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Everything posted by dvccamper

  1. Awesome! Congratulations on winning! We were there the beginning part of last week. How did you enter?
  2. That is awesome! I mean, what are the chances of finding yourself in a trip report? I have a similar story, though. My kids were on YouTube a few weeks ago and were looking up ride videos on YouTube to show their cousins what to expect on our October trip. They looked up Splash Mountain and for whatever reason clicked on the second one on the list (I think it was posted by the people from undercover tourist). They start screaming when they realize they are in the video! It was from our trip a year or two ago and the three of them went on the ride while my husband and I took a breather. Sure e
  3. Awesome idea to repost an old trip! Love seeing the pics of the kids so much younger. I have to say I love going through our photos from old trips to see how the kids change from trip to trip.
  4. Love that you had the 'mature student' costume, made me laugh. He was a funny character in that movie. Very clever costumes, twin #1 did a great job (I think it was #1?).
  5. Fun report. Will now make it a point to hang around MK to see some of the MNSSHP "pre-show" on our upcoming trip.
  6. Whenever DVC is promoting something they send us an email with the "opportunity" to view a promotional video. The latest was for the Grand Floridian Villas with Samantha Brown. Then you pick the day and time you want to watch it and they send you the link. I usually watch them because then they send you a free lithograph. I've stockpiled a few of these, thinking maybe someday I will sell them on ebay. But for now they sit in my closet (where they will probably stay, ha!). At the end of the video they usually offer a special add on price or whatever. But they also seem to be on youtube, bu
  7. Yesterday there was a piece on our local news about this and I immediately thought of this trip report!
  8. Very cool Nautilus photos. Isn't it hard to swim down there with a life jacket on? Just wondering.
  9. I loved your trip report and a big congratulations to you both! Although I'm sure you've had great trips as a couple, you will love your trips as a family of three (then four, then five....)!
  10. Okay, I will take page 2 bragging rights seeing as Dave hogged most of page 1. I am so glad to see the return of the list of fun! When we went to Hilton Head last year we had a list of fun, inspired by your cruise report from last year. Looking forward to seeing how you all complete it. And I did notice the anchor shorts immediately but I thought they were boxer shorts
  11. Great report! Your girls are just too darn cute.
  12. Yosemite is a place I have been dying to visit for a few years. We even had a trip booked and had to cancel. Your pictures are inspiring me to start saving for a possible trip next year!
  13. Great report, it had everything, laughs, tears and everything in between (including shock at what you paid for that shower curtain!). I'm sure there are more trips to the Fort in your future. We will be down in October, you could always borrow my kids for a few days so you won't look weird going on the little mermaid ride alone
  14. I think a few things point to the fact that you may be a closet Star Wars geek, the very ones you mock. First, the Darth Vader t shirt, then the fact you know who Salacious Crumb is. I think you throw out all your Star Wars questions pretending not to know the answers, but in fact you know them all. You certainly make it to quite a few of these Star Wars weekends....hmmmm.
  15. I enjoyed finding the hidden Devine in your Fort pics. It's like Where's Waldo. But creepier.
  16. Really enjoyed your report and pictures. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Shame on me for not recalling the Wookie family portrait. It's a memorable piece of art.
  18. I think the price increase stinks. It's going to cost me $26 more per ticket which for a family of five makes a difference. For several years now the Disney tickets have cost much more than our airline tickets. I guess the only saving grace is that the kids will start working in the next few years so they will be able to buy their own admission tickets!
  19. Sitting outside in Mexico with nachos and a Dos Equis.
  20. First off, congratulations to the TCD twins! No doubt they will be successful in their future endeavors, they seem like bright young ladies. Secondly, this: It was disturbing enough seeing this picture of Padme apparently kissing a Wookie. Then I watched the video and saw the Wookie dancing. Equally disturbing. Did I miss something in the movies? Does Chewbacca ever have a love interest? Or dance?
  21. Shoot, I'm late and yet I knew there would be a TCD trip report. We watched some of the live feed from the MK and my kids asked "Do you think TCD is there?", to which I replied "Of course!"
  22. I've been enjoying your trip report. We had a trip to yosemite and the california coast all planned and had to cancel so I love seeing your pictures. Maybe I can get into planning mode again. Very sorry to hear about your dog, they're all so adorable in your pictures!
  23. Enjoying the trip report, better late than never. Count me in as a Yankee who has never tried grits. Or greens. Or beet lollipop.
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