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Don't Shoot The Messenger, or the driver

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In other words, the bus driver has absolutely nothing to do about when a bus is sent to a resort.

This is a very busy week so wait times at some resorts have been longer than 20 minutes. They even have to bring in outside buses to help out during prez week. People wrongly assume that a driver just goes back and forth from a park to the same resort all day long and that they can just take a break any time they want. So if they've been waiting a long time for a bus, it must be the drivers fault.

Yesterday, and I don't understand how this could happen, especially with the extremely short AKL to AK route, some guests got on my case for being late. BTW, believe it or not. guests being rude to drivers happens very infrequently, so it's not a big deal. I just give them the concerned, I'm so sorry look.

I heard comments like, we've been waiting for an hour, you must have been on coffee break, or, where have you been?

One woman made sure that I heard her say to her husband, get the bus number. I guess I was supposed to be intimidated that she is going to report me. If she does, which she probably won't, they'll just think she's an idiot because they know the driver goes to a different resort every time after dropping off at the parks. We can't stop and take a coffee break. We're on the dispatcher's TV monitors and they can see all of the buses that they are responsible for at all times. The WDW buses, and drivers are under a microscope at all times. It borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

If people have been waiting a long time, it's the automated dispatch system or dispatcher's fault and not the drivers.

So get on the bus, smile or say hi, but save the attitude and comments about waiting for so long for the manager at the resort, they're the ones that should hear it.

The drivers just drive.

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People sometimes have a weird way of showing respect to those who are taking them where they need to go safely and FREE! Sorry that you have to deal with crap like that every so often.

Like i said, it hardly ever happens. Other riders probably have to put up with more crap than I do.

You said free, it's by no means free. You are paying big bucks, really big bucks to get the bus service at WDW. You just don't see it itemized in your hotel rate or park ticket.

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I think the monorail pilots pay guests to give bus drivers a hard time. "Sorry, no you can't sit in the front of the monorail anymore. It is to protect you. But hey, here's a quarter. Could you talk some smak to the next bus driver you see. Thanks. We really appreciate it. Please keep your hands and feet clear of the door. Thank you."

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I know you can not really give a guest an answer because no matter what it was you would be wrong. What I used to tell customers when they griped was here is my name just want to make sure you get it right when you call, they rarely called because i guess they felt I did not care if they would.

I would just tell them that you were busy taking other guests to the parks so they can enjoy their vacation also!!!!!!!!!

Of course the phone # I always gave out was 1-800 EAT-SH*#!!!!!!!!!!i

Have a nice day ;)

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