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Momoffive aka Loretta

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Posts posted by Momoffive aka Loretta

  1. The best news in quite a while!!!  You must all be so happy and excited!!! The adoption process can be so difficult and a PITA but your strength and determination to give your love to this little girl makes her the luckiest little girl in the world!!!  Oh and BTW  5 (kids) are great!!  Congratulations! :D

  2. Disney Gossip blog is actually a new site I stumbled across, so no idea how accurate their sources tend to be, but I though this was pretty interesting...

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Tropical Seranade Returning to the Magic Kingdom

    Hmmm that gives me an idea. Has anyone seen Stitch around here recently?]


    :rofl2: :rofl2:

  3. Ali, I should so call you and order "pizza" again!  LOL Seriously if you need to chat!  We are going thru it here too with both boys.  My heart is broken.  We too were dreading the additional diagnosis for one of the boys not long ago, but the powers that be said no to the bipolar and the schizophrenia.  Instead they handed us a list of 5 other diagnosis. We were getting him under control and now the other one is all over the place.  It's sad and it hurts that we as parents can't have them curl them up on our laps and kiss the boo boo away.  We have an appointment with a psychologist in less than 2 weeks.  I hope it helps.  My fear is he too is too smart some times.  He knows just what to say to snowball somebody.  You?re not alone!  Call if you'd like, pm me if you need the number.  She will get thru this and so will you!!

  4. Respect pump TJ - Do you have a garage just for your buggies. I cant believe how many you have!

    Nope, no garage here! :welcome2:  Not even one for the cars ...

    I don't own all those strollers right now.  And if I like that I'coo I'll be selling the beautiful Buggster (it's lime green and DH told me that color is now BANNED from this house ... so I HAD to buy a new stroller, right? ;)).

    You sound like me.  I went through strollers.  At one point we had 2 single strollers, 2 sets of twin strollers, one set a side by side and one set a front to back.  Ended up returning the side by sides for yet another set of front back strollers and we had another quad stroller, not the one pictured above.  The other one was a double side by side front and back. That's 7 strollers all at one time.  But for some reason I remember having 9 but can't remember the others.  I used them all.  When I got my Quad run-a-bout pictured above I used that almost every time rather than split them up it was easier.  I was by myself a lot so I needed strollers that I could handle all 5 babies with by myself, oh and have storage to carry all of their gear.  No garage at that time either.  TG for the basement and the shed.

    The City Mini looks cool!  Good thing I'm not in the market again.

  5. Our Chloe,  next to the new tent.  I'm thinking she thought she was getting a doggie house for outside.  She is my baby.  Loves her mamma.  She was adopted as a pup.  She her Mother and a brother were left up near the mountains on some guys proprty.  He was going to use them as target practice until they were saved by a wonderful lady who adopted them out.  Chloe picked us!!!  I love love the pictures of everybody's fur babies!!


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