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Retired & Tired (Judy)

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Posts posted by Retired & Tired (Judy)

  1. Buddy will be really jealous and upset if you give him a cuter name than his.  I like Busman since his owner is a bus driver.

    But I remember how much you love apple pie Lou.  Call him Apple.   

    Whatever you decide will be the right one for him.


    I want a female Yorkie for Kimberly.  How do you find all these beautiful little ones?


    See you on the 27th.....or at least Ken and Shawnee will.  Shawnee asks every day "we go see Mr. Lou?".  We show him on the calendar but he still asks.  You have a friend for like in our son Lou.   That's it...name the new dog "Shawman" after our son. :heartsmiley:

  2. Way to go Bama.....certainly not a pretty win but we will take it.  I will be the first to admit I am scared going up againist Auburn this year.  Our boys will have to do much, much, much better to beat them.   They have the ability to beat any team but too often they try to beat themselves.    Come on guys.....ROLL   TIDE     ROLL  TIDE

  3. Now let's don't be mean to the fighting Irish.   >:(   They are my 2nd favorite team.   But I am still loyal to my alma mater Alabama..



    I know that everyone is pulling for Bama to lose one of the next 3 games but I am still hoping for another win each week.  I take one game at a time.  We have Miss St., Chattanooga and then the Iron Bowl with Auburn.  I know that any team can beat any other team on any given day (words from my son) but I hope we keep on winning.  Will we lose at some point...of course....we can't go on winning forever..but for now I am hoping for the best.


    Keep on rolling Tide......

  4. Well folks....we did it again.   Alabama beat LSU tonight.   LSU did not look impressive to me at all.  Saying we beat them is good but I expected more from LSU.  The team that played us tonight is not a team that could win any Natl. Title.  Maybe they were off but they would need to play much better to beat some of the teams.  Alabama could have played better the first quarter for sure, which seems to be their one weakness, but other than that I am proud of how they played.  


    We will have a hard one against Auburn I am sure but am hoping we can pull it out again.  ROLL TIDE     ROLL TIDE :partythree:  :banana:  :rollercoaster:  :yay:  :highfive:

  5. People don't like Saban because he is a winning coach.  If Alabama were to lose a game or 2 people would suddenly love him.  I, personally, like the man and his coaching abilities.  I am hoping he stays at Bama until he is ready to retire.  Yep, I am a Bama fan and Alumni and I hope we play for the National Championship again this year.


    Funny how folks never seem to like a winning coach unless he is THEIR coach.   :jumpforjoy

  6. As most of you know I have back issues big time.   In 2009 I went into the hospital for a spinal fusion.  The surgeon did it in two parts 5 days apart.  Did great and within a week I was home.  About my 3rd or 4th day home Ken noticed a drainage from my back so off to the surgeon's office we went.  She sent us straight to the hospital.....horrible hospital acquired infection apparently.  I was hospitalized for another 5 weeks and had 5 more back surgeries to try and clean out the infection, which was now in the bone, and then 1 to permanently close the back.  I almost died.  Came home from the hospital in October and headed for Disney in early December.  I came to Disney with a PICC line in my arm and had to have IV medications 3 times a day.  Ken also had to draw blood from the site and ship it off once a week. 


    There were days I did not feel like walking all over the parks but I did it pushing a wheel child with Shawnee in it.  Ken wanted me to get an ECV but I said no way.   If I could not walk I would stay at the Fort.  I know there were many people there who needed a chair or ECV much less than I did but I could not in clear conscience use one.


    Sometimes I think those who fake needing a chair or ECV should have to suffer an injury that would require one and then let them see what it is like being confined to one.  We would love for our children to be able to walk and even run in the parks and yet there are people who hate seeing them being given any special attention at all.  I will say those have been very few because most of the guests go out of their way to let ours up in line or anything they can think of to help us.


    I guess as long as there are humans in this old world there will be those who abuse everything.

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