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Posts posted by dvccamper

  1. I don't know, what's with the inside of your Dopey's mouth? I think I like Bolt with the crazy eye.

    Like the ewok. The ewok kid is a little creepy though.

    I just read that if you go over to Star Tours around sunset and listen closely you can hear Ewok chatter and see the lights from their little campfires up in the trees. Is that true?

  2. I can ride just about everything else in all 4 parks but haven't mustered up the guts to do rocking roller coaster at HS. Back in the day my husband and I sought out the scariest coasters we could find wherever we went and loved it. I don't know what happened. I was in the queue for it and backed out when I saw how fast it took off. Can anyone convince me it's not so bad?

    ps- sorry for the threadjack here!

    I was determined to conquer my fear of Rockin Roller Coaster and my DH assured me that there were no big drops, just speed and turns. So I did it, and wow, that is fast!! But it wasn't bad, I was nervous about the inversion but it's over by the time you realize what is happening. In fact, the whole ride is super fast. When it ended I kept saying "That was it, it's over?"

    I say try it.

  3. Okay, I'm on board, better late than never.

    The Wookie Family Portrait may be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Not only do they have cats in space, but apparently the Eiffel Tower as well!

    I was thinking the Food and Wine Festival would be a great time for a long weekend trip, but I may have to rethink that and go with a Star Wars Weekend.

  4. Beer helps with the effect.


    Good to know. I will have to look back at other pics to try to see it. It's like being on the boat looking back at the Wilderness Lodge and trying to point out the bear face to my kids. I'm not sure they've ever seen it. And unfortunately I can't give them beer.

  5. And this one was from the Hoop Dee Doo castmembers:


    Since I was in the neighborhood, I thought I ought to take a look at Bear Rock.

    Here you go:



    Okay, for the record I like the cork birdhouse. Those cast members had to drink a whole lot of wine to make that baby.

    And this may be a dumb question but I see this photo a lot in your TR's as well as others. Which one is Bear Rock, and why?

  6. Untitled-1-9.jpg

    That is....interesting. None of it seems to go together. It reminds me of a wedding gift we got. It was a small bouquet of artificial flowers but the bottom of it had prongs sticking out. We were like "what the heck is it?" We finally decided it was a cake topper. Weird.

    And TCD, I go to work today and come home to so many updates, I can't keep up! I am not complaining but I am wondering how you have time to write all this...do you post from your work? I also have to tell you that I chuckle so much while reading your posts that my daughter had to see for herself and now she is addicted to TCD trip reports. She is in awe of the things you are able to sneak pictures of.

    I have seen PUSH the trash can in action. I witnessed him challenge a guy in a wheelchair to a race, which they did, but the guy in the wheelchair almost hit a bench. I think maybe PUSH should be stopped before he kills somebody. But I think the idea of him with Walt's head is inspired.

  7. Good idea on refusing to watch that video. Although it does remind me of some very good times.

    1984 was a good year for me.

    Life was so simple


    I agree, 1984 was a good year for me too. And I am embarrassed to say that I actually saw George Michael in concert in the late 80's. But I can admit that here because none of you actually know me in my real life, haha. (I'm probably in trouble if I actually make it to the fort and meet some fiends though).

  8. I say good for you in ditching the family for lunch, haha! I can relate on the teenagers not smiling in the pics, I've got two of them myself. Don't they realize I'm going to take their picture anyway? But I love the before and after pics, we have several of those and they are my favorites. Too bad this tr is coming to an end, it's way too fun!

  9. Hooray, a new TCD report, and just in time as I have no book to read at the moment. Just finished The Hunger Games, aka "the" book to read while suffering through Fantasmic. I just hope this TR is less violent. So far, so good and I love the Lotso pillow pet. Can't let my youngest see that or we'll be booking a trip down to get one!

    Looking forward to more!

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