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Santa ... Shannon

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Everything posted by Santa ... Shannon

  1. Yep, Bambi was awesome! And Marissa, and Ben, and David and... Aw, heck, I miss the "a" team!
  2. Have always enjoyed the HDDR, but I haven't been since the whole crew got swapped. But in my experience the best time to go is the late show. The cast will not be under pressure to wrap at a certain time, they are a little looser and tend to play off each other a little more. Them trying to crack each other up (and sometimes succeeding) is sometimes better than the scripted jokes. If you've never been, you ought to try it once.
  3. I could listen to some .38 Special. Most of the rest would be good reasons to avoid F&W.
  4. Hmmm, don't mean to pester, but you said you'll be in 400 as though it were a settled fact. I'm just wondering if things have changed in the last 4 years and you can get a firm assignment now a days. I say with "some" certainty that I'll probably be in 300 on our next trip but that's just because we've reserved a preferred and have a pet loop request (narrows it a bit) but I have no allusions that Fort mgmt might put me in 100 or 200 without a second thought. Anyhow, just wondering.
  5. BTW, it's pwned not "poned". It started as an inside joke in the hacker community. Some guy took over a bunch of servers and splashed a taunt on them saying "all your servers are pwned"... He meant to say 'owned' but the unix command line doesn't have autocorrect.
  6. Well, wonderful. I'm glad there is still interest. I may try to expand on it a bit this coming October.
  7. It is an established, objective fact that 500 is the best loop.
  8. I'm just now caught up... Whew that was a lot of bonus material. Not that I wish you hadn't shared it, just, I think I'm TR'd out for the near term! I did want to clarify one point from about 20 pages back. The conductor on a train is kinda like the captain on a ship, while the engineer is more like a helmsman. The conductor dictates the schedule, switching, setting-out of cars (on freight trains) and such. The engineer is in charge of keeping the engine pressures in line, commanding the fireman/men (who stoke the coal/wood into the firebox), throttling and braking, and signaling (whistle/horn
  9. Looks great, but how's the progress on the aero-ponics (you know, the dangling-plant-conveyor/root-spraying) system coming? How about the giant lexan aqua-culture tubes? Love LwtL and do Behind the Seeds on most every trip... it one of the few BARGAINS at WDW.
  10. Anybody know where to find the stemware with Mickey or Minnie as the stem (as shown above)? We've looked everywhere. every time one breaks I have to pay an arm and a leg to replace it off eBay! (Btw, I've never broken even one, but I shan't say who has).
  11. Now you're just being silly, Lou. Andrew just posted pictures of himself with Chewbacca!
  12. We just saw him the other night in Jack the Giant Slayer (um, wait, I'd probably rather not let everyone know I watched that movie... Oh well)
  13. Best guess is the other one is Chief Chirpa, based on all the fancy accoutrements on his hoodie. Yub-yub! Just as a sad side note: did you realize that in the wake of the Death Star's destruction that the Endor moon would have been laid waste by billions of tons of falling debris? I hope the Rebels would have had time to relocate at least some of the Ewoks, lest the race become extinct!
  14. Oh! I know, I know. One of the Ewoks is Wicket... The little guy who first befriended Leah after her speeder bike crashed. I have no idea the other ones name. And no, Boba is Jango Fett's off-spring/cloned-self-son kinda thingy. Hope I was first o answer. I left mid-update to chime in ASAP! Edited to add: FIGGY-PUDDING! Late to the show again!
  15. I'll have to look into the Stars and Stripes a bit more. My mother will be staying with us at FW for about half our trip so she'll have both a military (spouse) ID and a room key. And she's a FL resident, too. So a couple of avenues to explore. Thanks Dave & Carol.
  16. I did one-days a lot when I was a kid, and EPCOT admission was $18! We will probably be doing two-day passes this next trip since we will probably just go to the parks for MNSSHP and MVMCP and then two days at EPCOT for F&W. the rest of the time will be all-fort. I'll have to run the numbers and see if a longer ticket with non-expiration would be worthwhile (and feasible to buy now). Totally OT - is there any advantage to buying passes at SoG other than the tax savings? My parents can buy them for us at SoG, but My Mrs and I are just dependents so we can't do any of the tickets that requi
  17. Huuunnnnnhhhhh.... Turkey, cranberry and dressing sandwich.... Earl rocks!
  18. For me it'd probably be dinner at Chefs de France with a nice cognac to finish. or maybe The last show of the night, on the floor, at the HDDMR or maybe a carryout cheese plate from France enjoyed lakeside as Illuminations plays out all of the = salted caramel (or Dirndl)
  19. Well, keep it up for another 204 more days and I'll see what I can do!
  20. Agreed! I just d/led the app and was glad to see that someone was able to use the site dimensions information that a very few in-the-know fiends have had access to for about 3 years. I had intended to incorporate it in the site maps but the project languished as I went on my Fort hiatus.
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