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fladogfan aka Gretchen

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Posts posted by fladogfan aka Gretchen

  1. Think of all the money Disney won't have to spend by not having humans taking the photos.


    On 11/21/2018 at 10:34 PM, AuburnJen said:

    I know there was a lot of backlash to it the other day.  I see both sides.  One: Disney wants to speed the process at certain locations and automate things for a smoother line process.  However, you then have that whole "my experience is lessened" quality thing about it.  It is like the automatic Walmart checkout.  If I wanted to check myself out at Walmart, I would have stayed home and had it delivered.


    I do not like the auto pay stations, and it does real people out of jobs.

  2. On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 4:06 PM, DaveInTN said:

    My sources tell me they built Spaceship Earth in a way that allows them to roll it out of the park to the far side of the parking lot.  They can do the refurb there, then roll it back into place.  


    On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 4:29 PM, Travisma said:

    I thought they were going to use a crane with a big 9 Iron and do a chip shot out of the park to the parking lot!


  3. On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 2:43 PM, CCIntrigue...aka Gwen said:

    Sounds like a great evening, Gretchen!



    On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 7:43 PM, Littleolwoman.aka.Kristie said:

    Sounds like a perfect evening.

    It was, thank you.

  4. Took Annie to Epcot last night, rode Imagination, saw the movies in the building behind the main one.  It seems every time I go there the movies have changed.  Really good, I enjoy them.  Then did some grazing, stopped at the Bar-b-que spot for protein and then the CHOCOLATE for a tasty treat.  Lot of walking, Bill pushed A in the chair and I had my rolling walker!  Saw movie in France, by then almost time for fireworks, started for Mexico but stopped in Germany for apple strudel. The short fence across from food was almost empty, so we stopped to watch the show from there.  PERFECT! no smoke, small amount of visitors and we could see the MK's high fireworks.  The MK show and Epcot's started almost in unison and finished same.  Gotta admit, I like the MK show much better than any of the other parks' shows.

    Food we had was good, saw more I want to try, weather was delightful, except Melty Mo would have been sweating.  As we walked out a shower started, very nice, gentle rain and no thunder/lighting.  Also cooled air so this morning the temp was comfortable.

  5. 2 hours ago, DaveInTN said:

    Back in the 60's when Walt was secretly buying up the land for WDW, if someone from the future had told him that someday they'd be serving booze for breakfast in the Magic Kingdom, he'd have replanted the orange trees, put the land back up for sale, and headed back to California.  

    YES!  Walt came up with the idea of a park without alcohol to protect kids from drunks.  But we know now that it's not the kids that matter but the bottom line.

  6. On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 1:37 PM, Travisma said:


    And January they push the on site hotel reservations for the Marathon weekend which they now seem to stretch for an entire week.  I think a lot of people arrive early in the week before the races and stay a couple of days afterwards.

    You and granddaughter planning on entering any of the races ?

  7. On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 11:04 AM, BradyBzLyn...Mo said:

    Excellent reply! 

    Hope you were able to see fireworks last night.  🙂

    Oh we found a good spot to wait on the roof of the Orange garage, but when the high fireworks failed to start at 8pm Bill left at 8:08,  of course when we were on the road  there they were.  time 8:11pm.  Grrrr.  Oh well, he took us to the Twisty Freeze for cones.  They also have a small frozen cup for dogs.  Taffy gave her approval.  It was frozen yogurt with banana and peanut butter and a lot of weird stuff.

  8. Well Annie is not so positive about life, she wants to die.  But I told her that plan did not seem to be working so let's DO something.  We tried to get to the parking garage roof to watch fireworks the other day, unfortunately we forgot it was Saturday night and the traffic around the Village was awful.  The plan is to try again tonight.  I'll let you know how that goes.

  9. On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 6:24 PM, DaveInTN said:

    There are many rumors today that Rafiki's Planet Watch and Conservation Station are closing permanently in early Oct.  Any confirmation on this?  

    I for one will be sad if this is true.  I don't get to AK often but Rafiki's  Planet Watch is a favorite.  A must do if children are along.


  10. Last Friday, September 21, Bill and I took his Mom, Annie, to MGM.  Yeah, yeah OK I know it's called something else, but my old brain thinks MGM.

    So anyway, we entered HS :P about 3pm, amazingly the weather was decent, lots of clouds kept the temp around 89 and a small breeze helped too.

    Now Annie is 96 and can walk with a walker around the house, but for jaunts out of the house it's in a wheel chair she goes.  Of course she is not into rides any more, but we got to Indie's stunt show just before the show started, after that we started to Toy Story area, just to look around.  Bill and I hadn't been there yet.  On the way we stopped at Little Mermaid's show. Annie seemed to like both shows.

    So onto Toy Story!  Time might have been between 5 and 6pm.   The rides look like fun, but the 70 minute wait for the Slinky Dog coaster and the 40 minute wait for the little green aliens did not appeal.  Annie kept saying "go on the ride, I'll sit here'.  But the waits were not appealing.  Then we stopped at the open air eatery across from Beauty and the Beast.  We had 3 kids meals for just under $22.00.  Annie still was not able to finish her meal.  We were too late to see a B&B show, so something for next time.

    End of report .       :UselessWithoutPictures:  except we didn't have a camera with us!

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