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Posts posted by lightbikes

  1. Makes sense.


    So, the truth is that Disney charged day guests for a full day of admission to the MK, then booted them out so they could kiss up to a bunch of foreigners and obscure bloggers by providing them experiences that no regular guest ever gets to enjoy.


    Then they told all of their CM's to lie and tell the guests that the park had been rented out for big bucks by a group.






    But so typical of the way Disney operates now.

  2. Maybe while they're at it they can bring back ride ticket books, start charging for character signatures, and put MagicBand swipe to pay locks on the bathrooms.


    :lol: don't give them such good ideas - they're looking for every possible way to extract money from us



    But in the spirit of tiered pricing....would you have to pay more for a 2 than for a 1?



    :wub: isn't that discrimination - ladies always require the 2 !!!!



    I guess day-guests would be s&@t outta luck... no MagicBands!



    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   but it would stop the freeloaders right



    Thank you gentlemen best laughs of the entire weekend.

  3. Getting off base from deposit problems (but who cares) I think for the most part Disney started losing it's Pixie Dust quite a few years ago.


    I remember when my kids were growing up, the Disney Channel was a wholesome great place for the kids to watch Disney movies and cartoons.


    Somewhere in between my kids growing up, and my grandkids coming along, it's turned into a heaping pile of crap.


    Like MTV it veered off of it's original idea.


    There are very few Disney movies or cartoons on it now.


    There are tons of shows that have rich families with snarky kids ruling the roost.  The parents are dumb and clueless, the kids do what they want, spend what they want etc.  No matter what kind of trouble they get into there is always a hilarious way they get out of it without suffering any major consequences.


    The parks and resorts (including the Fort) are being neglected and are getting run down and shabby looking.  They are overcrowded, and all they are doing is trying to separate your wallet from you at every turn.


    They have let their core business model slowly die while constantly expanding into more and more ventures that are "not Disney".


    ESPN, ABC, Marvel ,Star Wars, etc.


    They all make them boatloads of $$$, but they are not Disney, and never will be.



    Sorry - didn't mean to pull us off topic  :blush: - but the deposit problems, like the jamming of people into the fast pass area to watch fireworks at MK, like the attitude of the CMs who only want to "soothe you" with whatever lie is necessary so you move on - are all so indicative of the "don't give a d**m attitude of the Disney management now.  


    You are quite right - they are making boatloads of $$, their core business used to be the guest and their experience, but now it's a case of give us the money and the guest be ____! (fill in your most appropriate word).  (apologies to the language gurus here)

  4. Most businesses that treat their customers like this will quickly be forced to shut their doors.  But Disney is making more money than ever.  I don't get it.  


    I don't get it either -


    but they get away with it - and I think it's because at the end of the day they've got us (and/or our kids) hooked on "the idea of Disney" - the ephemeral, nostalgic, vague, goodness, trust in others,  we all so desperately want to believe exists somewhere - we still believe in pixiedust.  


    And nobody capitalizes on that better then Disney. 

  5. I forgot to take a photo of all the glasses together like I wanted, but here's what they looked like.







    And yes, the straws have a little nubbin at the end so you can't pull them out by accident.


    However the covers had decorative holes, which means you can't tip them over without spilling.   B)




    Those glasses are gorgeous - so pretty!!!!
  6. The more I look at those plans the more I'm wondering if they aren't going to go all the way along the shoreline until they come up against the area for River Country - wonder if they're looking at linking to the continually rumoured Fort Wilderness DVC?  IT's hard to tell from the plans how much space they'll actually use.


    They also have a lot of land the other side of BLT - they could really do a lot of development around the lake if they put their minds to it couldn't they?

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