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Posts posted by SCTigerCock

  1. They must cap the 5K at 10,400. Once you told me about it, I check the week prior and it was sold out. I was going to get both Tony and I registered since we are doing the Cooper River Bridge run this year. We will find something healthy to do, promise.

    And after seeing the crowd on Thursday, I can't imagine Friday when we thought about going over. WOW!

  2. Stef,

    Tony wants me to make sure you know, how much we appreciate you allowing us into the reunion. Tony was excited he was able to support and celebrate with Jordan, especially after a year over in A-Stan.

    I understand Jordan shared with Tony about some of things he expreienced over there. For Tony, even after 28 years of moving the Army and other forces around, he (Tony) appreciates all they do. He was proud to pass on one of his challenge coins to Jordo. I just wish we could have done more for him and his close friends and supporters.

    For you and Trev (and Mason) to support him and his buds like yall do......... :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    And for all those FF members and others that stopped by to say "Thank You" presonally; I think ya'll deserve a :heart: too. Ya'll made/took time out of your vacation or work for this brave young man. So to you, THANK YOU 2.

    Note: My nice allotment is out for at least the rest of the month. Be warned. :clint:

  3. Stef,

    Glad we could help! We're proud to the part of the extended Spawn family!

    We can talk about that circular family tree later!

    That night was awesome in so many ways. And Tony still can't believe his ears, eyes or mouth from Fiesty! "Don't we have some C-A-K-E?" And sorry to Jordo, but army men will never be thought of the same again. Evah!

    But at least he understands more of the texts. AND RUN, RUN, RUN!

  4. Please keep us updated. The Land is my favorite ride at EPCOT. I always want to try out some stuff they do. :jumpforjoy

    Tony and I talked about it last time, but would be concerned about high humidity.

    And I remember and episode of Holmes on Homes where something like this was tried. But they weren't growing herbs, they were growing HERB. :flush2:

  5. From our recent trip:

    Bring a whisk type broom or some other meathod to try to keep up with the sand in the tent.

    A mat in front of the tent will help out with the above greatly.

    We had originally booked a premium thinking planning on the RV. When we decided to the tent, the partials were full, the lowest site we good get was full. The 1600 loop was awesome. I would stick with 1600/1700 if they get a full site. The 1800/1900 look like they will/have/had water issues since they are so low lying compared to the others.

    If they get partial, beg borrow or steal the 1500. Saw with my own eyes how the 2000 can be taken over by a group. Granted boy scouts this time, but I can only imagine a rowdy group and this family having to deal with it.

    We took our ez up as well, and used it over the tent. Not necessary, but just gave us a extra sence of rain security since our tent hadn't been used in 4 years and packed in the attic for storage.

    The new SuperCenter Walmart has a great tent supply section for repairs. We needed some seam tape and found it AND duck tape. Who dosen't need duck tape.

    Keep the food out of the tent when unopened the squirls are bad. VERY aggresive.

    Ice at the meadows or Settlement store is much better than ice our of the comfort machines. Frozen harder. Ice at hess is the same as the Fort, so you won't save money there.

  6. Cindy you ROCK!!!!!! :heart:

    The beer was awesome! I shared with Tony (Really REALLY I did SHARE, no strings attached, well maybe not without strings or ..........nevermind) and we both give thunbs up. We were each discussing and swore we had something similar, kept trying to figure it out (we hadn't had this brew though) and THEN read the lable where it is brewed by Brick City out of Atlanta. One of our favorite breweries. LOL. :heartsmiley:

    Thanks again for thinking of me. Enjoyed our breif time together! :jumpforjoy




  7. All of the above!!

    No assigned seats, move around.

    BIG money! Both teams and spectators.

    Hot, hot men from all over the world. Including Patrick Dempsey...who is a sweetheart.

    Way diff cars, the prototypes which are fast and loud. The mazdas and porsches which sound like little bees and a Ferrari class that's new to the 24 this year.

    Very cool to hear them all night and watch them while the sun comes up Sunday morning!

    So where do you guys rest up? Ya'll stay locally or just hang at the vehicle?

    Don't get much info about it at the cow pasture.

  8. You aren't the only one who noticed that. I saw it in the overflow lot the day I left and noticed Farmall right away, then how nice it had been restored. I'm sure I don't know nearly as much as you do but my rural roots definitely made me pay attention!

    G - I saw that beer again in the Winn Dixie near my house - I had bought yours at a liquor store near the Fort - but tonight I noticed it says "Crack open a skull". Geesh! I was in a rush that afternoon, I swear I am not some psycho!!

    swear all you want, psycho maybe not, BUT NUTZ is a good way....Fo Sure. :wave1: :clint:

    That beer is chillin in the fridge and if I can stay awake :beathorse: until Tony gets home tonight, will be sampled.

  9. Genia, I don't know how I missed this report until now. Well done!

    I have to comment on one photo that got my heart a-thumpin'.

    That is one gorgeous, incredible Farmall H there! The H was an awesome tractor, mostly built in the 1940's or early 50's. We had a Farmall A on my Dad's farm that I spent hundreds of hours on as a kid cultivating crops. The H was primarily a general purpose plowing and cultivating machine, not quite as specialized as the A was. (We had another International tractor very similar to the H, but not branded a Farmall.) In any case, someone at the Fort has himself a nice toy there.

    Ok, sorry for the tangent. Loved the report!

    It was a pwettttyyy sweet tractor. The monster RV, Stef posted about was out in the lot too. So we actually looped overflow....maybe that is a first? :rofl2:

    Thanks! I loved this trip. I still want to see the new Fantasy Land, and I really like EPCOT, but nuttin but Fort is flippin sweet.

  10. Looked ove the tractors in the pulling area today,didnot see that tractor, but it could have been there. Tom

    Thanks for the update. :heartsmiley:

    But I can't imagine just lugging that thing around unless it was for something....and it was modified to more than plow. Maybe it is running shine.....

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