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Posts posted by TnBob

  1. You forgot Statute 320.02  --  As used in the Florida Statutes, except as otherwise provided, the term:

    (22) "Bob's Golf cart" means a motor vehicle that is designed and manufactured for operation in a very small campground for comedic purposes solely for the amusement of others and that is not capable of exceeding speeds of 4 miles per hour.


    I think we got one of them "funny boys" here... I'll get you, and your little russian too!

  2. it would have been annoying but if he was in the smoking area then he was where he was suppose to be. The thing that would have annoyed me was that someone had their dog on the beach, yes people have allergies to dogs and if I remember correctly dogs are not allowed in that area. A dog in the dark and with fireworks would not make me comfortable esp with kids.

  3. Thanks Maryann, he is better than he thinks he is, the fall ball is in question right now since he broke his ankle in 2 places the other day. I don't think it is really bad because he can walk on it a little so there is hope.


    I will get into the all stars thing deeper, believe it or not it gets worse.

  4. Ok, it's on to the "all stars", also known as the coaches kids play the others sit on the bench. I don't understand it but this league has "try outs" for the all "star team", no other league I have ever seen has a "try out" for the "all star team". Wonder why I put all star and try out in quotes? you may not wonder much longer.


    Every league has always had all stars, usually the teams sends 2 or 3 of their best players to the team, not in this system. The tryouts were held in a pouring rain, I hear 9 kids showed up including Ty, I didn't go. Since they needed 12 kids so they had another try out and a few more showed up. The parents were told not to get involved in the all stars if your kid was going to be on vacation and not be at practice or games, reason one that I suspect was a reason for this debacle. Well the team was picked, surprise surprise the whole team except for Ty and 2 other kids was comprised of the championship team and guess who were the coaches for the all star team?


    Now lets get some background on the "championship team", they had 2 kids (the coaches kids) who could pitch, they threw fast and relatively accurate so no one was hitting off them. Good thing that no one was hitting off them because when Ty's team played them for the championship they were hitting and their big weakness came to light, they couldn't field worth a damn. When in the champ game Ty's team took the lead their coach acted like a little kid who just lost his toy.


    Ok back to the All Star team. We show up for the first game and to no surprise Ty is sitting on the bench along with his season long team mate. Now you have to understand, Ty has no problem sitting on the bench and only playing a couple innings a game he says it doesn't bother him as long as he is on a team. We have kids on this all star team who would cry out on the field if they didn't play every inning of every game (I actually saw this) The parents have to pay $160 or $180 for uniforms and all just for the all stars, not to mention they paid $120 for the regular season.


    well the first tournament was a practice type tournament, double elimination and you play 3 games over the weekend minimum. Well, its 8-0 in the first inning and gets worse from there, I don't know what the final was but it was bad. Ty played right field for two innings, made every play that came to him, now you have to remember, Ty in the 5 yrs and 10 seasons he has played has played 2 innings in the outfield and one of them was when they were so far ahead they took the infield and switched them with the outfield. Oh and the batting slump for Ty continued, he did put wood (Alum) on the ball a few times and got on on errors and walked a couple times over the weekend. In this tournament everyone bats so Ty was up as much as he could be although he was batting 10th or 11th, don't forget the coaches kids had to bat at the top of the line up or they would cry. Guess what, they were all striking out, guess who was getting on base?


    Ok next day, game 2.............oh Ty played 3rd for 2 innings, made all his plays then to the bench, game starts and guess what the same kid is pitching! The same one that was so hot during the regular season and got killed yesterday is pitching again! Can you say big fish in little pond became little fish in big pond? Well the defence that was never challenged during the regular season was being challenged and it was bad except for one kid, the second baseman who was not from the championship team, a kid Ty played with a few yrs ago and has come into his own. Oh to make an already long story short, they were down 8-0 in the first inning again and on to a big loss.


    I could go on to the third game but surprise, the same kid pitched and the same result resulted.


    ok enough for now, I will go to the second tournament when I feel like reliving it.
  5. ok, the LL season for us is long over and I think I have recovered enough to write something.


    Ty's team came on a little late but they did finish 8th out of 12 teams but finished 2nd in the tournament almost beating the championship team in the end.

    Ty pitched well in most games but he did have that one game that everyone has, you know, the one where he couldn't have found the plate with a map. One night he had a severe cold and went to the doctor before the game only to have a blown ear drum. He did dress and went to support his team and sit on the bench but only 9 kids showed up so he went in playing 3rd base. Well the starting pitcher didn't last long and Ty had to pitch, surprisingly he did well, I don't know if they won or not but he did do well for having a blown eardrum.


    Something happened to him in the last 3 games, he lost his nerve or saw something that scared him, he was bailing out of the batters box as soon as the ball was thrown. Ty has never been scared of the ball, hell I've seen him just lean back and the ball hit his cup and not even flinch. He saw something that scared him and it stuck with him, he started standing straight up and bailing, he has had the same stance since he was first pitched to in coach pitch ball. Ty has never struck out very often, he does once in a while but most times he at least puts the ball in play, now he was watching 3 balls go right down the middle of the place and not take the bat off his shoulder, I mean he went 2 whole games without swinging the bat once. I think we finally got it worked but it was after the All star games and that is a different story altogether which I might get to soon.


    I am hoping he will play fall ball but his father thinks he should take a season off. I disagree but it's not my call, he has played 10 straight seasons, spring and fall but to be good at something you need to play.
  6. it is interesting how many teams have swept series and been swept the next series this year, seems no one wants to run away with any divisions, although it is dim hope I still have hope for the Phillies.

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