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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2012 in Posts

  1. This is a little late since your original post but still before your trip date so I'm going to offer some info. We were just there last weekend in 843 and didn't see any signs of construction in that loop. Our spot was very wide and while we didn't have a car with us, we backed it all the way in and there was a ton of room in front of the cab before the road that could have fit a vehicle (We have a 34' Class C with a super-wide slide out). It was a good spot, didn't really feel like we had neighbors on the picnic-table side because of a bend in the road, and behind it was a large empty woo
    2 points
  2. Damn it Toddly, I do not smell like cigs only cigars. And I don't have a fire. Plus I'm not one dimensional, hell just look at those pic, I am definately 3D. I enjoy beer, punch, jello (whcih is good for the fingernails) and Port. Oops thats 4, so I guess I'm 4D. If they have 4G, I guess I can be 4D.
    1 point
  3. no, it was an up arrow..i was wondering where it was, but when i went and checked, the light was green and trap was clean (to quote Ghostbusters)
    1 point
  4. shawndb... I do appreciate you coming back to apologize to Tee Time (although they do not read here) and to let people know that you indeed did jump the gun with your complaint. As for being ganged up on and bashed... Look at it from this side of things. Someone that no one knows logs into our board and in their very first post bashes a business that many of us are very loyal to and have known for many years. They pose the information they post as fact and then essentially say "They screwed me, I'm never recommending them, goodbye" log off, and then don't come back to respond to any of the l
    1 point

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