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Posts posted by dvccamper

  1. The seats look great and the baby is adorable. Looking forward to more.

    I agree wholeheartedly on both points!

    I don't know if this happens to anyone else when they use their iPads to read on here but sometimes the pictures get mixed up. So I am reading your captions and they are not lining up with the pictures at all. It's actually kind of funny but once I read through the post I am able to figure what pictures went where. For example, you wrote something about watering the bushes and I am looking at a picture of an empty plate...I'm like what???

  2. What a great trip report! I knew there were DCL cruises leaving from NYC this summer but I didn't really take note of them. Now we have had all these great cruise reports...I want to go!! I wonder if they are planning any NYC cruises next year? It would make it so much more affordable if we didn't have to buy five plane tickets.

    Oh, and I like the Patriots shirts :)

  3. Very nice trip report. I enjoyed the pictures of Roger Williams Park, we used to bring the kids there when they were little to visit the zoo. We should really go again, it's such a nice park. And I just recently went to Waterfire, very cool. Your cabin looked fun, very rustic! Thanks again for sharing.

  4. Okay, it has taken me an hour but I am finally caught up...I will tell my family you are the reason dinner is not even started yet!

    I love all the food pics, excellent job with those. I also like that DCL let's you bring your own wine to dinner. Your pictures after the wine were too funny. And thank you, thank you, thank you for explaining the Snow White animosity. I would come across references to your issues with her, even in other TRs andi didn't get it. Glad to see you settled your differences ;).

    In reference to the crew members work schedules, they do work super hard. But if you ever read the book Cruise Confidential, you'll see they play pretty hard too (when they can find the time). My neighbor's daughter worked as a dancer for several months on a cruise in the Mediterranean and after doing a couple of shows each night she would have to get up early and have duties down at the pool, then rehearsals all afternoon. She didn't renew when her contract was up.

    Finally, your family pictures are great. You have a beautiful family!

  5. What was the name of the YES class your daughter did? We have done Ocean Discoveries with our younger daughter while our older two did Marine Careers, both at the Living Seas. They would like the one on animation but I am interested in any at the Magic Kingdom as well. The YES program is great though. We saved literally hundreds on our park tickets and it gave the kids some cool behind the scenes perspectives. It also eases the conscience a bit because we usually pull them out of school for a few days on our trips...at least I feel they are getting something educational (not that Epcot isn't educational but who are we kidding, all they want to do is go on rides!)

  6. I have to say that DCL does a top notch job. Now I don't have any experiences with other lines to compare to, but we were pleased. Can you use DVC points on cruises?

    You can use points for the cruise but from my understanding it's not the best use of points. But I think if we ever were to go we would have do part cash, part points, because we don't have enough cash or enough points, but maybe put together we can do something!

    Can't wait to hear how your girls enjoyed the trip. We took our girls on Royal Caribbean last year and they loved it. But of course, they long for a Disney cruise, like their mother ;)

  7. Funny you mentioned that saying- I think it comes from Dr. Seuss. I saw it some time before our recent cruise, and I kept on saying it, in various forms, to the girls as we drove back home. It got really annoying, so I had to stop. I'm not allowed to say it any more.


    It is a quote from Dr. Seuss. I say it to my kids and yes, they too get annoyed.

    Thank you for the time you took on this report, enjoyed it as usual. Where else can you get a photo tour of the bus stops? How about a tour of the comfort stations next time (and please, don't include any astronomy pictures i.e. Uranus).

  8. There is an update coming.

    I promise.

    Today, I hope.

    But, I have to back up and take another look at that wonderful campsite on the 1800 loop. I didn't give these folks enough credit, or fully appreciate all the work that went in to this.

    So, let's take a closer look . . .

    Here is a zoom on one of the photos. We can see the set-up much better now. Note the porch swing and home theater. Also to birdhouse and lighthouse collection, and they didn't slack on the wind chimes either:


    As if the birdhouse and lighthouse collections were not enough, check out the Mickey mouse collection and the nice wrought iron furniture. Plus more windchimes! :


    Also, please do not miss the red papasan chair on the far right of that photo. It is important. You will find out why in a moment.

    FP4 asked if I noticed the full sized fridge. No I didn't. But now I see it under the awning here on the side of the trailer (there is also some kind of animal cage there that I missed at first glance) :


    That full sized fridge got me to thinking.

    There are campers who show up every Halloween with one of these carport tents and a full sized fridge.

    These campers actually are the ones who were the subject of that contentious thread that FP4 referenced.

    Here is a photo of them from Halloween 2009:


    Let's take a closer look at something they have under their tent:


    Is that a red papasan chair?

    It couldn't be.

    Could it?


    This is why I love your trip reports. You observe the most minute details that I would never ever notice.

  9. The moon and an unknown planet were still high in the sky:


    I am arriving late to this party as we were on vacation...glad to see I didn't miss the whole thing!

    I believe the picture above is the moon and Uranus. (I'm sorry for that, in our house one cannot pass up the opportunity for a Uranus joke).

    I agree on everything that has been said about the Four Seasons going up. What a shame. But I have to ask, do you think they will have a lazy river?

    Oh and I vote for BM (see Uranus reference above).

  10. Thanks Stefa70 and TCD. My oldest and I are the early risers in our family and we love sneaking out before anyone else is up and wandering whatever resort we are staying at. I particularly loved that morning, it was so deserted and quiet.

  11. Wow, beautiful pictures. It's great you could enjoy one morning with the ship to yourself.

    I wanted to ask, do the Disney ships have the cabins for families of five? It sounds like you had separate cabins. We had to get connecting rooms on Royal Caribbean which actually worked out pretty well because then we had two bathrooms. But I seem to recall reading that Disney has bigger cabins and am wondering how good the deals are on them as opposed to getting the two cabins.

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