ejected?  That's wrong and very disturbing! I think if that happened to me I would have called the police and filed a report at the very least.


    I agree, and the mom was really shaken up by it, too. Now, of course, I only heard one side of that story, but she was pretty convincing to me. WTF?

  4. BTW, the story behind the "tent move" was pretty disturbing. Turns out there was a mom and her daughters camping in another loop and a man followed them into the comfort station. She confronted him and he flipped. The family ended up hiding in a stall and the guy barricaded them in with a trash can. Of course, she reported the incident to management and they DID NOT eject the guy!!! WTF!!! But they offered to move her to another campsite. WTF! So they decided it would be easier to move the already-erected tents erect! WTF? They were able to do it in a mere 4 trips, driving at 2mph with a helper walking alongside holding the tents on! Of course, they could have done it in one trip at full speed if they took down the tents, but that's the Fort for ya! I guess these guys were glad to put down the pots of brown paint for a few hours!

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