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Brent... Just Brent

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Posts posted by Brent... Just Brent

  1. I'll do my best to check FF and see where abouts you are and swing by that afternoon before heading to MK. I really, really wish the Fort were an option, but it just looks like it's not meant to be this trip, no matter how much I want it to be.  In fact, I think I'm staying off-property over off 535 at one of my secret, not many tourists seem to find it, hotels there.

  2. Brent you can't be going when we are all in Stn. Mtn.!!!!!!!!!!! How am I going to see you? ????


    I'll be there for July 4th, too, so I'm sure we'll see each other then. 



    How long are you there Brent?  I get to the Fort on the 1st. (I'll be in a conference on Mon - Wed)


    It's actually looking like a non-Fort trip in June since it's going to be short. I'm there May 30 - June 5. It's not really long enough to drag everything down there and back and I'll be in the parks a LOT those 5 days or so, so the Fort and relaxing becomes less of an issue. I'll be by the Fort that weekend, though. I have a couple of friends (who are lurkers on here and steal lamp post ideas) in the Preferred sites.

  3. Thanks everyone. I have a friend who just did this it turns out and they didn't give him any hassle. I just assume it's only a matter of time before they put a stop to it.


    Jason - I haven't used it yet, no. Not until everyone else is at Stone Mountain and I'm braving the Memorial Day crowds.


    Carol - That's what I had heard and done before. It seems crazy that they haven't stopped this yet. I'll give it a try in approximated 4.5 weeks, though, and report back.

  4. I know how this worked in the past, but I wondered if there's been any change in the policy.


    I bought an 8-day Non-expiring MYW ticket with Park Hopping and Water Parks. The ticket itself is worth more than a regular AP. I want to upgrade it to an AP right after I use it the first time like I've done before and I know some other Fiends have. Question, though. I've never had a ticket worth more than what I'm upgrading to. Will that cause any issues? And no one has had any issues doing this ticket switch-a-roo lately, have they?  I haven't seen any reports, but I also am guessing most people don't know you can do this.


    And before you ask, this ticket was deeply discounted, so it made the most sense to buy it vs a lesser cost one and paying the difference. I think I'll end up saving right around $50 off the cost of the AP.



  5. Terrible. Just terrible. I'm such a slacker. I'm back just to finish this up.



    Woke up, coffee, lazy. The typical vacation story. We were hungry and decided to head to Trails End for lunch. Back in July when filming the loop videos, we'd eaten there while the camera was recharging and really enjoyed it. So, we went back. The service was fantastic, but the food... meh. I had the crazy candied bacon cheeseburger. I knew it wouldn't/couldn't be as good as the previous time, but I did it anyway.




    It was good, but do you see that GIANT slice of cheese on there? It was easily a half inch thick and wasn't melted. I finally had to take it off. Otherwise, everything was fantastic.


    After that, we took the cart back to charge. We had discovered the hard way that our outlet on the site marker post was on our neighbors electric box. And she had her golf cart plugged in that night. So no charge. 


    When we were leaving the cart lot at Pioneer Hall, we saw this.




    Then.... it was off to do something I hadn't done in a very long time.


    Winter Summerland Mini Golf!








    It was a great choice for the afternoon. I ended up starting strong and then totally losing the game. I vowed to do better if we played again. Also, it was, I believe, 50% off with the Annual Pass discount.


    That night there was a visit from Carol and some frozen looping. I was also prepping my liver for a visit from Stef and Trev.

  6. That actually sounds like it's on the borderline of being outside of my comfort zone... and I like trying new things more than most anyone I know. I wonder how many people will sign up for it after they see the menu?


    On another note, has anyone eaten at Jiko recently? I haven't been there in almost 5 years and I think it's time for a visit, but not so sure based on that menu...

  7. This situation keeps coming up, so some of you may be wondering why it happens.

    Today I picked up at the WL for MK and because my next run was to Pop Century, I had to drop of the guests that I picked up at the WL, at the Pop Century bus stop.

    One guest got very angry as the Pop Century bus stop is the furthest away from the MK entrance. He angrily complained that if the WL is one of the closet to the entrance, why does he keep getting dropped off at a bus stop that is the furthest away?

    Well folks, just because you're paying big bucks to stay at a luxury resort doesn't buy you preferential treatment when it comes to being dropped off.

    And even if your bus stop is closest to the entrance, you're not going to be dropped off there. Buses don't go back and forth to the same resort all day. Buses usually  drop off at the bus stop of the resort that they are going to next. You could be dropped off anywhere, paying big bucks or not.


    Honestly? He was upset because he had to walk a little more?  If he was that concerned, the boat is closer than the bus stops anyway... People amaze me. It's like they want to find something to complain about.

  8. When the drink station at Trail's End still had the Bunn coffee maker, it was hit or miss.  Sometimes I would go first thing in the morning, and nobody had made the coffee yet.  That happened a lot.  The dispenser dispensed cold coffee left over from the night before.  Other times, there just wouldn't be any coffee because it had run out and whatever CM was responsible for the coffee machine was MIA.  More than once, some dimwit CM re-used the coffee grinds and the coffee was weak and nasty.  As much as I dislike Nescafe, I would rather have it than rely on a CM to make the coffee.  While the coffee quality might be better, when you factor in the requirement that a human has to make each batch of coffee, this isn't going to be an improvement.  Disney obviously doesn't care- it looks like this switch will cost them nothing.  I predict Joffrey's will lose on this deal, and that they won't be around for very long.


    Oh well, I have my coffee maker, and it makes better coffee than anything I have had at Disney World.






    I completely agree. The idiots I work with can manage to ruin a pot of coffee at least once a day. It ended up costing us a ton so we switched to the Keurig machine. They still managed to somehow break that...


    My idiot coworkers aside, making coffee takes time. I seriously doubt they'll have a CM dedicated to coffee, so it's bound to be out often, I bet, except during peak times. Not that I'm opposed to fresh coffee, I'm just not sure it's going to go well.


    Also, I've gotten my fair share of Joffrey's... if I drive to the MK I like to get one there at the TTC first thing and enjoy it while I wait on the Ferry and all that fun stuff. It's ok coffee, but not great by any means. 

  9. Truthfully, the Premium site spoiled me. I knew I wanted away from the coquina, but I had no idea how much I'd enjoy the pavement. The first time it rained and then was dry quickly sold me. I didn't mind the Full Hookups on the last trip and I did like being close to the pool. I would say, however, that I don't personally think that they're "Quiet" by most standards. Quieter than the 2000 loop yes, but I thought 1300 was silent on July 4th. Can't say the same about 1600 in December.

  10. I really enjoy Fantasmic, but it is a huge amount of time.  I'm also not a waiter, so I rarely have good seats. I just can't wait in line more than 20 minutes for much of anything. Usually, we try to do it when there's a second show and walk in about 15 minutes before it starts. You usually don't get the best seats, but I've always gotten a seat. 


    My one concern would be how much your party likes Disney. On one of my first trips, a coworker said that he wasn't sure I should see it until later in the trip because it was "A lot of Disney all in your face all at once." I think that's true.


    As far as attractions, I love DHS. Star Tours, RNRC, ToT, TSM are favorites. I also think the theming in that part is incredible.



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