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Everything posted by CKCK

  1. I think my Fiend sign is broken...I've never had anyone stop by. Or maybe people just don't like me,,,they wouldn't be the first...
  2. Speedos, character butts... That's an easy way to hook some of these Fiends on a TR. I on the other hand, am not so easily influenced.
  3. My mom couldn't find the same shade in the small sizes. I think I would have rather had one of the small ones... I'm not holding my breath either, especially after I talked with their service manager. I don't think I can compare with 2000! Thanks! I guess I got lucky with my family! We're super blessed with our two girls! I don't think being pretty in pink helps me keep my man card, so I'll have to disagree!
  4. I've actually made that before. Really good. And really dangerous!
  5. I think I grew a lot on this trip, right? If my wife has it her way there will be another TR by the end of the summer...but if my wallet has it his way there won't. Anna Maria Island was nice. We actually stayed there when I was a kid, but I don't remember much. Thanks for reading! Thanks for reading! I'm sorry we weren't able to meet while we were there! I think I'll suggest to my mom that next year's picture is ghettofabulous. I'll pick out the shirts for that. Will do! I HATE sand, so it was good for me! Sand is fine on the beach, I just wish it would stay there. Glad I redeemed my
  6. You're making me blush. The thing is, I had two secret weapons. If my TR started heading south all I had to do was flash a quick pic of one of the red heads and I was back on my game. You're rocking out a fantastic TR (finally...) with no secret weapons. Score for you. Woo hoo!
  7. Okay, it’s time to put this thing to bed. While we may have left the Fort, we did not leave… Okay, we left WDW also. Bummer. However, this was the first time we have ever left the Fort and not headed home. In fact, it was the first time we were ever to be on I-4. We were heading to Bradenton…actually Anna Maria Island. Okay, we weren’t even heading there. We were heading to Cortez, which is basically on the other side of the bridge from Anna Maria Island. MaMa and PaPa were spending the week at the beach in a condo, and we were going to stay two nights in a campground (Holiday Cove) right acr
  8. You're going to get me in trouble. Next thing you know I'll be showing up in my ghetto gear doing drive by spikings in the Fort riding shotgun in a big bus...
  9. Now you tell me. I guess you never know! Be careful what you wish for...I have three times as many pictures on my computer than I posted here!
  10. I'm still going with little tin foil hats (see what those girls have on their heads?), special shots, signing their lives away, or no idea. I'd like to think that the special shots were also jello shots.
  11. So the job of packing up everything basically falls to me. Not because DW is lazy, but because she has to occupy the two red heads while I get everything ready to go. I did a lot the night before, but still had a good bit to do in the morning. One of those things was to load the GC in the truck, which takes awhile. So by the time we were ready to pull out I was soaking wet with sweat. Awesome. Our plan was to go to Epcot for rope drop. We weren’t sure whether we should drive over there or park in overflow and take the bus. I felt like we should just drive over there, but I wasn’t sure about
  12. That was a seriously scary float! The girls looked pretty rough in that pic! Glad you're here! Thanks! No, it does not. It took forever to get but it was worth it! Me too. Of course, I live with them, but it's fun going through all of the pics! The Tonga Toast was good to try, but that's it for me! Everyone has their thing! It just doesn't do it for me. Of course, I never saw it as a kid so I don't have those memories to fall back on. Glad you like it! Sure is. I should have taken a pic of me with a beer mustache...
  13. If you went skiing then I want to know if you signed your life away or if they gave you some shot that keeps the death bacteria away.
  14. Bam! CKCK wins. Sorry you're sick though! Hope you get better soon!
  15. Maybe he's sick again. Or he's just building the anticipation. Or in the rest of his pictures he's wearing a speedo.
  16. I thought those were a dumb idea... until I watched the video of the ears in action. Pretty cool. Brother butt crack cocaine is a pretty dumb idea. I don't think after watching a video of that I'm going to change my mind, nor am I going to watch a video of that. Maybe Stef would.
  17. Well, as far as college marching band parades go, marching through a bunch of drunk GA/Purdue/Wisc (one year was Purdue, the other Wisc) doesn't really do it for me. I've never actually been there to hang out. All I know about it is it was dark, we marched and played, then a year or so later it burned down. I assume they rebuilt it to be the same. I wouldn't know if it was the same or different anyway. Some day I guess I'll have to go check it out.
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