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Momoffive aka Loretta

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Posts posted by Momoffive aka Loretta

  1. Wow thanks shoreline99, my hubby and I have started making a rough list of restaraunts today from this tread and looking at menus, Many of the ones you have recommended are on there!! Apart from Cinderellas Royal Table, we ate there last trip and wasn't overly enamoured, it was ok, but I think we thought it was going to be better than it was due to the fact that it's so hard to get a ressie there.  Maybe you know if it has got any better?

    Wow list nailed!  We love all of these but I have no desire to go back to the Castle.  We loved 1900 Park Fare at GF.  The show during our meal was great and the interaction with the Cinderella characters was what we were looking for.  Out oldest DD finally got to meet Prince Charming.  If I figure out how to post a picture here I will share.  I love that picture.

      Our last trip we decided to tour the resorts for most of our sit down meals.  Our biggest decision this trip will be Mickey's BBQ or HDD?  Oh how to decide?

    I'll add another Chef Mickey, very busy and loud that I can remember but a lot of character interaction.

    I always say planning is half the fun!

  2. I started to type for each park but I can't decide!  I love all of the coasters.  Tops is RRC at HS.  Looking forward to introducing our two shortest to the ride.  They are finally tall enough to ride this trip.  We do plan to go to AK on Halloween day this year, they close early, should have enough time to get back to the site set up and then ToT.  I can't wait to see the Lion King Show again.  Loved it and must go say Hi to the Yeti.  When in Epcot  Test Track is a must and a fly over CA too, FP for both, hate the lines. 

    Just can't name one!

  3. Is there damage inside? If the wood is rotten yes you have to remove and replace the wood. If it isn't rotten clean out all the seams on the outside and re-caulk it. Once dry clean the rest of the room with soap and water scrubbing the heavy spots with a mr clean eraser. Once clean give it a good wax. This goes for the whole trailer. Re-caulk it. But make sure where the caulking goes is clean and dry.

    Unfortunately yes the water made its way thru.  We will be opening it again soon.  We took everything off that we could and I cleaned it all with bleach and water before we closed it.  I guess I just need to let it go.  The heat and all works well but it will be good on someones land somewhere as a hunting cabin.  LOL! 

    Thanks for the advice!

  4. doodlebug

    p.s. I am a mom of 5 too. 4 boys and a girl

    Wow you must have amazing patience!!  We have 3 girls and 2 boys.  The boys are a handful!  We have issues but still they try our patience daily. I have one home sick today and will be for a few days more.  So there should be some peace here for a few days, can't get into too much trouble when you can hardly get off the couch.

    Thanks again!!

  5. We have a 1996 Palimino Pony...small!  The roof was not in great shape when we got it but the inside looks brand new.  The thing is tiny inside but I liked it.  We have kept a cover tarp on it since we have had it yet water still came thru.  We did loose the tarp a few times but it was always replaced pretty quick.  I am guessing the damage happened while the camper was opened and we didn't have a tarp on it. What can I do to repair the roof both inside and out?  It's pretty soft.  Any suggestions.  Probably going to be selling it soon anyway. :-\

  6. I voted Halloween, but I think we should all change our votes.  It'll get too popular if people start to realize they're missing something.

    Love Halloween at the Fort.  This will be our 3rd Halloween at WDW.  First was OS and the last at the Fort.  As you can tell by my countdown..... little over 8 months to go.  Already started the planning and site layout.  It's been a couple of years.

  7. Mo5........We actually got our 3 room tent from Ebay awhile ago for less than $50. It's HUGE! It's by Hi-tek and was really great! We used it at FW last weekend in Jan. Looks like we'll be in that for this weekend too, he hasn't found one he likes yet.

    I'll have to look.  Right now we use 2 tents.  Boys in one, girls in the other, but I would prefer we were in the same tent.  There are 7 of us so may not really be possible.  I have come close to getting the one thru K-Mart NWT Olympic Cottage http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_089W022638110001P?prdNo=1&blockNo=1&blockType=G1 Would love input if anyone has any.  Like the one with the front screen room too.  Great place to remove shoes.

    Going to do a search for the Hi-Tek now.  Thanks

  8. I did it!  I brought him over!  He is so much quicker than I am with the jokes and such!  I have been telling him for years he should follow along.  I, like I said before, have been more of a lurker on the other board.  Loved the community loved the humor.  I always wished I could have perticipated more but again too slow.  Now he will know first hand why I am laughing and not asking me later why.


  9. Y'all are freakin me out now with the discussion on sock seams and tags on clothes.  We've dealt with the same exact stuff!! 

    I guess just when you think your kid has "abnormal" issues (I use the term lovingly)...you find out they are more a "typical" kid than you think!

    In reality, aren't we all just one empty wine bottle away from being basket cases ourselves??  :banana:

    My most recent "empty" bottle was a wonderful bottle of Salem Fork Blush!  YUM! 

    The one I couldn't understand, she had such a hard time with the sock seem but would not wear open toe sandals. The sandal had to have a covered toe?  All pants have to have elastic in the back or adjustable waist because if there is a gap she can't wear it.  At least the tag thing seems to be more prevalent because a lot of children?s clothes have the stamped tag now. How about the, I?ll only eat things that are white or variations of white, or I won't eat anything with lumps, and if you make me.... I?ll puke!  Guess what I hate puke!

    How much did you all give vs make them "do it anyway"?

  10. Dave, I've heard of the senory processing disorder before.  From what I've heard some parents suspect autism at first until they receive the proper testing.  What kinds of issues does this disorder cause..if you don't mind my asking?

    For the most part, her symptoms now days are mostly auditory.  Loud noises and other sounds really get to her.  She's extremely sensitive.  There are other symptoms which may or may not be related...like extreme irritability!  >:D  Of course, that could just be her personality.  ;)

    When she was younger, say up through age 5, she has some pretty serious issues with sensitivity to touch.  Strange things like cotton towels would freak her out.  She DID NOT like being held, even as a baby.  She prefered to be fed strapped into a bouncer than held.  We got her both occupational and speach therapy starting at age 2, and it really helped over time.  Her current speach therapist really believes all of this is tied together, and possibly related to her birth which was very difficult.  We nearly lost her through lack of oxygen from the cord not only having a knot in it, but being around her neck.  She was in the NICU for a week.  But, like all parents with these issues, you never really know.  You just deal with things as best you can.

    Dave,  Gabriella was the same way. Vacum cleaning sends her to the moon! She would not wear clothes for a year (not a fun year BTW) and the part of the sock by the toe where it stiches together forgetabout it! She spent a year pulling out her hair to the point she had bald spots. But, she loves deep tissue massage. She has learned to deal with it. For all that she has been through she was given the talent to art that is unreal! It is so reassuring to hear of other parents dealing with the same stuff we do. Its life and it could be worse,but I stand by the motto that wine makes me a better parent.

        We have some of the same issues here.  McKenna is much better now with the socks but I would have to put on and take off the shoes a minimun of 3 times every time we put her shoes on.  Tags inside of her clothes another issue, food textures  UGH!  She was almost 3 1/2 before she could tolerate any food with texture.  Stage 2 baby food was all she could tolerate.

      Joshua, when he was younger, would start to scream when a movie would get near the end.  It took some time but we realized that it was the snow that would play at the end.  Enough to send him into a complete fit.  Our other son still deals with some sensory issues.  He still flaps quite a bit and jumps.  Last year we were able to finally get them to start using a sensory diet in school.  It's not food but alternative sensory input methods if he is having trouble during school.  If the teachers use these techniques he  does well, if not he is wound up by the time he gets home from school. 

      Now that they are older they have each learned to cope, but it has taken years of OT, ST  and PT with each of them.  I think the hardest thing we are dealing with now is peer acceptance.  They're wonderful kids but other kids quickly see the differences and tend to well keep the distance.  It breaks you heart.

  11. I so hope to be there! We missed this year. Aside from a business deal that kept us home we were teaching DD a lesson on disrespect. Halloween is my hands down favorite!

    I hope we get to meet up this time.  We missed eachother the last time.  We had to do the same thing 2 years ago.  My one son, who LOVES Halloween and Christmas hands down, lost his trick or treat night with his brother and sisiters.  When you don't do as expected you loose privledges.  Keeping positive thoughts for this year!  Love Halloween at the Fort.  :)



  12. Only recently we had 3 of our five tested and yes all 3 were diagnosed with ADHD.  It was the denial for a long time and a strong desire not to medicate our kids.  For two of them anyway it is what they needed.  My children were born very early so we knew they were at risk.  I know how you feel.  I think the ADHD is the more challenging of their issues, at times,  but we are managing.  I hate feeling like a pharmacy in the morning but it makes a huge difference if they miss.  My daughter actually thanked me and said she feels like she is all put together now.  Oh what a life we all lead....

  13. Something I can answer.... almost

    We have stayed in both.  First time in 2000.  Our pop up broke down in SC on the way.  After 1 night of all 7 of us in one large tent I pulled the white flag and went to Wally World for a second tent.  Any tent, the largest they had.  Still using the 2 tents to this day.  We had plenty of room for the 2 tents and a screen room and then some in our site 2051.

      Next stay we requested the 1500 loop.  Much smaller, 1519, but we fit.  We felt a little more private on the 1500 loop, more vegetation at that time.  The kids had the tetherball right across from us.  The CS wasn't too far and yes we were much closer to everything.  We had 2 golf carts for a portion of this trip too and no cart the first time so in the 2000 loop we felt left out.  I don't know if it would be different with a GC or not.  The loop was very empty too that trip. 

      I have to say they both have the pros and the cons.  It really depends on your needs.  I am very torn for our trip in October.  Not sure if I will request either loop, only a large site, may just have to go with what we get.         

      If you want to be a part of the Fort request 1500, if you want more relaxation or quiet request 2000.  1500 much smaller but so close to everything.  2000 bigger sites a little more open, large loop, removed from the rest of the Fort.  All that said, it has been 2 years since we have been.  So excited to be reserved again.  Now you have me thinking.... which one?  :-\

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