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Posts posted by bhall

  1. on the Maryland  you can definitely encounter them while driving on the road.  Some can be a PITA though because idiots have been feeding them.  Some of these horses are used to the vehicles and will come up begging for food.  Loud vehicles don't scare them away either as many hot/street rodders will go over to the island during many of the car show evens held in Ocean City.  I'm trying to find pics from some of these events where we went over to the island with my one car and we were behind a 69 Camaro that got kicked by a hungry impatient horse.  We also have spent a lot of time on Chincoteague Island and have gone to that side of Assateague.  One time on the walking trail we encountered a horse who came up beside us and immediately started to nuzzle my wife's purse, most likely looking for food.  

  2. No, Chincoteague is actually near the southern portion of Assateague Island.  Ocean City, Maryland (sitting on what is officially known as Fenwick Island (Not a real island but a spit) was once connected to Assateague Island but a hurricane in 1933 created what is now known as the Ocean City Inlet, thus creating a true island in Assateague.



    Ocean City is in the  upper part, Assateague is in the bottom.


    Here is a map showing the whole island and the location of Chincoteague Island.


  3. I think it's just the angle and the position of the salt shaker.


    We were sitting pretty far off to the right side (as you face the stage).


    Although it was kind of annoying at the time to see that scene three times, it's pretty funny in retrospect and makes for a great story. You could tell the poor CM was getting pretty frustrated as she explained YET AGAIN over the PA to remain seated at all times and not exit the theatre.

    The same thing kept on happening to us in the beginning of March.  The CM started to yell after the 4th announcement and then the 6th announcement was in Spanish, after the 7th time a "guest" yelled "listen to the staff you "fn" idiots.  I was getting annoyed at the idiots too.

  4. http://www.gettysburgreenactment.com/

    Gettysburg 2015 152nd Anniversary Battle Reenactment POSTPONED to August 7, 8, & 9 2015

    Due to abnormal amounts of rainfall for the past month, and the significant rainfall and flooding the past three days, both event organizers and local emergency management officials have deemed it necessary to postpone the Annual Gettysburg Civil War Reenactment. The reenactment is held entirely on farm fields and requires a reasonable level of vehicle and pedestrian ingress/egress to responsibly provide for safety and necessary resources. Although it is usually dry and hot during this time of year, the consistent weather pattern for the past month has created difficulties for most outdoor related activities throughout the region. After storms and significant rainfall on Thursday and Saturday, as event organizers and community partners, the Gettysburg Anniversary Committee has no alternative but to postpone the event. The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee understands and is very sensitive to the disappointment and inconvenience that a postponement causes to visitors, reenactors and area businesses. It is also impacting to our staff as well. The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee is comprised of community members with a twenty-one year history of responsibly organizing this event. Our organizational history indicates a commitment to perform – if we are able to do it safely. Any advance ticket for the July 3-5, 2015 dates will be honored for any of the three postponement days on August 7, 8, & 9, 2015.

  5. Not to put more on your plate, but this is the time to decide if you think you want to ever go to a fifth wheel.  If you do, forget about the 250/2500 if you want a diesel.  Head straight for the 350/3500.  I wish I would have went with the 2500.  I will be adding the 3500 rear springs to my truck and going to the 18" wheels and tires that the 3500 come equipped with.  I see so many of the 3/4 ton diesels going down the road with fifth wheels hooked up and their headlights up in the air.  Mostly Fords look like this from what I've seen.  I don't know if it's because of mushy suspension and low payloads or the fact that the drivers think just because they have a diesel they can hook up a 15k pound 5th wheel - or both.  We use Chevy and Ford and sometimes John Deere for towing here at the Auction service.  Once upon a time we had a 2009 2500 Dodge but after 2 tranny rebuilds it got auctioned off.  Here in Gettysburg the state police have been pulling over trucks and campers that look like this. 

  6. If you are going to look at the GM twins, look at the 2011 and up due to the ungraded/updated frames and suspension.  Here at the auction building, my truck squats less then the 2009 F-250, 2007 E-350, & 2015 F-250 King Ranch Diesel.  For heavy tounge weight loads, they pick my truck to tow the trailers as I have the most payload of them all.  For loads with all the weight on the axles they'll used the use the King Ranch which has lots of less payload then me.

  7. We were down for our Anniversary in March.  We didn't make any ADR because we want to do what we want to do when the mood strikes us.  So, on the morning of our Anniversary, March 6th, I was reading DiT's trip report and saw the post about the California Grill.  So I suggest that to my wife to see if she would like to go there.  I had previously reviewed the CG's menu and to be honest, nothing on that menu sounded very appetizing to me.  My wife looked up their menu and without me saying anything, decided the same thing.  So, she remembered seeing the Artist Point in the WL and looked up their menu.  She immediately called them and had reservations for that night I think at 8 pm.  I had scheduled that night off of work so we could make an evening of it.  We decided on a boat trip instead of the bus and by some stroke of luck, we had the boat to ourselves.  Seeing the anniversary button on my wife's jacket, The boat 'captain' serenaded us with bawdy pirate themed songs for the trip :).  We arrived at the WL and only had to wait a few minutes for our table.  The restaurant had it's lighting set to low, but for me it was way to low as I needed a light to read the menu, but I suffer from Night Blindness to a degree.  While we're reading the menu, the waiter came out with complimentary champagne for us as my wife told them earlier we were celebrating our anniversary.  Score! 

    Anyway, he asks us if we would like an appetizer or soup and salad to start out with.  I told him that I trust his judgement and to bring us what he would eat himself.  Shortly after, he brought us out Bread and Butter and two bowls of Smoked Portobello Bisque and he wanted to wait to see if we liked it. We both took a taste from our bowls and just looked at each other with wide eyes of satisfaction.  He knew from our looks that we were very happy with his choice and excused himself saying he would be back in a bit to see if we would like drinks and to order our entrees.  A few minutes later he came back and I had ordered an Apple Martini and my wife ordered an Espresso Coffee Martini.  I saw Salmon on the menu and got excited and stopped reading after Salmon.  Literally, I didn't anything after that word, didn't notice the price or read the description as it didn't matter because...Salmon..  I love Salmon.  mmmmmmm...mmmmmm...mmmmmmm, so that's what I ordered.  My wife ordered the Filet Mignon - medium done.


    It didn't seem like it took a long time for the entrees to come out, although we both finished off the martinis and had to order another round before it came out.  The martinis were really tasty, as in went down very fast and smooth.  Anyway, our food comes out and there it is laid out in front of me, the sizzling salmon on the a cedar plank.  The salmon is transferred over to the plate with the rest of the entree.  I will say, the portion of salmon I received was larger then what is pictured above. 

    My wife looks at me and asks "You really ordered that?" 

    I reply back, "Yeah, Salmon.  Duh!"

    She says, "No.  Brusselsprouts, Duh"

    Me, "What!"

    Because of the low light, I didn't notice them right away and remember, I stopped reading the menu after Salmon.

    I hate, loath, abhor, detest those little evil weed balls.  You know how much I hate them?  As much as you all hate selfie sticks.  My wife tried to grow them one year in the garden.  I drowned those SOBs in so much weed killer, it took out about 1/8 of surround plants in the garden and the run off may have been responsible for the Potomac River Fish Kill of June 2010.

    So anyway, I am now faced with a problem.  I tackle the salmon and I will say this with all seriousness.  I have never tasted Salmon before like that.  The texture was like no other too.  Awesome just doesn't describe it.  Better terms I could use would be; Outstanding, Stunning, Stupendous, Indomitable, Resplendent, Majestic or just simply Kickass.  At this point my wife is enjoying her filet and I have moved on to the other items on my plate.  She says her Filet was better then the one I grill at home.  That cut me deep because my grilled filet mignon is legendary around the family and friends who were fortunate enough to have over stayed their welcome whenever I've prepared it.  At $13.99/lb I'm not making that for them on purpose.  I had let her sample my Salmon earlier and she liked it as well.  Anyway, she cut me off a small piece of her filet and she was right.  It made mine seem like I've been grilling cube steak all this time.  She devoured the rest of the items on her plate with gusto :).  I did as well except the brussels.  There they laid, on the plate mocking me.  After some light stabbing of the pork and being shoved around the plate, my wife said, "Just try one, it might be different from the rest that you have ever tried".  After mulling it over a few minutes, I did just that.  And you know what?  I liked it!  It was like I was living a real life, Life Cereal commercial.  That chef did something special that night with those brusselsprouts.  I ate every single one of them and I actually would have ate more if they were there.  As if on cue, the waiter came up just as I was done and asked how everything was.  My wife told him something just short of a miracle just happened and my hatred of brusselsprouts and compliments to the chef for his magic with them.  He laughed and said he would be back in a minute.  He came back with a single plate with a nice sized piece of red velvet cake on it and said it was a gift from the chef for our anniversary to share with each other.  After we finished the piece of cake we were just filled up from the food, the water, the champagne, the martinis and even cups of coffee and just simply could not order dessert.  If we had, I'm sure that would have been exquisite as well.


    Everything was perfect that night at the restaurant, from the superb service, to the superb staff and food.  The ambiance was even great despite my difficulties in low light situations.  My wife and I agree, that night was the best night we have ever had in any restaurant ever.  I guess you can say the pixie dust was really swirling around that night.  My only complaint from that night is I believe it has ruined salmon for me.  Since then, I've ordered salmon at least 8 different times at various restaurants, and each time I'm now wishing I was eating the salmon from Artist Point as every other place's dish is falling short.  Our experience at the Artist Point was a huge deciding factor in us pulling the trigger to stay at Disney in 2016.  The Fort being the larger factor.

  8. I like to make cheese steak tater tots.  Take the ingredients of Philly Cheese Steak and throw away the bun.  Instead put all that cheese steak goodness on top of the tater tots.  Tada!  Pro-Tip:  Wait at least 30 days before going to the doc to get your cholesterol checked.

  9. Like I said "correctly" : )

    Did he did do the blue spring mod for fuel pressure? That's a known injector killer.

    I'm not sure. I will try to call him this weekend and ask him that. He's not to mechanically inclined and is trusting with what shops tell him.

    Visited my ex-bil this weekend. He did have the blue spring mod done. He is done with the excursion and 6.0s in particular. (His 6.0 work truck let him sit last Tuesday as well). Any way he is going to fix the excursion one last time because he believes he will recoup that cost when he sells it and is looking for another tow vehicle. The excursion still looks brand new so I am sure he will be able to hook some sucker who thinks a good looking vehicle is mechanically sound. He really likes my new silverado 2500 crew cab so we hooked up his camper for him to try out. Didn't even bother to hook up the WDH as my truck barely squatted unlike the excursion. So with that i let him take the set up all over the Biglerville and Gettysburg areas and he wanted to pull it up south mountain pass on U.S. 30. He came back with a smile on his face and said my 6.0 gasser pulled the mountain just as well has his Excursion does. Although he frequently goes to Potter county and encounters larger mountains so he still wants a diesel. He said he wants to get a 5er some day so I told since he wants a diesel to just forget about 2500 and move up to the 3500 for the payload since the diesels eat up about 450-600 lbs of payload on the Silverados.

    Sent from my iPhone

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