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Posts posted by YENSIDCAMPER

  1. Just checking in to see how the GG is progressing.  We will be there on Friday as quickly as we can get away.  The oldest will be at College this year so only 3 of us to make the trip.  Looking forward to seeing the gang again and meeting some new folks.  We had a great time in March at Montgomery Bell. 

  2. Sorry I haven't responded to the last comments, but I will later today.  

    24 hours and we are on our way.  I chose this mug because I feel like Mickey looks on this mug, IN A RUSH! All this time waiting and now the end feels like I don't have anytime.

    I hope you all have a great job, enjoy your coffee.  I hope to respond later today and sometime late on Saturday when we are settled in.


  3. Good Morning, one more day closer to leaving.  Since we are going to be at WDW during the Flower and Garden Festival I thought I would share my wife’s favorite mug.  We are hoping to get a new one this time around, but I am not sure we are down with the Figment theme this year.







    I got some important things done last night to prepare for the trip.  I got a new pair of shoes to navigate the Parks.  That means fitted New Balance athletic shoes.  Of course my son told me they made me look old.  To which I replied, “if the shoe fits!” That was real knee slapper.


      I also picked up a new pair of sunglasses.  My two year old Ray Bans were in pretty bad shape.


    Today after work will be a big prep day.  Kids clothes packed, house cleaned up and the yard mowed.  Wish me luck!


    Here is a look at an old picture of the Flower and Garden Festival to brighten your day.


  4. 10 hours ago, fortpartyof4 said:

    We have similar taste in mugs, and coffee makers!  I haven't noticed the coffee getting cold, though my coffee almost always does because I set it down, then get busy and forget about it!  They told me when I bought mine at the trading post not to put it in the dishwasher.  So, it doesn't get used very much because I despise washing dishes!  


    It is amazing to me how similar our kitchens are to each other.  Our backsplashes are even in a diamond pattern.   Different colors but wow.  I guess people who like Disney, camping, and The Fort can have many other things in common as well. 

    We were told not to put it in the washer either, but since we hate doing dishes too, we risked it.  Obviously didn't work out well for us.

    Thanks for sharing.  I really enjoy getting to know other members better.

  5. Good Morning! I thought I would start our day with a couple of Fort souvenirs that we like to look at but they aren’t good coffee mugs.  They are pretty poor quality.  They are too heavy, don’t keep your coffee hot very long, and if you look closely the logo has melted in the dishwasher.


    However, they remind us of the good ole days and make us wish for a simpler life, you know, the way it was back when.  That is what we like about The Fort.  It makes life simple again.  For that short period of time we are there life slows down and we get to enjoy the simple things we have lost.

    It is very similar to what draws many of us to Fort Fiends.  We like to talk and meet with the kind of people that love to camp and really love to camp at The Fort.

    So, Good Morning Fiends, I hope you have a great day and enjoy that cup of morning coffee.  In less than a week I will be typing this from the porch at Crockett’s enjoying that simple life.  I wonder what cup I will choose to use then?

  6. 2 hours ago, Ivy said:

    Looking forward to seeing your Disney mug collection and reading about your trip.  

    I agree about taking lots of pictures of your kids as they are growing up. My son is now an adult, and I am glad that I have lots of pictures, from our many trips to Disney, to look back on. Time goes by so very quickly.

    I will say it always irked me how much my wife wanted pictures, now I can appreciate her insistence. 

    Thanks for reading along!

  7. We used one on our popup which weighs #3250.  However, one late night we were parked on a slight slant and I forgot to chock the other wheels very well and camper shifted and rolled enough that it bent the BAL. That SPUT (Stupid Pop Up Trick) was scary and expensive as it ruined our BAL. So chock the other wheel very well.  We are back to Lynx Levelers.

    A Sam's Club insulated bag works well for storage.

  8. 3 hours ago, fortpartyof4 said:

    A YC TR including the coffee mugs?  Now I don't feel like the stranger I surely am around here!  Count me in.  Love it!

    You began going to the Fort right around the time our family did (also with 2 sons, who appear to be similar in age).  We were fortunate to live only a few hours' drive back then and went often.  Now, I am 6 states and many miles away, and my Fort visits consist of a few hours here and there while in the area staying in a hotel, and vicariously via my lurking around here and on FB.

    We still camp, and have upgraded from tent, to pop up, to TT over the years - we're on our second, sold our first to a fellow FF member!  But, the new one stays here in PA.  Not complaining though, there are so many wonderful places to camp up here, being in SE PA we are equally distant from the mountains or the shore.

    Look forward to reading more, and envious of your upcoming trip!

    It is great to share life experiences here on FF.  We started in a tent, then a popup.  We camp about once per month April to October.  We have it a little easier getting to The Fort and I hope we can make it an every year trip, but it is about every other year.  Living in Middle TN we can get to many states to camp fairly easily and try to go out of state at least once per season.  So far our boys continue to love to camp and don't see it as taking them away from their social life.  I hope to hold on to that a while longer.

    Thanks for reading along. Maybe we can make a GG up your way sometime. 

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