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Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but Disney just submitted an application to build some new utilities under Wilderness Way.

I don't have time to post the plans right now but it looks like they are installing a Forcemain, Reclaimied water main and some communication cable. They are also digging small stormwater pond and repaving Wilderness Way.

I don't think the new utilities are attached to anything on the Fort side either. They look like they are stub out for future connections, or the first part of a future phase. Very interesting.


This is the narrative from the application:

Project improvements generally consist of 5.15 acres of utility construction and roadway. No new impervious area is being proposed with this application as the existing pavement section is only being improved. However, water quality for the roadway improvement portion of the project will be provided by a proposed wet detention stormwater pond. Portions of the utilities will be horizontally directional drilled and do not create any additional disturbance so are not accounted for in the limits of construction or proposed pond basin.

I'll post more a little later.


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Good job!

So, is the oval area on the photo the new pond?

That is a pretty big pond.

Why would they do that rather than just dump everything into Bay Lake?

And, why do they need that pond if they aren't creating any new impervious area?


Yup that's the pond but it’s not that big, only about an acre I think.

I don't know for certain but typically if you modify any existing conditions you are required to bring up the system to current requirements. Not sure if you know but in SFWMD you are required to treat all runoff to meet pre-development water quality, you can use either wet or dry detention. Now technically they are not increasing the impervious footprint but if I had to guess I'd say they are building the lake to show that they are "attempting" to supply the storm water runoff treatment, even though they aren't able to get all the runoff to the pond.

Here's the write up from the stormwater report.

Water quality treatment for the 5-acre roadway construction portion of the Project 2011-2C project will be provided in a proposed onsite wet detention stormwater pond. The proposed pond will provide 1” or greater of water quality treatment to its drainage basin, although the majority of runoff is not able to drain to the proposed pond. The existing roadway is a two lane uncurbed and the construction of drainage pipes to bring it up to an urban section would require impacts to the adjacent wetland systems. An additional 0.15-acre of open space needed for utility construction is within the project limits but not within the pond basin. Water quality treatment calculations are provided in Appendix B. Post-development drainage calculations are provided in Appendix C.

To answer your other question about why they can't just dump everything into Bay Lake. As far as I know SFWMD doesn't allow storm water treatment in a recreation lake. All water must be treated prior to outfalling into a rec lake, a rec lake is any lake where boats or swimming are allowed. If you look at this pond they're building you'll see that it outfalls into the adjacent wetlands, which is much easier than going all the way to Bay Lake.

The more I look at the plans though the more I have to wonder why they bothered with the new pond, they don't have a single storm pipe going into it, maybe they will drain the roadside swale into it? Either way I think these utilities are definitely part of some future construction.

Here's the plans if you want to take a look:

Drainage Plans

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