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Brent... Just Brent

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Posts posted by Brent... Just Brent

  1. I really do always want to like them, but like Carol said, when it comes down to price, that wins over location. Plus I hate the coquina. If I have to deal with that, then the sites in the Full Hookup loops are bigger and cost less. And just like Carol, I'd rather splurge on premium sites. They're generally larger and all paved. It makes a HUGE difference to me, but not everyone is me...

  2. So a pizza that serves 3 to 5 people is $41?

    Forty one?



    That better be some good pizza.

    Looks like there are some unusual choices- anyone have a recommendation?


    Three of us split the one size down from ginormous pizza last year and there were pieces left over. It was the white one Mo mentioned and was fantastic, outstanding, delicious... You get the picture. In the end we left stuffed for about $14/person including tip. There aren't many TS restaurants in WDW where you can do that!

  3. I'm late to the party, but wanted to comment on the Diesel situation at the Car Care Center there at the MK Toll Plaza. Their diesel pumps are far from well kept. The last time I got diesel there (November), there was a lot of me yelling in the speaker. Turns out, their diesel pumps don't take credit cards (even though the have a reader) and you have to go in and pre-pay. It's a pain if you're trying to fill up. Still, good prices and for diesel, the next closest station is way out on 192 near Celebration.

  4. So I've been slack in my posting on FF.net for way too long. I love the Fiends and I love the Fort, but sometimes that whole life/job thing really gets in the way of my having any free time. This TR is about my annual Fall Fort Pilgrimage that took place November 26 - December 3. I don't have a ton of photos, so it should be quick.

    A little big of quick background... this trip was ruined from the beginning. I normally go the week before Thanksgiving, but that just couldn't happen this year unless I was going to drive from Lexington, Va. back to Charleston and then the next day load up and drive to the Fort. So I had to change my plans, and in the end it all worked out AND my good friend Justin was able to join me, which helped keep me out of the parks and slow down a little.

    The plan was to leave at 10am on Monday, November 26. As with all of my plans, it didn't quite work out. I think we finally left about 3pm when Justin finished a work project. I wasn't mad, though. We were going to the Fort (and he was driving, so I was sleeping to the Fort). Here are my last minute things waiting by the door.


    (I don't pack in garbage bags, but it was the easiest way I could come up with to get a blanket there)

    About 5pm, I took over driving.

    FINALLY, we arrived at the Fort a little after 9 on that Monday night and there may have been some mumbling about me breaking the sound barrier in a VW, but I don't remember that being the cast. Check-in went smoothly (so smoothly the night guy never asked to see my ID or Visa card that I had done online check-in with) and I had gotten one of the sites I requested - 1638. It was a little short, but it turned out to be a GREAT site for a couple of specific reasons (why I requested it).


    I had rented a camper from my usual company and they also gave us a golf cart. (I won't name the company since they're not a FF sponsor, so rent from those guys. They're really great). The owner texted me that everything was setup and the golf cart was in overflow next to "a little white Disney trailer." Well... I think I recognized that trailer.


    It was the Mouse-ke_T@B!

    I dropped Justin off, we got the cart and then headed to find our site. As I was pulling into the 1600 loop, a nice couple on a golf cart pulled over to wave me by. It turns out this was our very own Mo and Brian... and the only time I'd actually see them that week.

    I had a lot of trouble wiggling the car in the leftover space in the site, but eventually got it. Justin just parked the golf cart on the grass. We got the basics setup and unpacked and eventually called it a night. I think I looked at my watch and it was around 3am when I finally got on the pullout sofa "bed".

    Tuesday, November 27

    As is usual when I'm at the Fort, I couldn't really sleep in. Sleep was also inhibited by the tree trimmers on our site working on the Palmetto trees. With motorized saws. At 8am.

    Turns out it was our neighbor who had called them. One of the trees was rubbing her MH and ants were coming in. Needless to say, I couldn't really be mad about that. And, it turns out, our neighbor was Nancy the Bird Lady! Great meeting her (I don't think she's on here) and couldn't have asked for anyone nicer around that week.

    I went off to get creamer from the Meadows and then made coffee. Coffee at the Fort, under the awning, in a reclining chair (photos later). Life doesn't get any better than that.

    I'm not 100% sure of the days activities, but I know we went to the Winn Dixie to stock up on food for the week and we decorated. Well, Justin decorated. I'm not much of a decorator, but I think the results were pretty good. The cart also got Fiend-ified for the holidays.


    Yes, it has a tail. That was not my doing. I also bought some of those battery operated LED lights for it. They worked GREAT and I think I only charged the batteries once that week.


    I feel that it's important to point out here that the cart didn't have a windshield. It wasn't "cold" by most standards that week, but when you're out in it for 10 hours and moving at 8 MPH on a cart, you are FREEZING. I spent the week wrapped up in layers.

    Here are some of the site decorations.


    That's it for Tuesday and I'm close to the photo limit I'd guess. Coming up... I'm going to get called up for the PGA tour and/or as a PIXAR animator.

  5. I can't believe that I worked, drove down and still made it over to drink punch and hang out with y'all! It was a fun evening. I believe that Trevor and I made plans to go in to business in another state!

    The conversations we were all having that evening were.... interesting. I just remember being in Stef's chair and having to roll out onto the ground so I could standup near the end of the night.

  6. I disagree, but I didn't have a stroller, so can't factor that in. I was at EP last year for NYE. I thought it wasn't so bad. Definitely crowded, but not much worse than a busy food and wine day. They had extra food stands and lots of drinks stands around. Concerts and other things going on. The wait for Soarin' was about an hour, so again, not much different than a busy day. We got a great spot for fireworks and all. The only thing I will say is that there were very long lines for the restrooms and I'd DEFINITELY take Disney transportation. It took an hour just to get out of the parking lot, but again, we left right after midnight instead of staying until 2am when it would have been better.

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