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Everything posted by devores

  1. Rode 4 more times today. Clocked each ride, from car first movement to lap bars up, average of 2:20. So the ride itself would be right around 2 mins because you pause before entering the station for about 10 seconds depending on how busy it is. For the record, I made it a point to ride in the front twice and back twice. The back is a far better ride and seems faster and the cars tilt allot more. Gives a whole different sensation and a much more "thrilling" ride.
  2. Well, I guess I get bragging rights to be the first fiend to ride the Mine Train. Today, I had the opportunity to ride it, not once, not twice, but 10 times throughout the day. I will also be riding it tomorrow. 10 was more than enough to make me not to want to ride it again. But Ill squeeze in a few more. A few pictures will be coming, but all I had was my phone so don't expect too much. The review: The queue is very nice. The outdoor section is well shaded by trees and they have fans set up throughout to help keep it cool. It looked like misters may be installed on them as well, bu
  3. I will shed some light on this question. The country of Norway has penned a contract with WDW to have exclusive rights to Frozen for an undisclosed timeframe. In order for this to happen, WDW said a proper meet and greet area must be constructed. In the meantime, the sisters were moved to PFTH to continue meeting while Norway turns the theater at the end of Maelstrom into a meet and greet. Once done, they will move back to Norway. So its not a matter of how hard it would be. Its a matter of contractual agreements.
  4. If you had had patience, you would have been surprised. The reason the cm was still letting guests in line is because they didn't have 2 hours worth of guests in line. The line gets cut at 5 and they have 2 hours to clear it. If they don't have 2 hours worth of guests they keep allowing guests until they reach the time gap. Once inside the bldg, unless there's a problem, your should only be about 30 to 45 mins. An hour tops. So, even though it didn't move fast enough for you, the wait at that time still beats the 4 to 5 hours earlier. So the trick does work.
  5. Here is my problem with this whole thing.......A CAT IS NOT MEDIA. So Disney, in their infinite wisdom, decided that a cat gets an invite to a super exclusive event and gets to ride a new ride they hyped so much guests are foaming at the mouth to ride. But not even CMs get to even so much look at it. Way to go Disney, way to go. Now a cat has more experience using MyMagic+ than 90% of your cast.
  6. ALL online FP+ selections have been used for this venue from now until aprox June 30. Don't even try.
  7. Insider info: should have been quicker.....the super secret info has been removed to maintain its usefulness.
  8. And this is what bothers me about the "media" these days. Its not about reporting new and interesting stuff. Its about "Look at the cool stuff I got to do that youll never be able to do" Rubbing it on our faces that they got to do something that the average joe will never get to do. And why? Because they have 3 followers on twitter, have no job, and live in their moms basement. And would it kill ya to invest in some decent video equipment? That video was horribly shot. I cant take a reporter seriously when they are using their I phone to document the news.
  9. Technically none of it makes sense. The whole story behind the parade is to celebrate the NEW Fantasyland. This is why we have the circus scene and Pichnocio and the princesses. But no where in the park is there a Maleficent. So how'd she make it in the parade and such a huge part. And the story of Maleficent stems from Sleeping Beauty. Where's that tramp? Oh yeh, she got the boot to allow the frozen sisters to ride in the parade, even though when it started, they weren't even in the park. So I gave up trying to figure out the hodge podge parade they have now and just enjoy it for what it
  10. Current tricks I've seen are dining reservations first thing in the morning and skip out on them or BBB reservations before park open and send one party member to hold the line. My friend went to see them and got in line at 1655 that 455 for those unfamiliar with military time. The line closes at 1700 or 5. 30 mins later they were off to another attraction.
  11. But like everything else, if you just be patient and use your knowledge of disney you will prevail. The other day a friend waited in the stand by line to see them. 30 mins. Yep. 30 mins to see the same people others waited 4 to 5 hours to see.
  12. Do the above floats look familiar? If you've seen the parade Im sure you've seen them. Now to blow your mind......... The above photos were taken in Tokyo, Japan. Its a parade called Jubilation and it is now retired. WDW got the floats from them to use in the "new" FOF. Hows that make you feel? The brand spanking new parade we waited on for so long is just a bunch of repurposed floats from Japan.
  13. In response to the stilt walkers and dragon...... http://youtu.be/DaVIKlZrn6w
  14. Before anyone starts speculating. No, this is not a soft opening or CM preview. Those are the CMs who will be working that attraction. Part of the training/opening procedures is to ride the ride. You have to know how it feels and runs.
  15. I for one will throw this out there. Andrew should be considered media and get on of those media invites to the reveal.
  16. It offers allot more based on, now you don't have to run for FPs as soon as you enter the park. You have the option to get to the park at rp and hit a few attractions as a family or sleep in a bit because you already have 3 FPs before you even arrive at the park. The old system you had to split your party up and one runs for a single FP while the others hit another attraction. Then, you would have to run to another attraction a few hours later to get another FP and so on. With the new system, you make 3 selections to begin with and then visit a nearby kiosk to make another FP anywhere on prope
  17. Here is a good way to find the official opening day. Someone who has a MB and AP needs to go online and try to make FP+ reservations for the ride. This will give you the exact opening day. Worth a shot anyway. I know what CMs are being told as to the official opening. But I cant divulge that info.
  18. No matter what Disney does, someone isn't going to like it. Disney gave the masses what they wanted. The ability to make additional FP+ selections after they use the initial selections. But, now people are complaining that that isn't enough. Its a never ending story. It boils down to, its your vacation, you now have the ability to manage it however you want using the tools Disney has for you. If the parades and fireworks are important to you, you can now get a FP that gives you special viewing. If rides are more important, you can now get virtually unlimited FPs for the rides at all of the par
  19. I believe that dining experience would be down the road at Mas Venus.
  20. Both. We are doing the breakfast and dinner. And we can't stand behind the hat but there are other areas we can stand that guests aren't allowed.
  21. I just picked a random date to see. Cant remember. I was thinking about doing it, but with the character dining already booked, Im not sure I could justify the cost for a place to stand. Ill just pick up a shift there pne weekend and get premo viewing back stage.
  22. The dock side dinner is the viewing area. I looked into this and that's what comes up when trying to reserve this. That and an $108 deposit for two people. Egads.
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