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Everything posted by thegooftroopfla

  1. i think i did it. that was from the trail between the lodge and the fort this weekend
  2. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/198083_1871577264930_1106096627_32177320_4216125_n.jpg
  3. my last camper i would put the poles in the ground with dog tie stakes and rope it to a second set further out. went through a couple real bad florida summer storms and a couple on the ocean campsites also. my new camper has the electric awning and there is no way to tie the poles down. so my only option is the rope kind. i leave it sloped. We put a bunch of lights up on the awning so it would be a pain to roll it up and in. but I am always terrified, with the new one, when we are away from the camper and a storm hits. I think we have just been lucky with the new one. The old one I saw in act
  4. that makes two of us that found them in the same day. sweet. :rofl2:
  5. we have a bunkouse. it the sprinter 31 bunk house. we love it for everything. second door to the bathroom. 4 beds in the bunk area. queen bed in the front and a table for 8. it could sleep ten if you really got tight. but we usually take 6 with us to the fort, plus a dog. and it seems fine. we have a pickup though so thats where the toys go. :banana:
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