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Everything posted by SCTigerCock

  1. Ode to MD: What you may like: What you understand: The End.
  2. Tony had one of those claws and said it was "ok". I.e. he ate it. After I stood in line in the sun while he waited in the shade, he was going to eat that claw regardless. I had the chowder. I wasn't impressed by either. I remember reading that during the turn of the last century, prisoners rioted in the NE, b/c they were being fed "to much lobster".
  3. You and me both. And Tony. And I am sure Trevor and Stef since they spent that next morning with me helping me seach :banghead: . And that night with Tony :rofl2: But now that I am out out $$$$, my warped mind is curious to know if the key still works. Was it burried under the sand and useless? Did I waste $$$ on a spare key that I don't "need" now? :batman: I did tell Tony to give me a big piece of string for a necklace, the replacement key will be my bling for our 10th... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :clint:
  4. How about Pink Camo? Sequins optional. There is always next time! But wait, that would lower the beer fund, no NO NO, no incarceration. Karla you are a darliing, BUT PLEASE do NOT throw my keys anywhere!!! The saga is still developing about getting replacement keys programmed. Just let USPS lose them. :beathorse: Shuch a sweet offer though :heartsmiley: Sorry you are leaving, but SAFE TRAVELS!!!! :heart: :heart: It was a pleasure meeting you and Paul!!! :heartsmiley:
  5. And wise advice it was! Damn it! I told you, you were right!
  6. Enjoying the TR Misty! It was great to meet you!!!!! Let's GO STEELERS!!!!
  7. No bail money necessary. We ARE ladies after all. FIRM!!! Still trying, but looks like sometime later next year.
  8. "Proposition" hmmmmmm, maybe Tony can get some pics for keys next time. YES, the keys are $$$ and a "Stef" to get programmed. The RV is still at the dealership waiting. But next time, I play a pick up game of football, duct tape will be involved. I wonder if I will be more aerodynamic with duct tape?!
  9. Well my gumbo turned out to be left over chineese today. :beer: No prob, hope it helped. or at least didn't hurt. Tanks!:)
  10. Well Ladies and Germs, Peeps and Boys I gots great news today from Angie at the Fort's L&F.... They found my BEER BOTTLE OPENER, along with my RV keys. But I get my BEER BOTTLE OPENER back!!!!! Whew @#$%@ HHew!!!!! :jumpforjoy :jumpforjoy :jumpforjoy That trimmer you just felt was me jumping up and down!!!!!!! Now, If I can just get our RV back from the dealer. But that would require the Benz website to work. Wonder why the Benz site wouldn't work in OcotberFEST?! :beathorse: I get my beer bottle opener back!!!! :jumpforjoy :jumpforjoy I did call the front desk and marina to ask if th
  11. My understanding is Disney in the past would allow you an set amount of time, I think at one time it was an hour, to go into the parks to shop. You had to back up the entrance with a credit card, so you couldn't just "disappear" and gain entrance by saying you wanted to buy something. I know that at BB, it is 30 minutes and you must be dry when you leave. Guess the dry part, is so you don't run in for a quick dip and enjoy the place without paying. From the cast member I spoke to on the phone while at the mini golf, we would have to buy one day passes, and they would refund the purchase if
  12. :rofl2: If Mr. and Mrs. Troll are ever at the Fort, I would like to buy yall a beer and/or overpriced fruity drink at Crockett's. We can discuss the demise of the game room at the contermporary and plan on how to deflate the inflatables. :rofl2:
  13. The Weber is great. Tony complains because we got the 200. But when we bought it, we were heading to Darlington and needed more grilling surface to feed the crowd we had. But the size helped this time too. And it is MUCH heavier than the WalMart special we had. He says it was burning hotter this time for some reason. Maybe it is broken in? The griddle does great for bfast and most other things. We tried to use it to fry up chops and green mators in a cast iron pan we brought. The Weber did not burn hot enought for that. The chops got fired, but I had to move inside to finish up the green mayor
  14. Yup :batman: Agree! :jumpforjoy As I say, be very careful about what you ask for, meeting peeps can be dangerous to your pyschy :rofl3: Savannah is awesome and finally rested from the trip. She passed out the night we got back home.. :rofl3: Clemson worried me until the last quartr and a half. Ga Tech always gives us fits. But at least we won this year. :jumpforjoy Go Steelers! If you mean "mistplelt" and in a hurry, then I don't try to plagorize b/c I have it copyrighted. :clint: Thanks! :wave1: Glad you enjoyed. Hope so too! :heart:
  15. We good here? If not, I can make something up. I can be a wealth of misinformation. :clint:
  16. Thanks DB, we really needed this trip and had a wonderful time. Yea, well the key issues are still playing out. The RV is currently out of commission until we can have the spare correctly programmed. YFY. I had a "sip" Tuesday. Oh my. Note, I do not recommend "cutting" punch with 80 proof lemonade vodka. Don't ask.
  17. We had a GREAT time Bruce and Lisa were FLIPPEN AWESOME to bring me beer. Rejected employment: At one point during this trip, I offered to be a luminary source in return for beer. There were issues with the asking rate and funding. So my self employment was rejected.
  18. After we left EPCOT for the last time, we caught the monorail to MK and headed to the Fort by launch. In fact did that the last two days. Stef had invited us over for a last minute GC, so I headed home to peal some shrimp. I told her we would send those and pork loin I had that was already cooked just needed heating. We also were grilling some fresh pineapple with habanera sauce. While cooking, thieves came by WITHOUT saying a sing word and took our grill and gas bottle. Luckily, I knew their phone number and the good looking thieves came back to get our cooking items. Tony and I grabbed
  19. We hit up the F&W after that once Trev and Stef left to spend time back at the Fort with Nate and Amber. Besides just relaxing, one of the highlights was meeting people while in line throughout. You are only allowed two drink per person. You can buy a flight of 4 3-6 oz servings but only 2 drinks. So in Germany we didn’t like any of the premade flights so we ordered 3 6 oz pours to make our on in essence. Well Tony was scoping out shade, which meant there was a problem. I told the cashier, wait a sec I’ll get my husband. 3 people back was my new husband, I asked the guy if he would ma
  20. After the land I texted Stef and asked where they were and agreed to meet by the Mexican Margarita Stand. Which by the way is there any other place to meet in Mexico? Seriously? First grabbed a beer at the Craft Cart for Tony So let me tell this story. Hopefully you can understand this southern drawl. Stef is in line with me wanting a fiesta without salt, and me a Lime with salt. So since I was ordering I say “Fiesta no salt, Lime with salt”. Granted I was sidetracked by the cashier, one nice looking guy, but the order taking senorita didn’t understand. So I repeated myself. She still
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