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Momoffive aka Loretta

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Posts posted by Momoffive aka Loretta

  1. Either your husband is 2 ft tall or that tent is HUGE. West wing is here east wing is there. lol

    To put it in perspective...Matt is 6'3"  and my daughter is about 4'4".  LOL...  It has plenty of room for him to stand.  There are only 2 negatives I have with this thing.  I did not like having to attach the floor tarp after the tent is up and no real screen windows for cross ventilation.  The windows all open from the outside with guide ropes.  Not sure how I will like this.  When it is colder out I think a heater in the center will be fine and should work well. But when it is warmer I'm not sure what we'll do yet.

  2. Ok this should do it


    Attaching the inner tent.  So easy.  The floor is attached to each inner tent.  Each with a screen door or privacy door too.


    All attached.  Last step to attach the floor tarp inside.  Hook and loop all around.  This was the hardest part.


    Ready to sleep, will easily fit a double air bed in each with room to spare.


    She picked her room!


    Matt and my biggest helper!  Plenty of room for him to stand.  Plenty of room to walk around!!  Room for 7 plus.


    All packed up and ready to put up anouther day  :D.  The ground tarp is not in the bag.  The poles are in a box.

  3. We are done setting it up.  It actually went very well  :popcorn:.  The time 4.11 PM.  NO fights  :dance:.  My oldest daughter and I did all the prep work and then my husband came back home.  Had to leave to help a neighbor.  Had to stop to take care of son with low blood sugar.  Had to stop to drag boys out of the house and one stop for a drink.  Just wish that was something stronger than a Coke!  Got lots of great pictures.  Yes The Thing Is HUGE.  Its new name is  "The MOAT".  Any guesses for what that stands for...... :) :popcorn:

  4. I posted this on a different thread here.  Found this on you tube.  This tent is one extra room larger. The 5 bedroom model.  LOL.  A bit overwhelming.  The best part is each "room" is independent and can be omitted if not needed.  So when we get to the Fort and it won't fit we will eliminate one room and set it up elsewhere and use it for storage if needed.  It is going to be so nice to actually have room for all of us and our gear.  Check out the quick link here.  Again not ours but I believe it is similar.  Woo Hoo!!  Now to put the thing together  ;).    Yikes  :eek:  This ought to be a good show.  LOL.  SHould be able to set it up tomorrow!!! :dance:


  5. Spring Consignment sales are starting now.  They are very popular around here. All of the pre schools have them.  Our Multiples club has our this weekend.  You can always find a good deal at one.  Pick one up there.  We have an old Greco that will still fit my 65 pound son.  He has mild CP and after walking for several hours he tends to seize up in his calf muscels and needs a break.  It folds up pretty easy and light. Make sure it has a bottom basket for your park supplies.

  6. Have ressies from Oct 30 and check out on Sunday the 6th.  We will be leaving early on the 6th.  Our neighbors just moved down to Port Orange and we will be stopping there on our way home.  I think we have 5 day base tickets and the DP.  DH loves to spend his park days in the parks open to close.  We'll have to get together!  Can't wait.

  7. 7 months 3 weeks!!!!

    I am sad we are not going to do the MNSSHP this year just not in the budget.  But I am excited because we will now have 1-2 nights at the FORT!!  I like that better.  We still have yet to do the Camp Fire and Movie.  So excited to meet so many new fiends!!!!  :))

  8.     We also take water bottles for everybody.  We bring the flavor packs too.  Bought the bottle lanyards a few years ago and we still use them now when we go for hikes or the zoo.  Everybody gets a bottle and they can refill it from the water fountains in the park.  I am grossed out by public fountains so I try to find a remote one, I like the ones closer to the first aide stations, and I usually clean the fountain before I let the kids fill their bottles. 

        My son has autism and this lanyard came in handy too to carry his new Disney pal.  We found that he behaved better at the parks if he brought a stuffed animal to "show around"  We have learned to let him spend his spending money on day one to pick out his park pal.  Poor park pal gets a noose around it's neck (the lanyard) and DS then wears it arond his neck, no leaving it behind on any rides.  I'm hoping we are past that this year though!

          We have always had a stroller or two with us so we have always had a place to put a soft sided cooler.  I bring a baggie of ice each day, and several wash cloths if it is warmer weather.  A cool wet cloth on someones neck is a cool relief in the heat!

      Ok I need to get back on topic, LOL..... Snacks kids love the uncrustable PB&J sandwiches and they tend to be more filling than candy.  My kids can easily down 2 now but at $5 a box I can deal with that when a hot dog is what $3 or more.  They can stay in the cooler until ready to use.  Go-gurts travel well and the kids like them. For school days I freeze them at home and by lunch time they are thawed and ready to eat...but frozen is good too.  Baby carrot sticks and or celery sticks, bring a little peanut butter to dip them in.  Just need a baggie full of those, you can even put the peanut butter on the celery ahead of time, try them with cream cheese too.  Long pretzel sticks for the little kiddos, but everybody will eat those.

      Can't wait to see what else is mentioned!  Always looking for new ideas.  I don't know how we are going to do it this year, was't planning on bringing a stroller.  Gonna have to be a back pack.  My other son is a diabetic so we will have to have food with us for emergencies plus his meter and supplies.

  9. Thank You!!  The new tent is still in the box in my hallway!  The boxes are so heavy!!!  LOL!  I want to open it just to look today but we will have to wait until the weekend to set it up.  Big rain coming in today thru tomorrow at least.  Thanks for the info.  I really had no idea and the instructions in our last tent said to seal the seams and waterproof.  No directions on "how to do".  We'll get a chance to use it in just a couple of weeks...spring break soon.

  10. OK, my DH may already know, but he's asleep.  :-[ embarassed to ask this but.....We never sealed our other tent and we have never had a problem, not even a drop of water.  Our new tent, still in the box, I'm guessing should be sealed.  How do you water proof it?  Like I said we have never pre-sealed a tent and we've never had a problem, even with little fingers touching the inside of the tent.  The new tent is so big I don't want to risk it.  Do we set it up and let the hose go to see if it leaks or will that ruin the attempt to seal if we need to seal it?  TIA!!

  11. Well it has made it's journey from Australia and has been delivered to my front door!  The boxes are very heavy.  I think the tent bag when full will be close to 70 pounds, if I remember reading correctly.  This thing will be 26x21 when set up, if we use all 4 sleeping tents.  The good news is when we get to the fort and it doesn't fit we don't have to have them all attached.   


    :rofl2: :rofl2:

  12. Our school schedule is finnally out for next year.  Our kids will only miss 4 days the week we are down for Halloween.  My crew will be doing school work while we are away too.  I wish I could say missing school would be easy for them but only 1 of my 5 has it "easy" and can keep up rather easily.  The other 4 struggle at times.  I am worried about my oldest.  Next year will be her first year in middle school.  Things move faster, I am sure, but she requires so much one on one time and the motivation is just not there.  They will not miss any testing, the end of the first quarter is the week before we leave.  I am not worried about taking them out.  We used to have a whole week off for a Fall break, now it is down to just 2 days  :'(. 

    We do make it as educational as possible.  May not be everything they would learn in school but we try to incorporate things they are learning.  Calculating line times, estimating the number of people in line, managing money, time management, reading all of the signs/ menus, and Epcot offers a "world" of learning opportunities.  The fun part is them not even realizing they are applying their Math and or reading skills to the day.  We make them journal too so they have a memory book and they are practicing their writing skills.  Amazing how much can be accomplished when fun is involved!  Matt and I have already starting thinking of a way to apply Whips Amazing Race into an educational fact finding trip around the "World".  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  :popcorn:

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