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Everything posted by FtWildernessFamily...Holly

  1. I know the loop we typically stay in ~ 500 ~ are close to the marina and you can hear them fairly well. My dog is sensitive to that noise too, as well as thunder (she turns into a BIG ol' baby) but it doesn't seem to bother her too, too bad. To answer your question though - close to the marina, you can hear them well. Not sure about loops further away....
  2. Sun, 12/18 cont'd Well, we finished up dinner and headed over to BTMRR. Hubs and Maddie had to go to the restroom so we walked down to the one by Splash Mtn. I wasn't necessarily shocked at the line to see the 7 Dwarves but WOW. We did not wait in that line, but we did watch for a few seconds while folks were having their picture taken. Very cute photo opp....I understand why folks wait in that line. I had BIG plans for MVMCP. I didn't necessarily plan to wait to see any characters - I figured since MK was supposed to be so crowded all week, my objective was to take advantage of the short wait
  3. We certainly did, thank you! I thought the same thing when I looked at it. :) Thanks Judy. Your DH will come around. It took me 9 years to talk my DH into taking ME to WDW and once we went he was hooked. It is so easy to get sucked into the madness, isn't it? Thanks! THEM THERE IS FIGHTIN' WORDS! KEEP YOUR RED AND BLACK! Sorry - GT runs through my family and Hubs graduated from there....I believe that is the ONLY reason he was allowed to marry me and certainly explains why my father likes Hubs more than he likes me. Thanks! Thanks and thanks. I do like her quite a bit!!
  4. TCD - your trip reports ALWAYS make me feel like I am there....and I like that feeling. I have a lot of the same pictures you do of the Fort decor....but yours are better. You'll see in my TR later. AND I WANT THAT BLANKET! TWO OF THEM! I WILL PAY DOUBLE!!!
  5. Hmmmm.....I just edited this cuz I had the same picture in there twice and in looking at the pictures again....I need to get my a$$ back on the treadmill! All of the stress during the back half of the year is SHOWING. Haha. (I really don't take myself that seriously)
  6. I remember you saying that you still had the house, and that you'd be there at some point during the holidays. Your son was house sitting, right??
  7. Sun, 12/18 We.Slept.In. Isn't it funny when you go on vacation how you always feel like your days are a blur (or is that just me??)? WDW does that to us...always feeling like you're on the go. Making the most of your days so you don't waste your tickets. Having an AP really changed my perspective on going commando in the parks (let me clarify for the heathens - by commando, I am referring to running from sun up to sun down, not doing the parks with no underwear.) We chilled out ALL morning and most of the afternoon. This is really the first time we have taken time to relax and just hang out
  8. Waiting on my Dole Whip too!!! :) Thanks Original Holly. I love my kid. She's pretty cool. ~Other Holly
  9. Thanks TCD!! Hopefully the rest will live up to your standards. The resort tours were fun....those are coming up soon. And so awesome that you got your boys to take the pictures, and for their mom. That is sweet. Sorry - that dang full time job gets in the way of fun!! Haha. You got that right!! Ok, Cherie - safe travels...let me get on it then.
  10. Stef, you crack me up! If she can still sit on his shoulders when she's 17, trust me - you will hear about it. And yes he does work out but I think he's gonna have to crank it up a notch to prepare...
  11. LOL! I'm not sure if you are referring to her as the trouble maker or me....but either way, you're covered!
  12. Sat, 12/16 - final recap of the day We enjoyed Osborne Lights so much. That was really the only reason we went to DHS but since we were there, we decided to try and ride a couple of things. Maddie and Hubs rode Star Tours (I really like this ride but have motion sickness issues however will deal with them to ride sometimes. but with the head/sinus/lung congestion I had, I wasn't risking it!) while I walked around for a bit. We then rode Maddie's fave at DHS - Tower of Terror. We waited about 35 mins to ride but that was ok...the only bad thing was, this was the only time we rode it all week! (
  13. These pictures are beautiful! I love seeing different landscapes. Sounds like you guys are having a safe trip - I am thankful for that. The rest of you are making me LMAO! Wow!
  14. Sat,, 12/16 cont'd again We head on over to the bus stop, get down to the outpost and are then on our way to DHS. It was about 8 - 8:30, if I had to guess. The traffic waiting to get in was AWFUL. Scary. I had a brief moment of "have we done something stupid?? We're all tired..." But we continued on....it has seriously never taken that long to get to DHS for us. Anywho...we get there and see the DHS tree: Maddie affectionately refers to it as "the leaning tree of Disney". Ha! If you look closely at it (not in this picture), it most certainly was leaning just a bit. The lines to get in were fa
  15. We,, now you've got one! Thanks Carol!! Me too...the thought of a dole whip makes me think of evil things.....(in a good way, of course). This year will be AWESOME. Thanks Lorna! We will meet one day, soon too.....I can't wait either! Thanks Deb!!!
  16. Sat, Sept 17 cont'd So, we arrive at check in around 1:15...told "plenty" of availability in 500, but since it's so close to check in, our site isn't available yet (not typical for us). CM calls and has our site "expedited" and says it should be no time at all before she can tell us what site we're in. She asks us to pull forward, takes my cell # so we can be texted when it's ready. At 2:06, Hubs has had enough! He gets out and goes to speak to someone inside, who just happened to be the manager. A couple of minutes later, I get the text that we are assigned to site 542. At the same time, Hubs
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