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Everything posted by Lou...

  1. VM South Bus Facility This is VM South, vehicle maintenace south, located way back stage. If something goes wrong with a bus, you'll be told to take it to FIW, see below. They'll attempt to fix the problem, but if they can't it's off to VM south. That's where the buses get repaired and serviced. You'll see buses in different stages of dis-assembly. I get a kick out of the huge lifts they use to lift the buses for servicing. The smaller white rectangles are buses FIW Bus Facility The two white rectangular buildings are the FIW facility. It stands for fuel, inspect, & wash. It's located b
  2. Let's see, China, Hawaii, sounds like a no brainer to me. Aulani's first phase is scheduled to open in late August so if Jeff is the Front Office Manager, he should be leaving the Fort soon. I've heard some not so good things about him, but in my efforts to do what I do on the side, he was most helpful. I couldn't have done it without him. Guess I'll have to find out who his replacement is going to be.
  3. You'll never find me in the FW pool or hot tub. Hey Bob, forget the FW pool, you're welcome in my pool. Fifteen minutes away and I know there is no pee in it, unless Buddy falls in it, because we're never in it. Gail just likes to look at it.
  4. They're there every day but only until noon or so. A few years ago, they didn't exist. For those that don't have a vehicle, cabs are available and can be at most resorts within 5 minutes. For the Fort, the cabs are staged at TTC. That's one phone number I would put into my cell phone contacts if I were at WDW, just in case.
  5. I'll be there all day Wed thru Sat, I'm an official.
  6. So how did you get there? Did you ever follow up on why there wasn't a bus? If you did, what was their reply? As for regular bus service, the Fort and all of the other resorts are supposed to get whatever bus service they've contracted WDW Transportation to provide and to my knowledge, they're getting it to their satisfaction. Every morning they assign transportation monitors, the black & whites, to the resorts that, if they're doing their job, call in when a bus is needed out of sequence. The Fort is not the red headed step child. I hear the same complaint at one time or another at eve
  7. http://espnwwos.disney.go.com/events/more/vex-robotics/
  8. Absolutely not, I don't think we need to be careful. It's a new day. Snarky is as Snarky does. Back on topic. If you're going to the Fort just to camp, I don't think it's worth it. I wouldn't pay it. But if you're going to take advantage of what WDW has to offer, it's worth every cent and even I would pay it. For those that are close by and have done everything at WDW dozens of times, getting a reasonable rate is crucial.
  9. If you run out of things to do and want to rejuvenate your man card, hop over to WWOS and check out the VEX Robotic competition going on Thur, Fri, & Sat. I'll be there starting Wed.
  10. Monique, If you recall during my visit this weekend, I told you that I was surprised that someone hadn't posted a recent photo of the Art of Animation resort as the main building was partially painted and had a lot of color. That video shows it very well. If I wasn't so lazy, I would have done it weeks ago.
  11. Jeff Martin appears to be moving on. His official title is Front Office Mgr, but for the Aulani resort. He's still at the Fort though.
  12. Hey, didn't you hear the man. No going off topic.
  13. I don't know if it will apply to your situation, but WDTC-MYW and all WDTC-UK packages gives you the following: Fireworks Viewing at Epcot is available. Each person on the package will receive one (1) voucher redeemable for a special viewing area for IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth. Viewing location is at the Boat Landing near the Morocco Pavilion. Fireworks Viewing at Magic Kingdom Park is available. Each person on the package will receive one (1) voucher redeemable for a special viewing area for Wishes nighttime spectacular. Viewing location is at the Plaza Landing near the Plaza Rest
  14. Agreed, ok, FW swimming pool, TNBob complains, TNBob like the Phillies, I don't, I'm a Redsox fan, GO SOX.
  15. Not to be picky, but this is a correction to the correction, correction. Below is a direct quote from an internal WDW website. " Opening Day, November 19, 1971: A total of 40 Cast Members welcomed guests to the resort on opening day. The resort opened with 232 campsites." Is it wrong?
  16. I'm not sure we're talking WDW transportation in your case. Usually, if the event warrants it, special events use third party buses and not the WDW buses. I have never transported runners to a marathon starting location. Or as I like to call them, crazy people.
  17. Sounds like the matter, antimatter, thing. They'll try to destroy each other.
  18. No offense taken. I always complain about the buses too, but my complaint is that there are too many buses there. Too many times, I can't get in there to drop off and pickup because some idiot internal driver is just sitting there holding up the buses behind him. As for your complaint, save your breath, nothing is going to change. You'll have to accept things as they are or do as I do, DON'T USE THE BUSES if you have a vehicle.
  19. http://orlandoparksnews.blogspot.com/2010/04/hidden-disney-mickeys-retreat.html
  20. I can look up the locations at both parks if I know what package you're getting.
  21. There is no such privilege. That doesn't mean that some CMs don't do it though. As Deb wrote, CMs have their own mini-resort.
  22. We have a Silky Terrier. The Silky breed is half Yorkie. I've had other small breeds and Buddy takes a back seat to none of them when it comes to intelligence. Yorkies are harder to house train than a lot of other breeds. We made sure that we took him out every 3 hours when he was a puppy. By doing that we made sure that he didn't have the chance to have an accident in the house, while re-enforcing the fact that he should do his business outside. It seems to have worked, but you have to be consistent. Good luck.
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