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Everything posted by Keylime359

  1. Do you know if you can do the race car with it? I was planning on that for Alan but if I can do it this way it would be worth it and the rest would be gravy :banana:
  2. It looks like there are some twins praticing for the ABC show wipeout!
  3. Alan always thinks I am a drama queen when the wind picks up. I will be sure to show him this photographic evidence that I am not making it up! Thanks Jen!
  4. I like that idea! I have never used dried beans before. I will try that! I am also going to use your bread this weekend. I want to use it for buns and have hot dogs.Thanks!
  5. Hi Nana! I kept peeking over and never saw anyone there! I am sorry I missed you!
  6. Topsail Hill is a good example of a cg done right. As far as I can tell they don't have people staying too long. My biggest gripe about Florida is the lack of real (vs snowbird or prem) CG. We go to Disney in part because it is what we like(a wilderness feel, w/ beach) and it has full hookups.
  7. I want a showcase showdown! Next one at the Fort needs to post random pictures for a showcase. That would be fun! TCD look what you started! Fun for the whole family :banana: Congrats to Ed on your hat, sticker and starlight mints.
  8. Lover's Key is right on the water and the demand would be high. I think the state would cap it out a 2 week max. The water aspect would keep in busy I feel certain. The people who like to use the atv and such have two options locally. One is the redneck yacht club and Peace River Campground. They have mudding and all that. I don't see them wanting to fool with this when they have a playground just for that. The snowbirds could be a problem, but the state would have to enforce the 2 week thing.
  9. De Soto is usually booked. People want and use this facility. It is money to the state. Campers are generally respectful of wildlife. Sounds like a win win to me. I know the uber environmentalists will probally shut this down before it even gets off the ground. Right around election time no less.
  10. If I hear of anymore interesting tidbits I will share! I really like that one because it is small and not a whole meal for days when we might be doing a larger dinner later.
  11. http://www.nbc-2.com/story/15069486/2011/07/12/dep-wants-to-bring-rv-park-to-lovers-key This is so close to my house we could camp once a month!
  12. Call me and I will talk you thru the process. It is so easy! I have had a breadmaker before and I liked it.(Gave it to my Mom who uses it a lot) I am just too lazy to clean it. It is not hard to clean, but I am just a wack-a-doodle.
  13. Holly, I have a breadman and I have yet to take it out of the box. I got it on Amazon last year around Christmas when it was a gold box deal. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FZZ0VE The one that got the best reviews was this but you would have to be committed to buy it. http://www.jr.com/zojirushi/pe/ZOJ_BBCEC20BA/ The loaf I made today was from the oven. If you want I can help you make it. The reason I did not use the breadmaker was laziness. It was so much easier just to make the dough and stick it on the baking stone. My mom swears up and down that the bread maker makes better brea
  14. Let's use this thread to post recipes to cook at home (or camping) rather than eating out. I will start with our favorite meal it is a pinch of this cause that's how we roll Something Chicken Boneless skinless breasts salt pepper and garlic powder to season in a pan cook up some cubed pancetta cook onions in fat cook chix in pan or grill top chix with pancetta, and mixed cheese like montery cheddar and melt serve with yellow rice and black beans
  15. under budget board? I will start tonight. I have great recipes from you. A chili one that was out of this world! Holly makes good crockpot chili
  16. at one point that was a whole loaf! DH could not wait. It was like the dad in Christmas Story with the turkey!
  17. I made bread today :banana: I was lazy and did not feel like using the breadmaker so I did it in the oven.
  18. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268815_2249860844959_1201351816_32727585_7268820_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/264938_2249867005113_1201351816_32727616_1575731_n.jpg
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