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Nicki aka Rebelstand

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Everything posted by Nicki aka Rebelstand

  1. well the mansions sort of look like plantations houses..... love all the landscaping.
  2. :rofl2: If I had twins I would probably tell them the same thing. My kids already have a firm grasp on sarcasm....
  3. I thought they were breaded balls too! Great minds...right? very too foo-fooey
  4. it was so cold when we were at the fort last christmas that we only took the kids swimming once or twice but the clean towels would have been nice.
  5. probably a stupid question but are they identical or fraternal (they look enough alike to be identical). my mom is a fraternal twin and they really don't share much of a bond... unless you count jealousy of each other.
  6. how I wish but we have a pre holiday trip planned and I don't think hubby would return 6 weeks later!!!
  7. Dinosaur was broken but the CM said it was probably too scary for our 7 & 5 year olds. Loved Primeval Whirl as it makes me laugh. next trip I am riding EE since...yes durnit I am. DH can look after the kids for a few minutes or take them on KRR while I ride EE. Space Mountain too...
  8. Now I remember that. We haven't had any problems with Disney Transpo of any kind but sometimes the variety is nice and the kids like the monorail. Lou, have you done a transportation thread? I bet you could do a whole thread of the best ways to use the transportation system at WDW.
  9. we always have it for lunch either before or after jumping on POC. Like I said yum!
  10. Oh, we have momma drama too. I've found that sometimes you have to walk away.. as much as possible... because my mom feeds on the drama, the passive aggressiveness... etc.
  11. I have to say that you can get spoiled by the FW boat. Our fist stay was at All-Star Music and the buses were almost always packed. It's also nice to have the option of taking the monorail from EPCOT to MK to catch the boat home. Waiting on AK.. we didn't visit it last trip!
  12. We have eaten at the, now, Tortuga Tavern... yum! They have a great vegetarian burrito!
  13. I sweep the floor every evening and often use a paper towel with vinegar water to "mop" the floor with my feet. With 4 humans and two dogs, in most places, it's just not an option not to as I like walking around barefoot at night. Some places are better than others... We use a small bucket for the trash and take it out daily. Due to the lack of counter/sink space we pretty much wash dishes twice a day.
  14. Thanks Sensi... I forgot to explain what leveling blocks were!! I also agree with the advice to take an experienced person with you. It could eliminate a lot of heartache. another suggestion for your skin allergies - Prior to the TT if we were driving to our destination, we have been known to take a sleeping bag for our son to sleep in on top of the bed. It gives another barrier between the skin and the allergy. However, it sounds as if your allergies are a bit worse than ours. The TT has really been a great way to control those allergic reactions. Leveling Block Here is the link to our tr
  15. Sorry I forgot to tell you about leveling. Leveling side to side can be done buy the driver but you would have to get out, check the level indicator on the trailer, put down the blocks, if needed, then get back in, pull over the leveling blocks, get out check the level indicator and repeat until level. Or you can order a teenager to get out put down blocks .... leveling front to back is all about lifting or lowering the tongue of the trailer - easy peasy I know of many people who full time by themselves who do it all without a problem. You will have kids to help you as well. Please don't g
  16. If you truly want to take such a journey your RV choice is important... then again we are in a 40 yr old 27ft TT with no slides which sleeps 2 adults, 2 kids, 2 dogs. However we picked the TT long before we decided to hit the road. The road portion was just a natural progression for us. We bought the TT in order to deal with both food and skin allergies (son and DH are both allergic to scented laundry products. Son has to sleep in winter pi's every time we sleep at a hotel or end up in an urgent care center for hives) As for estimating stopping power, I am sure there is a formula but I don
  17. Some random thoughts - The best piece of advise we got before buying was "just because you can tow it doesn't mean you should." It's not the towing power that's important it's stopping power... particularly in the hills and mountains. We are currently on an extended family trip, which has no end date, and are homeschooling. I would advise you to think very carefully about the type of trailer. do you want to use campground bathroom facilities? I hate walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night. eating out a lot gets expensive quickly with kids... how important is a full kitchen? ho
  18. My daughter rode the Barnstormer with me. I thought she was going to climb back into my stomach through my belly button. Ever tried to ride a coaster while attempting to keep a child from hitting their mouth/head on the lap bar..... You just can't hold your hands up properly! Although she has promised to ride space mountain with me next trip... I"m not holding my breathe on that one.
  19. Nothing wrong with a wandering mind... at least until it wanders to a place you didn't want it to.... :dropjaw:
  20. I have to say after all your talk about MK late magic hours I want to try it. However, I'd have to go it alone as the kids can't make it that long yet. Then again I'd probably have to ride them all by myself as my kids don't like coasters!! How old were the twins before they started to enjoy the roller coasters?
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