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Everything posted by Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo..Karla

  1. Awwwww, Geeee Wize....Thanks!!! You say the nicest things! (This is me blushing...with a Florida tan!) Tri-B
  2. Thanks, but it's luck...just luck and taking 1000's of pics to get a decent one! There are so many wonderful picture takers here...I can't begin to hold a candle errr...camera to them! Tri-B
  3. Probably why they can"t get the fire put out either. Coming back from MK last night we could see the smoke...too dark to get picture.
  4. I agree with Lou! If you have a handicapped accessible permit for your car then it's easiest to just drive to your destination. You don't have to pay any parking fees if you show your FW parking permit. But, handicapped parking fills up quickly so either make sure you go early or go later (like after lunch time). If handicapped parking is full you can always drive up to the area, unload and then go back to the open parking area so you don't have to worry about trying to get the stroller and child on the parking lot tram. If you must use bus transportation than make sure you go at "off" hours..
  5. Here's some sites we found as we continued roaming the loops... The no hay allowed, hayride coming from 500 loop A welcome card for the next site tenant Going my way?? What's Up Doc? New hotel on Disney property? A T@B Wannabe Minnie has arrived Ain't nobody gonna steal this bad boy! Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me! Tri-B
  6. When you have a child with special needs you can usually go to Guest Relations and get a Guest Assistance Card (GAC) that will be stamped for "Stroller as Wheelchair". They will also give you a red tag (like a bag check tag) that goes on the stroller so that CMs will know to allow the stroller in the wheelchair entrance. You do not need a doctors note or anything like that to get a GAC. This is NOT a get to the head of the line card, it just allows you to take the stroller where wheelchairs can go. The GAC is good for the child and five (5) other people with the child (six (6) total including
  7. Me too!! But for now I'll just keep spreading as much pixie dust as possible. :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: :fairydust: Thanks everybody for the nice compliments....I got more pics coming! Tri-B
  8. Well, it's been a few days. Got side tracked between the fire (it's still burning) and the water leak (it's fixed). But how we're back on track. The last couple days have been spent taking empty site pictures for FF 2.0 content and just having some leisurely days around the Fort. So, come on along with us....... Tonight's movie Tron: Legacy Segway training anybody?? How about renting a canoe or bike? Tennis anyone? Time for swimming Arts/crafts/games at the pool. Today was giant Jengo blocks. Aiden was named Honorary Lifeguard in Training as he wore the same colors as the Disney li
  9. Oohhhh...lots of guages, gagets and buttons to push (Doodle would love this! :rofl2: ).... First you suck out all the sand.... Looking in the hole. There was a break here before and it was "cobb job" replaced with a piece of braided line connector... This is the connection that was leaking. It's all worn away and probably had been leaking for a long time.... And here's the new plastic replacement....job complete. A tidbit of information... There are 5" lines that run down the main streets of the loops. One inch lines run off this to each site. The break that was fixed today was original
  10. We hung around today waiting to see what would happen across the street. The water to the loop has not been turned off yet and it's past 1PM. Edit: It's 1:15 and they have finally arrived to work on the leak! BTW, here's a picture of another water line break from this morning on site 421. I'm jealous...they got red cones and I didn't get any cones!
  11. A few photos of the construction taking place at the Wilderness Pool. Not much to see. Looks as if they are replacing concrete along the side walls and will be putting in new concrete deck around the pool and concrete steps.
  12. Here's what was on our door when we got back last night. So for two days the water has just continued to run out of the hole and flood the back of the sites. So now we get to be inconvenienced yet again!! :argh: Must be nice to be so rich you can just let your water run for days at a time!! Tri-B
  13. It certainly isn't as bad as last year...we got swarmed then...couldn't even be outside. Unfortunately, the ones that are here now haven't been driven away by the smoke. I got two last night moving the motorhome and all our stuff across the road. One on my leg is so swollen that I have no ankle. And, oh, it just itches like crazy!!! BTW, the wind has died down a lot and there's not much smoke around our loop right now. Hope that helps them get the rest of the fire under control.
  14. Ah no...I believe his name was Robbie and he was probably 30ish. And, as I said, polite but did everything by the Disney book.
  15. Yeah....we met one of them today. Went to the Outpost to complain about the flood and inconvenience and got to the "day manager". As taught by Disney he politely listened and said "I hear you" as we watched his eyes glaze over while promising to pass our comments on to the "correct" people (most likely our comments went into the circular file!). What an :moon: ! Kept saying there was nothing he much he could do for us for being inconvenienced by the flood and having to move. Oh yeah, he did put a credit on our account so we could get a meal at TE! Big, gently carressin deal!!
  16. Okay everybody..... The latest update is that there is no update. The best information we could get is that the fire is still burning and Reedy Creek FD is keeping it contained. Whoopie! The wind is cooperating today and is about 1/2 of what it was yesterday. The 2000 loop is still the most smoke filled but the wind has shifted more down towards the 700 loop instead of staying up toward the front and blowing across the 900, 1000 and Meadows Trading Post area. We were also told that at this mornings' Disney "meeting" with Reedy Creek FD it was discussed to put out a written advisory to all c
  17. We were out last night at about 1 AM....it was so smoky you could barely breath. We tried turning off the AC cuz it was making the inside of the MH smokey but it got too hot! My clothes from yesterday STINK!! :argh: :argh: (I gotta find a better Emoticon!!) Tri-B
  18. Hey Ed....how do you do it? Do you just post something on your Flicker account saying CC Attribution, etc.? I have pictures all over Photobucket and I'd like to not have them show up on pictures of kitties sites, etc. but you have to make your folders Public for them to be seen here. Tri-B
  19. Absolutely!! So far we are getting the standard "they're working on it and it's no problem to campers"....yeah, like I'm gonna buy that story!!! :rofl: Working on it...got to find the correct "manager"... :rofl2: No fire in the loops...it's out beyond the Creekside Meadows area. The local news reports it as being between Fort Wilderness CG and MK parking lot.
  20. Live at the Fort - Latest Update.... It has now returned to smoky air in the 700 area after a morning of relatively smoke-free air. There is also ash flying around. Going to see if we can find out anymore. Tri-B
  21. We're hear until June 1st. Our grandson (age 3) is with us. We also have two crazy chihuahuas and one old cat. Tri-B
  22. Don't forget to post your site number. We've moved to 714 because of "the flood". Come and see us if you get time...we'll try to find you too. Tri-B
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