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Posts posted by Lou...

  1. I read an article once that when Joe Rohde came to visit, they got "A" mode working long enough for his visit and then shut it back down again after he left.  They should have left it broke, so he could see what was wrong.  He has enough pull to get it fixed!

    Joe is in Imagineering which are the concept and big picture people. With 40 years of factory automation and robotics design experience, I can tell you that those types typically live in LaLa land. I made a career out of working for them. To many of them turn over the pretty pictures that they had somebody else draw to the real engineers and designers and say make this crack pot idea a reality, I'll be back in two years to take credit. That is unless they've moved on to another position. The Peter Principle runs rampant at Disney.

    The department at WDW that gets very little credit because the Imagineers get all the hype, is the little heard of Ride & Show Engineering. They along with the sub contractors are the ones that have to deliver, maintain, and revise the actual equipment.

    Because I was in the field and even did some engineering design and build work as a sub-contractor, I got a first hand look at the inner workings off Ride & Show Engineering. I got to see what they were all about. I was very surprised that they were using engineering software that was out dated. I would have to take two steps backwards in order to use it. It was disappointing because the perception is that Disney uses nothing but the best. Nothing could be further from reality. They don't have the best engineers because of the ridiculous property wide internal hierarchy system and hiring evaluation criteria.   

  2. Below is Disney's description of what it's supposed be. I'll let someone else describe what it's actually like.

    Scene 9: The Yeti

    The track straightens out for approximately 100 feet, rising at a slight angle. Ahead is the creature itself. The Yeti stands on the edge of a cliff, one hand clutching a dangling section of broken track. As the train thunders past, the Yeti leans out and swipes at the passengers with its free hand, howling in defiance.

  3. Magic Bus...Is that you?  Or have you been abducted by Aliens? Who are you and what have you done with Magic Bus?  That SO does not sound like you!

    Now see, my wife would say, that's the real me.

    No more Mr. nice guy. Disney pays me to be one, but Jen doesn't.

    Anyway, it was just an opportunity to pick on Memphis. I hope he's not 6 foot six and 300 pounds. I won't be stopping by when he's at the Fort.

  4. At the risk of endangering my man card the Flower and Garden Festival is my favorite time to visit EPCOT.

    I've been unsnarky for way to long. This is my first chance on this board to let it fly.

    Endangering your man card, that's an understatement. Sounds like you shouldn't have one in the first place. Rip it up and flush it.

    I hope that while your prancing amongest the flowers and gardens, that at least you have a beer in your hand.

    Flowers are only good for one thing, a bribe, if you know what I mean.

    I go every year, never noticed the flowers though.

    Boy, it felt good to let that out.

    Can you imagine what WebmasterKathy would say if she read that.

  5. This is Disney's description of the FASTPASS.

    When guests approach an attraction offering Disney's FASTPASS, they will see signs for three lines:  Disney's FASTPASS Distribution, Disney's FASTPASS Entrance, Stand-by Entrance

    Guests decide whether to use Disney's FASTPASS or wait in the stand-by line. To help make this decision, a clock showing the current FASTPASS return time AND the current wait time will be available.

    Guests choosing FASTPASS will approach the FASTPASS Distribution turnstiles and insert their theme park ticket.  A FASTPASS will be generated, saving the guest an automatic place in line at a future time that day.  Guests will be given a one-hour period within which they may return and experience the attraction without waiting in the stand-by line.  This will allow the guest flexibility to experience other activities in the park while they "wait."

    In general, the return time should be about the same or slightly longer than the typical wait time for that attraction.  To give the guests flexibility in their schedule, they will have a one-hour window of time during which to return.

    When they return, they will go to the Disney's FASTPASS? Return entrance and hop on the attraction with little or no waiting.

    When ready to get another FASTPASS just look on the bottom of your current FASTPASS Ticket to find out when it will be available.

  6. To my knowledge there is no firm completion date. My official internal source is saying that most of the work will be completed in 2013. Attractions are scheduled to open in phases beginning in late 2012. You'll here rumors and guesses on other websites, but this is what I'm hearing.

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