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Everything posted by Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo..Karla

  1. Why thank you, thank you very much! (Elvis imitation) Thanks and sorry to have missed you....we were 700 loop buddies for a couple days. I had King Triton all picked out for you....but, since you were the first Fiend to greet us I decided to give you a break...this time :rofl2: Hold on to your britches, dear daughter, they will be forthcoming. You son is alive and well and learning about "pin trading" I love the Fort at night...so quiet and peaceful. If you like my topiary pics then take a look at CCIntrigues...now they are something else...all of CC's are beautiful!! EWP gets me fee
  2. Love your TR and the pictures! Sorry to have missed you. Tri-B
  3. Our plans are to go to DTD for the car show and "stuff" they are having in conjunctions with the new Cars movie. Going to check out the new lego store (I can just see Aiden in their now! :laugh: ) and then try to hit the concert again tonight. So far it's a beautiful day in the low 80's...lets hope it stays that way...yesterday was way too hot until we got the rain.
  4. Sand castle sculptures... That's all for now.....maybe Food pictures of kitties next??
  5. Lately the boats going from the Fort to MK have been combining routes with the Wilderness Lodge boats. Yesterday there were new flags on the boats....take a look. We were told by a CM the combining was due to lower volume and fuel savings but when needed (like after parades/fireworks/at park closing) separate boat routes would be used. So when the routes are combined they used the combined green/red flag.
  6. Stop whining!! Go read the other TRs....they're very, very good and have loads of pics which you will appreciate! :rofl: I'm back...had to get the child bathed and off to bed (after two snacks!). Working on uploading photos but remember I'm only on a MiFi connection so it's S-L-O-W !! :gaah:
  7. Oh yeah...and one of those tank tops is on its way to me!! Way, way to hot here although we did get some rain tonight while at Epcot. Hermans Hermits had just started playing when the skies opened up..thunder and lightening too. Ended up shutting down the concert and the place was packed!
  8. They took my broomstick away a long time ago...something about being too old to fly anymore! :rofl3: My DH says I'm dangerous with duct tape...something about getting more stuck on me than on what I'm trying to fix! :rofl2: 1000 views??? Well, trust me...I'm no competition for the great Fiend reporters TCD, Norm, Ed and Rita! :dance: We still have quite a few more days left...I'm sure you will be hearing more from me whether you want to or not! ;D
  9. Note to everybody....hang on to your children, dogs and anything that might be of value. Hot coffee splashed on your leg does not feel good. :argh: This is the end of the 700 loop...
  10. Here's one of the lines before putting down the strips to give an idea of how far apart they are...
  11. There are 5 stripes painted white. They are some kind of flexible, pre-made strip about 1" high and 6" apart. They appeared at the end of the 700 loop about 3 days ago...very aggravating. It might have been more helpful if Disney could put bigger "Exit Only" signs at the ends of the loop. Geeeeze...there are more people going the wrong way in carts and cars than ever before! :argh:
  12. And here are the first of some pictures on the new FantasyLand expansion. These were taken over the fence...the ones taken from Dumbo didn't turn out very good and I have to try again.
  13. This is my newest Grandson Parker...the one that gives my daughter all the poopie diapers and spit-up. One day, when he's a little bigger, he too will be indoctrinated to all things Disney including the Fort and Fiends.
  14. Welcome Norm! I'm supposed to be enjoying myself at the Fort and here I am reading all these great trip reports and checking out everybody's pictures. I love it all...they are great! Now I gotta go add more to my TR!!!
  15. Sacrificed big trip out West this year for trip to the Fort. Cut down restaurant meals. Pay for trips and fuel with cash...if it aint in the bank then we don't go. Doing our own maintenance (oil changes, etc) on the motor home. Driving slower for better fuel economy Consolidating local trips to the grocery store, post office, bank, etc. Use more coupons for shopping Cut back family gift-giving Cancel satellite TV and use over-the-air HD and $8/month Netflicks Cut back cell phone service/drop land line phone service
  16. After a fun, hot morning at the pool we make our way to the Magic Kingdom. First stop is a quick trip down the slide then a photo op to show off our newest T-shirt creation... Just as we enter we see the horses coming out of the barn. Wandering down Main Street we stop to listen to the music and also encounter the Mayor and his "girlfriend"? Then on to Adventure Land where we decided to take the Jungle Cruise. We love all the corny jokes. This time we had an exceptionally good CM, Captain Josh. It's now time for the afternoon parade and we get a nice spot, mostly in the shade, in
  17. TJ - talk about a night owl...1:40 AM and you're still awake?? Think Studios............I really thought this would be easy!
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