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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2012 in Posts

  1. Way to go, Discamper! This thread is not only informative and amusing, but has gotten lots of newbies involved! Here is my helpful advice: When traveling with many young campers, it is very helpful to dress them all in the same color shirt each day. It makes spotting the one who is wandering off much easier. If you dress in the same color as well, helpful stranger will point out the wanderer to you. Before we leave, I decide what color shirt we will wear each day. I then coordinate each persons outfits for the whole trip. (Yes, annoying, but it saves time later and also avoids red shorts
    2 points
  2. Love the pics Todd. The petting zoo takes me back. When i was a wee lad a goat ate my blankey at the Fort!
    1 point
  3. All kidding aside, it was bothering me that I couldn't figure out the location of the bus stop in Discamper's photo. So, I went and had a look. I think this is the bridge and sidewalk depicted in the photo (also note the distinctive Fort fire hydrant there on the left) : The problem is that there is no bus stop there. This photo was taken with my back to the 2200 loop, looking across Big Pine Drive to the 2100 loop. There is evidence that a bus stop used to be there, but the bus stop is currently located to the left of where I was standing to take that photo. TCD
    1 point
  4. Tiny miracles. What a difference a day makes and some medication. He's a completely different kitty this morning. He ate for the first time on his own, alert and playing a little, and not just sleeping. Not out of the woods yet, but things are looking up.
    1 point
  5. Don't depend on your truck jack to be able to change a TT tire. It may not be strong enough (depends what you're pulling) or it may not lift high enough. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone called work needing assistance because they had a spare, but not a jack that would work. (or, God forbid...not the right size lug wrench) I would have...well...a lot of dollars. A good, dependable jack and correct lug wrench will always be cheaper than roadside assistance along the interstate.
    1 point
  6. Ok, this is not a "crockpot freezer meal," but it is a freezer meal. I made this lasagna a couple of weeks ago. Pulled it out of the freezer last night, stuck it in the fridge and baked it this evening. Awesome homemade meal for Christopher's first day back at school!
    1 point
  7. I know most of you on here are waaaaaaaay yonger than I am, but she was very much a part of my growing up years. For those of you who don't know who she was she was the very successful editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine. I ready it evey month and would get it the first day it came out. Did it have something to do with the WOMAN I AM TODAY. Hear me Roar, I am sure you all do when we camp together, for that matter I am sure the fiends who aren't camping with us can hear me no matter where they are LOL
    1 point

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