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Everything posted by Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo..Karla

  1. One more month and we get to hear it for real again. :rofl2: :rofl2: :banana: Have to wait to go back until after our newest Grandson's christening. This will be our second trip this year and we're hoping for better weather than we had in February when it was so cold. Our first Grandson is asking to come along again. He wants another pony ride and to see Chip and Dale at the campfire. Hoping that we will have the chance to run into some Fort Fiends this time. :)
  2. According to Wikipedia and a few other internet resources, the current version of the Electric Water Parade has been playing since 1996. There have been four versions since it began October 25, 1971. :) Here's a link to the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_Water_Pageant
  3. I guess if you really stretched the answer you could find it behind the other thing :dance: whatever that may be....but here's where it really is. It's one of those detail you see all the time but never really notice.
  4. Bulletin board by kitchen in last scene Carousel of Progress...
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/DISNEY-FORT-WILDERNESS-TRAILS-END-RESTAURANT-SIGN-PROP-/350451388449?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519887d021 http://cgi.ebay.com/DISNEY-FORT-WILDERNESS-TRAILS-END-RESTAURANT-SIGN-PROP-/350451389215?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519887d31f
  6. I did have some info there but must have fat-fingered something! :rofl2: It is fixed now.
  7. These are my "babies"...Cinnamon (chocolate chihuahua) 13 years; Pequeno (fawn chihuahua) 13 years; Midget (Persian cat) 18 years. They travel all over with us and their favorite activity is sleeping in the front window of the motorhome. If you come by to visit you will get to see the dogs and most definitely hear them, but you can't pet them because they are old, ornery and severely lacking in social graces. I am told when we leave the motorhome they have a bad habit of unsuspecting campers walking by :rofl2:
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