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Posts posted by TnBob

  1. Let's see, I went to the park thing, saw the rock saw the glass blower thing, saw the train, went to the store, took Matt to the rental car place and went over to the hotel, so it couldn't be me either.

  2. ok Marty, 37 yrs in NJ and I never heard of that kind of sloppy Joe. Scrapple, now my old man like that so we ate it, not too bad if you cook it well and like hot dogs you do not, I repeat do NOT want to know whats in it.








    in case you want to know, it's lips and assholes in hotdogs and intestines in scrapple but I didn't say that

  3. I am all over the freshly baked hard roll and coffee.  Up in Buffalo, I stopped a couple times a week at this Italian bakery for bread and rolls, and I would always order a hard roll with butter to eat then and there....they would put real butter on it about 1/4" thick.  Heaven! 


    you're killing me here Dave!

  4. Isn't it great to have BB season back!


    Ty was suppose to open with a double header last saturday but all day rain didn't let that happen so they opened last night. 


    Ty pitched 3 innings of 4 (they play an hour and a half or 6 innings) struck out a half dozen and walked 2 I think, had one hit, grounded out to third and reached on catchers interference, scorded one. I really wished he coulda hit with the bases loaded but thats when the catcher got his glove into his swing.  Although it did bring in a run, I woulda liked to see him hit.


    They won 11-2 so we are off to a good start.

  5. I have a theory in all of this and I think NASCAR is the worst offender in it and that is TV money.


    I theorize that the teams as in NASCAR don't even need people in the stands to make a boat load of money.


    Between TV money and shirt sales, bobbley heads and other trinkets they sell on line and elsewhere that the butts in the seats, concessions and parking money are just a little icing for them.


    Let's face it, the whole deal here isn't how to make fans happy its how to make money and if they have to pay people to work in the concession stands, show people to their seats and security it takes from the bottom line, TV money is like a gift from heaven.


    Just my little rant.

  6. Ok, I have come up with something to ad. It was a nice day when we left, if you think towing in 50 mph gusts is a nice day then it WAS a nice day. Kathy picked up the grand kids from school and off we went down 65 into Alabama. We passed the rocket at the welcome center and the kids were hoping we were actully going to Florida but no soap. We went towards Huntsville and Carolville (Madison) and went past the rockets and space shuttle that I guess these Alabama folks seem to just park next to the road, thrill for the kids thats for sure. Other than the god awful wind the trip down was no big problem.


    We got to the campground which is up up up some steep winding roads and there to my surprise (but not really) was DIT. Can you imagine driving for almost 4 hrs only to see Dave standing there? Oh and Carols Tab was there too.


    I have to say, the sites were nice, as nice if not nicer than DC, well not nicer but AS nice. We backed into our site right across from Dave.


    The wind died down as did the temps but it was still a nice early spring night, fire at Leslie's site made for a comfy BS session. First time I had met Leslie, although I never saw the daughter she SAID was there and I did see pictures of her so I do think she WAS there. I also met Tim and Mrs. Tim (sorry I forget) for the first time.


    I was up early for me on Saturday and although there was food over at Yvonne's site I had to go find propane, I was afraid it was going to get cold Saturday night and I only had a half tank. Lucky thing was I ran into the park ranger on my way out and he guided me to a welding shop who was open and to my surprise only charged me $12 to fill a #30 tank although he was a regular southern boy who wanted to talk and talk and talk.


    Upon arriving back at the campground I made the rounds wagging my tongue as I do well, put the tank back on and then took a walk with Dave down the hill to where the kiddies were playing on the playground. Now for those of you that have seen me lately you know I am woefully out of shape not to mention I smoke way too much and this "hill" was more a mountain. Well the jokes on you, I made it up the "hill" and wasn't even out of breath, yeah, surprised me too!


    Ok potluck was good, fire and all that after dark and more tongue wagging.


    Sunday, forget it, rain rain rain, Sissy had a stomach issue most of the day Saturday and Sunday as did Kathy so it was me and Carol sitting under the awning BSing while the kids played UNO and watched TV with CJ.


    Dave told me he was going to leave on Monday (we were suppose to be there till Tuesday) and I said we just might do the same if the weather didn't improve.


    Tuseday the weather hadn't improved so I will tell you the story of being lost tomorrow or soon, as the case may be.

  7. Just to be sure this is clear, IF you do come to your first GG we expect you to do a little song. Although dancing is optional.  Depending on how good the song is the judges may have you wash my rig, but what the heck, you get to meet Dave.

  8. well my site was already booked by someone last night or this morning for Thursday to Sunday, I checked late last night and it was available but no mo. We are going to book site 70 if it is available to be closer to the playground but it is sewerless. The cs is close enough (I hope).

  9. I don't know if anyone noticed or that I just noticed or that our Walmarts are different than others but......they have one section for camping gear/supplies ie. tents etc and another section has the RV supplies.


    If you want tenting and stuff like ez ups and round the fire type stuff it's a different section than supplies for your RV ie. sewer hoses, chemicals and the like and at the walmarts around here the RV stuff is over by the oil and car care stuff.

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