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Nicki aka Rebelstand

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Everything posted by Nicki aka Rebelstand

  1. Discamper, If that's the slogan of the company, considering the locale of the stamp, I don't think it would be a bra I wanted to buy.
  2. we are more than aware of the benefits of that product. We had a Old English Sheepdog puppy who came to us at 50lbs with a bladder infection. The antibiotics from the bladder infections upset his stomach with gave him the runs. For two weeks while we used yogurt to straighten out his tummy I walked around with plastic bags, paper towels, a mop and bucket. Then got some NM and mopped an entire house of HARD WOOD FLOORS. Then I followed it up with vinegar a week later. On a more recent note, since we are on the road we just threw out her bed. Most RV Parks don't allow dog stuff to be washe
  3. So you are telling this poor snake phobic woman: whose first nightmare was a snake inside the statue of liberty, whose been, more than once, 6 inches from a snake bite who has barely been able to look at a cartoon snake much less a picture whose kids have only seen the reptile house if Dad was along on the trip that there are in fact good snakes? my unfortunate snake count - cotton mouth about 3 inches from may ankle coiled rattler about 6 inches from the other ankle riding a four wheeler through 3 puddles .... ALL OF WHICH HAD SNAKES IN THEM
  4. I would have thought this would be a TCD award.... Man of Genius be it ironic or in true admiration.
  5. debatable.... it might take a few weeks to recover the use of them
  6. My son insists on having his birthday party in the one place that the two mifi's we own don't get reception.....I'll be checking out some other trs now that you are out of photos....
  7. that enough to make a grown women cry in hunger... if I could be called grown
  8. I'm hungry....NOW.... that table is enough to make a grown women cry.... if you could actually call me grown.
  9. I go out of internet range for 3 days and had something like 40 email updates to the thread... or so it seemed...I'm caught up and sad
  10. You and I would get in so much trouble together. We'd be conspiring on the best hijinks.
  11. He needs to go more often. Familiarity with the fort will help him calm down. You should really take him every other weekend.... think of it. Rocky's TCD Fort Report....
  12. I am not totally sure but we may be Great Dane people for life. Except for the size they make awesome RV dogs, yes we are currently out on the road in our 27ft tt w/o slides with a great dane and a Blue heeler. The dane is much better than the heeler...because he's lacking in enrgeticness. Nothing against the Chihuahua, as the dane loves to play with them at the Fort...
  13. ALL SIX!! No not all SIX.... Well i'll just bring my Great Dane and my heeler and we can teach them to bark on command....oh the racket we could make. Just had a thought, could you imagine six great danes in one site..... now that would fix'em.
  14. I thought every bus at WDW was magic, yours especially....guess I was wrong.
  15. Shhh.... since the hijack was about beer your suppose to lie and tell us you do everything well. right before you dance by yourself way too early in the evening, tell everyone embarrassing secrets at the top of your lungs, and stumble off to pass out or .....
  16. My only beer choice is Miller High Life, if they still make it. It makes the best beer biscuits...lots of flavor.
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