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Everything posted by SCTigerCock

  1. Just to add to this, be sure to put your site # with your name to make the delivery contact easier. And make sure the desk has your cell on record vs your home number (if different) We had a packaged overnighted, they held at the front desk until we picked up, but called us immeadiately upon its arrival. In fact the call made it before the email from UPS's delivery confimation/tracking site.
  2. Congrats Ed!! :jumpforjoy Nice photos Rita. :jumpforjoy Go moma with the hashbrowns, you snooze you lose..... :jumpforjoy :heart: :jumpforjoy
  3. I know you said within Fl, but throwing out James Island County Park in the Charleston, SC area. Can be hard to get week-end reservations, but they decorate the park nice and close to Charleston, SC. Hope you find something you really enjoy.
  4. Wow, away for a couple of days and I miss out on a DiT TR. Slide of death ..... spooky :suspense: Beer...... :clint: Pics of all the kids, being warped into future campers, HY! :jumpforjoy Cause when we retire, we need a new generation to bring beer to bumb. :flush2: Carry on!
  5. Unbeknownst yo you, you just broke coomandmant 15 of my new religion. "Thou shall not bypass beer". Not to be confused with gassing beer.
  6. Not sorry to hear about the boys! My choice would be them vs some prissy ass up tight bitch of hypocrisy. Underoos? Nah. But as my secret outfit, I can't tell you about my sleepers. But if you promise me the right amount of beer, we might be able to negotiate a pic. :clint:
  7. That's a compliment right?! That's almost the nicest thing anyone has said, besides ....."want a beer?" :clint:
  8. Thanks! :rofl2: Glad it wasn't the modified post above. :clint:
  9. WOW, just got caught up! Will keep ya'll and others impacted by this Crap in our prayers! Your daugher eating her Pig's family, priceless Hubby got me started on NewCastle when we met, didn't like it at first, but it has grown on me. Now, one of my favorites.
  10. Was recently at the Fort with our one dog. A ~55# Doberman. We crated her while were at the Parks. But like you, we came home at lunch and she was walked and spent time with us for at least an hour in between park visits. If we were just socializing at the Fort, she was allowed to stay out of her crate. However, if we were away from the Fort she was crated. We felt it was a safer environment for her AND us that way. I.e. for afternoon thunderstorms and possible fireworks and other unexpected noises. Plus it limited the chance of her getting into trouble in the RV and possibly getting in
  11. I heard ya the first time. Yes, even my hearing, I heard ya. :beathorse: Damn Stef, are you a spy or something. How come you have anonymous members reading this post? Either you keep pissing people off with that Warped humor or I guess people are tired of repenting after reading your reports. :flush2: Enjoyed living it, until next time :clint: :wave1:
  12. Your a frog? I thought a Troll? Or is there a TrollFrog? I'm confused.
  13. Thanks!!!! Dang it, I forgot to check the PO Box for the keys today!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  14. Thanks for the info. Will check out the Publix near the track and the cow pasture in Feb.
  15. Damn it Toddly, I do not smell like cigs only cigars. And I don't have a fire. Plus I'm not one dimensional, hell just look at those pic, I am definately 3D. I enjoy beer, punch, jello (whcih is good for the fingernails) and Port. Oops thats 4, so I guess I'm 4D. If they have 4G, I guess I can be 4D.
  16. Once again Stef, Thanks for getting the dinner organized!! We enjoyed meeting everyone and socializing. And thanks for being honest thiefs and returning the grill.... Once again, just to point out, and stress, I DID NOT have the PoPo called on me or from my site!!!! Now I did have a ranger give Tony and I a ride up front from the 300 bus stop. But no PoPo flashing lights then. You still don't know anything about a dead fish on my site?
  17. Welll, I have MY connection to airlifts, so MY beer is SAFE!!! :jumpforjoy For the right price, I will bring yours..... :clint: Just think, the EWP could be our saving grace, we can smuggle beer on the octopus. :batman:
  18. http://www.ccprc.com/index.aspx?NID=1551 Nice discount for someone wanting to spend a week or more in the Charleston, SC area.
  19. So is it the 6th or THE 6th? You posted it twice, so maybe the 36th? or the 12th. or mabe the 1st? Can't undestand if it is the 0th. All depends on if you multiply, add, divide or subtract the two dates. :rofl2: :flush2: :clint: :heart: :flush2:
  20. To add to this, has there always been buoey markers by the weeds near the shack? I mentioned to Stef at that time, I wonder if there is going to be a walkway/path/road built to a marina on that side of the lake for Golden Oaks. Or It is being fenced off now, in plans for the new BBQ.
  21. Props to Twin #1 for sumo butt beer tap. Props to both twins for reminding thier "forgetful" pop. Didn't even glance at the Grapefruit beer, but now I want to try. Hoping, Beers of the World in Savannah may have it in November. IMHO, Busch is probably slightly "higher" in the beer world than the Beast. And maybe slightly more epensive. LOL. Natural Light was the light beer on most taps in Clemson. But PBR was the cheapest by far. In fact, a nasty rumor floated that PBR might go out of business, almost as bad as WallStreet crashed.
  22. Just remember, no arrests, we need to keep the beer/vodka fund intact.
  23. Is there a good place near Daytona for craft beers? We enjoyed some the local Florida beers, but can't seem to find them in SC. Wouldn't mind stocking up in Feb during the 500, prior to parking the RV in the cow pasture. :doublebeer: We had a blast, and Tony is normally quiet until he really meets someone, but Trevor and Stef had him rolling and talking it up. :banana: The Hex was my favorite of that sampler. #9 is growing on me. Fruity? :bugeyes: :pope:
  24. I agree with FWG, if you are going to use the bypass, take EAST 295. We drove through JAX both in Feb and our last trip. 95 isn't bad with constuction cones, barrels, etc, but both times were NOT during rush hour. However, 95 between the city and 295 on the south side, is a washboard. Either plan to have your tooths and fillings checked after getting to the Fort, or plan to ride the left lane. The left lane is the smoothest, the right lanes.....suck. In both directions. 295 East (old 9A) is a nice ride, but the bridge is MUCH higher, I won't drive that bridge. 295 West, goes much further a
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