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Posts posted by 4Brians.....Todd

  1. We are not early morning people so, the late EMH are better for us.

    I have to agree. If I'm on vacation, my clock isn't even on early enough for morning EMH's.

    The late hours work great for us. The early ones? Have fun, and take a couple pictures of the sunrise for me. I'm sleeping in...

  2. One of the troopers that works for me had his family at WDW last week. Just a quick 3 day stay. Without going into details, he wanted to take his beautiful 2 year old daughter due to severe health problems. He knows he will probably not get another chance with her. I didn't tell any fiends he was coming. But I did tell him that if they had any problems or needed any help, he needed to call me immediately, because I have a lot of friends in the area. I knew without asking that if I asked for some assistance for a friend, the fiends would come through. He told when he got back that it put his wife's mind at ease a little knowing that they had someone they could turn to, even if she didn't personally know who it was.

    That's what being a fiend is about. Having friends and a "support system " spread through half the country.

    By the way, fiends...thanks for "being there" for my friend's family. You did good, and didn't even know it!

  3. Going to Pennsylvania bear country camping today. They are especially active this year for some reason, and this time of year they are trying to fatten up for their hibernation. Guess the Florida bears wouldn't hibernate, though.

    What part of PA are you camping in? If its bear country, it must be my yard. I have video of 6 bears having a party around my apple & pear trees. Wow can they be destructive.

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