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Mtnmanky...aka Leon

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Posts posted by Mtnmanky...aka Leon

  1. At the risk of shamelessly promoting the area where we live, if you do come up I-75, the Kentucky Horse Park just north of Lexington is a great place to visit.  Very nice campground on site, and if it is full (it fills up pretty fast sometime) then Whispering Hills in Georgetown is nearby and very nice too.  The Horse Park is a large facility with lots to do and see, all horse related as you would expect by the name and it being in the heart of the bluegrass horse country. 


    There are a lot of horse (read race horse) farms in the Lex. area that are neat to visit, and Keeneland race track is one of the prettiest racetracks in the country. 


    Shaker Village is not far from Lex.  It is a walking tour of one of the last Shaker communities, with working crafts and demos. 


    If you like country music fans, Renfro Valley south of Lex. is a good stop for a variety of local and national performers.


    Between horses, antiques and crafts, a couple of days in the Lexington/Bluegrass area could be a nice way to spend some of your extra time.


    We live about an hour north of Lex. in Grant county, so feel free to holler when you come by!

  2. You folks griping about folks walking in front of wheelchairs need to know that it's not just you that people are walking in front of.


    People don't have manners anymore.


    When I'm in the parks, people constantly just step right in front of me.  A lot of the time, they're walking along looking at their damned smart phones.  Ignoring everything else around them, including their own families. 


    It's a different world, and it is getting worse and worse.



    and it is not just in the parks.  I see and experience similar things every day. 

    On the bright side, I also get Hi and Thank you from a lot of people...sadly they seem to mostly be people my age or more.  I used to  tell my kids, and now tell my grandkids, that they are the only person they can control, so don't worry about those they can't control.

  3. Cabelas in Mitchell is worth a visit. 

    The Corn Palace (also in Mitchell) is fun and free.  Good chance to get out and stretch.

    When are you going?   Watch for Rally Week...the first full week of August.  It will be just you and 50,00 bikers!  We have been then more than once, and it is neat and no problems except that prices go up that week and reservations are harder to get.

    x2 on the lighting ceremony.

    x2 on Custer State Park.  Great camp sites in the park, and you can reserve ahead online.  Just do a search on SD state parks.

    x2 on Wall Drug.  Get a free bumper sticker to start conversations later!

    We really like the Beaver Lake Campground in Custer...very nice people.

    Keep an eye on the weather...T'storms can pop up quick.


    As you maybe can tell we love it there, and go out every couple of years.  If you want to IM will be glad to provide more info, some of it may even be useful! :) 

  4. very carefully (do NOT get your fingers pinched...and dont ask how I know that) look to be sure that the "latch" inside the hitch that clamps down on the ball is not bound and is open all the way.  common area to get caught in a partial; position and keep the hithc from dropping onto the ball. 

  5. very carefully (do NOT get your fingers pinched...and dont ask how I know that) look to be sure that the "latch" inside the hitch that clamps down on the ball is not bound and is open all the way.  common area to get caught in a partial; position and keep the hithc from dropping onto the ball. 

  6. We love them.

    We try to hit the parks early then back to the camper for a long lunch/nap break, feet up, enjoy some relaxing time (with me usually soaking my feet!).  DW usually starts the crock-pot with dinner before we leave so she checks that at lunch time to be sure it is not burning down the entire Fort.  (she is my favorite worrier about such things!)  Then back to the park late for the evening.  Helps to stay out of the heat in the middle of the day...or at least that is my theory.

  7. If the motor and transmission are in decent shape, this should tow your pop up fine.  For a '97 that is not a lot of miles.  Keep the oil changed! 


    We have a history of buying 4-5 year old suburbans, because the DW likes suburbans, they fit all the grandkids, and tow our 22 ft Terry fine.  I try to get them with about 100k miles, drive them to about 250 or 300k and then sell them for enough to make a downpayment on the next one.  Works out fine so far.  The current one will be towing (Lord willing!) our camper to the Fort the end of Jan, with about 165k miles on it, so far! 

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