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Posts posted by dvccamper

  1. .

    While you are working on that videotape, you ought to post it to youtube or photobucket and give us a link. I'd love to see a video of the Fort from 1988.

    I have absolutely no idea how to convert from vhs to dvd to upload to photobucket. But let me work on it and I will see what I can do. It would probably be easier for me to just mail it to you :laugh: .

  2. Yes, he was shooting at turkeys. That may explain why I saw so few on this trip.

    The mental image of this made me laugh. It reminded me that I just recently watched an old vhs of my college trip to the fort back in 1988 (I was actually burning it on to a dvd). But in a few spots we were videotaping chickens and I think a rooster wandering around the place. I know the peacocks are long gone but are there still chickens (and roosters)?

    Nice pics on the baby birds :D

  3. I have seen that Trail's End magnet! In fact it is holding up my daughter's report card on my refrigerator right now! One year when we rented a cabin I had little character magnets that I had brought for the girls to play with (I'm not sure why). They would play with them on our cabin frig. The housekeeper must have seen them each day and on our last day left us that Trail's End magnet.

    I also recognize the older of your two doormats. I had a t-shirt with the same picture on it. I finally had to throw it away when it became see through from washing it so much.

    And just for the record, we have never seen Fantasmic.

  4. The YES program is the youth educational series run by Disney. At times during the year they do offer individual enrollment, otherwise I believe it is meant for homeschooling groups. We did a program on our last visit. It was at the Living Seas. We did get a reduced price on our tickets (significant) but there are restrictions as there is an expiration date on them. And it is limited, for example if one child is going to the program I don't think you can get, let's say, five more family members reduced tickets. I don't have a link but if you google it you should be able to find the info. I do know that they fill up quickly, especially since it has gotten more popular.

    If I can find my info on it I would be happy to answer any questions for you.

    Okay, I did just go find my info. We paid $843.35 for 5 3-day park hoppers. I think normally that would be over $1400. We were able to get 5 tickets as we had 3 kids doing the program.

    Here is the link:


  5. If I am able I plan on trying to get into Bay Lake Towers to see how they numbered their floors.

    We stayed at BLT about a year ago and I'm pretty sure there was no number 13 on the elevator buttons. I have a vague recollection of explaining why that was so to my youngest.

    Enjoying the trip report. Great seeing the Typhoon Lagoon pics. Have fun!

  6. Excellent updates as usual. I just have a few comments. We too owned the vhs sing-a-long's. If I ever hear 'Don't fence me in' again, it will be too soon. Every once in a blue moon one of the girls will come out with "I'm Mika, with a peeka peeka peeka boo..." Another winner. We always enjoyed the Disneyland Fun one though, even if it was in California.

    Secondly, I hope whichever twin it was that remembered that little tidbit about getting your phone charged at the MK was richly rewarded. That bit of info was awesome, good for her!

    And finally, I think you are being generous saying the Goofy rollercoaster is a one minute ride.

    Great shots of the weathervanes, also. I have never noticed them. I'll just have to go back.

  7. You guys are missing the real focus of the photos, it's Kassie. Isn't she cute?

    I have a warm spot for Schnauzers, I have had two.


    She is so cute!

    Lou, what kind of dog is that you have in your avatar? She (he?) looks kind of similar to our dog which is a maltese/yorkie mix.

    CCIntrigue, those pictures of your driving out are among the saddest I've seen. I can relate to that horrible feeling when your vacation is over.

  8. I can't believe I spend my Saturday doing...well, Saturday things, and missed the beginning of a TCD report!!

    Am looking forward to reading this one as my nieces were at WDW that same weekend as you (not at the Fort, though). They said it was supercrowded, they hardly did any rides, but they are newbies and didn't follow any of the advice I had given them. Grrr.

    p.s. Can anyone tell me why under my post count it says '0 warning points?' I don't see that on anyone else's. Or can only I see that? Thx.

  9. Also the slide that was made up of a lot of metal rolling cylinders which would pinch your fingers if you weren't careful. .


    My girls loved that slide! I remember their disappointment the first time we went back and it was gone.

    CCIntrigue, I like your pictures of the handprints. I have never taken the time to really look through that area so I don't know whose handprints are there!

  10. You got spiked, how awesome!

    I usually get a little solo time each trip while DH and the kids take off to do something....I love it! The kids always feel bad "leaving mom all alone" but DH knows how much I love being alone in the parks (especially Epcot) so he makes sure I get some time to myself.

    By the way, your grandchildren are beautiful.

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