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AC in A2......Aaron

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Everything posted by AC in A2......Aaron

  1. I love Clark Griswold.....that's who I aspire to be like when I am working on my exterior illumination at Christmas time. I'm gonna burn some dust here. Eat my rubber!
  2. My daughter and nieces love this show.....my DD3 says she is gonna be a doctor when she grows up now.....before she said she was gonna play basketball at Notre Dame or Michigan (see single tear rolling down my cheek)....I asked her if she would be willing to do both and she said okay......so all is still right with the world. http://www.thefutonc...120605disney02/
  3. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/the-daily-disney/os-disney-animal-kingdom-everest-20120607,0,1498174.story
  4. Another great update....cant wait to see what else is on tap!
  5. The shorts=TCD MR for sure. Six Bits story/meet n greet= very cool I am tired of the scrims on the Main Street Buildings as well....there was one on at least one building the past two times we have gone....but that may be just par for the course when you go during off-season (Feb). Surrender..... :rofl2:
  6. I am still not looking it up, but I am sure curiosity will get the better of me at some point.
  7. She got free stuff and they didnt even need to do that.....I would like free stuff...but then I might look pretty funny in a tinkerbell costume!
  8. I do not own a RV, but just going by what you have layed out....I think a different RV may be better for your family's needs...but again...I am a novice and have only ever camped in a PUP.
  9. Aren't there FBI Warnings at the beginning of each movie that state you can't do what Redbox is apparently doing according to this article? Buying a retail DVD instead of paying the rights fees that come with purchasing the DVDs from the studio seems like it would be a no-no. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-disney-redbox-20120606,0,2389191.story
  10. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/Disney-makes-Tinkerbell-change-clothes/-/1637132/14563772/-/1lontfz/-/index.html
  11. I am in! Who doesnt want a free trip to Scotland? Every man dies, not every man (or woman) really wins a free trip.
  12. Age old adage Mo. Good work earns you more work. I appreciate your work here Content Commander!
  13. I was just thinking...what it would have been like to catch it while "noodling"?
  14. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10371_10402-279679--,00.html Additional story with more info: http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2012/06/michigan_record-breaking_catfi.html
  15. i just wanted to post on this TR bc it's always in new content and I am not going to even try to catch up, but 57 pages is a lot so I am going to assume it has been awesome so far!
  16. :rofl2: Apparently that's what the banner people think. I wonder what makes them believe they have been chosen to judge? I have heard numerous times that it takes all kinds to make the world go round; but I think there are a few extras that got thrown in by accident sometimes. :clint:
  17. Warning. Warning. Danger. Where is a a banner plane to deter you from entering the maddening world of the Magic Kingdom...ie the biggest mistake of your life? Stolport buildings? Fort DVC? NOooooooooooooooooooooo! Love the Flag/Golfball photo. I believe Mo put a flag/golfball after dark photo on a pic thread not long ago. I love those type of pics.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/disney-banish-junk-food-ads-kid-shows-140944175.html;_ylt=A2KJ3CQ_os9PDysAKBXQtDMD
  19. The arrow thing would crack me up.....anything better than how Tigers closer (Jose Valverde) acts after the final out. Comes in with a three run lead, gives up two runs quick then walks bases loaded, somehow gets out of jam (or loses) and then celebrates as if he just threw a no-hitter. Can't wait for more TCD!
  20. I don't remember the arrow thing....maybe he didn't have his celebratory moves worked out at that point bc he blew so many games back then. Good to see he has put it all together and doing well.
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