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Posts posted by ependydad...Doug

  1. Great updates, Doug, with wonderful photos.  Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

    Thanks, Gwen. It's a lot of fun to write up so far afterwards- I get to relive a lot of it!

    What a neat childhood you are giving your children.

    I'm thru the Lo Angles area blog.  Back later to read the next one. 

    Los Angeles was a good one. The Disney one, if you followed the TR here, you can mostly skip as it is repeats and less pictures.

    Great job with the blog updates.

    So, now you're a Florida resident!  Congratulations.


    Mostly! Still have MD licenses as I need to get the vehicles tagged before anything else can happen. Weird stuff as a fulltimer.

    Buc Ees, so big they echo inside and are in 2 different time zones!

    Ha! They remind me of a store back in the PA-area called Sheetz. Only bigger and badder. :)

    Ok Doug, I had a fair amount of catching up to do, which I valiantly tried to do in one sitting.  And I was making good progress until I got to a pic of some peanut butter pie in Boulder City, and my eyes glazed over like Homer Simpson's.   Mmmmm, pie.  I couldn't continue, but I will.  Good stuff, and I'm glad the experience is going well for you.   

    Oh that pie! That's a great stopping off point as that pie was killer good. I'd almost go back just for that pie.

  2. Blogging is hard and time consuming! I posted some more catch-up blog entries:

    Back in November/Thanksgiving, we went to Los Angeles area:


    And then we headed in for some RV service/upgrades and played at Disneyland:


    We spent Christmas near San Diego:


    And then we drove across the country to Florida over the month of January:


  3. 22 hours ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    I headed out of the 300 loop, and looped around the 200 loop.  These folks had a cute hand-made sign:


    I have to say, that's the first time I've ever heard of or seen a Peaceometer.

    Is it just me, or are there 4 grand kids but only 3 spots on the "Campin" side? Like, can only 3 ever go? 1 grand child is always excluded...



    (Why yes, that is the mundane that I choose to comment on- good to see you back!)

  4. 2 hours ago, Helmsey......Todd said:

    are there no fire escapes in your bunk house? We have once in the bunk house that is on the lowest bunk so the fall would not be that bad....that's assuming you need to get out that window. Our slide has one in the same spot yours is in but it is the entire window, I feel a little better with a larger opening trying to swing myself out if needed. The one I don't want to do is the one from the front bedroom as it is higher than I'd like to tumble, but in emergency you do what you have to do.

    Thanks for posting these, it's a good reminder to folks that this is something that needs to be practiced. I must admit, we have only practiced once in this new 5er and we have had it over 2 years now.

    The only emergency exit in the bunkhouse is the upper bunk on the driver's side. But, we also have the 1/2 bath door. Needing to use the emergency window means that the fridge started the fire (effectively blocking the 1/2 bath door and possibly the bunkhouse door) - which, scarily, isn't that far out of the realm of possibilities.

    The thing about practicing is finding that your instinct of how to get out a window is typically the wrong method. I think it was mentioned above, but there's a story told of people who got stuck in their exit window and subsequently died.


    Touching on it, as it's commonly mentioned-- the whole concept of a swift kick- I've never tried, but I'd hate to try it with bare feet in the middle of the night with fire licking my bum. I know you get crazy adrenaline strength in emergencies, but still.

  5. 1 hour ago, Retired and Happy (Ken) said:

    Remember the hand held fire extinguishers are primarily for blocking the fire so you can get out.  Only the smallest fires can actually be successfully fought inside.

    Our fear is for our three wheelchair dependent children...one in the rear and two near the front door.  But none could get themselves out.  And I can't see either of us leaving them inside.

    Understood and agreed - basically we want to be able to get us adults out at one end and if need be, back in on the other end to extract kids. I think going around would be the best plan considering where fires are likely.

  6. Wow...great thought Doug.  We need to do a drill.  I've looked at the windows and we have a decent size extinguisher (however, I'm planning to buy a larger one for both our home and the RV).  The idea of a fire and not being able to get to your children...don't even want to speak it.

    I think I'm turning into a walking advertisement for Mac The Fire Guy. His site videos are pretty helpful.


    I am also going to be looking at buying a 5-pack of fire extinguishers, 1 of the automatic fire suppression ones for in the basement where my furnace and water heater are, and at least 3 smoke detectors (my bedroom, kids bedroom, basement, and maybe a 4th in the hallway coming up the steps).

    I'll also be practicing exiting my bedroom with the emergency exit (which is different than what I showed in the videos AND should be more conducive to feet first exiting). And, the kids are going to learn to open their emergency exit and get out that way.

    I know they can be trained/taught to exit via it. But one of my concerns is simply daughter having the strength to open it. The red tab is a pain in the but to pop-up in order to open the window.

  7. We were parked in a field tonight with no one around and were playing with the fire escape windows to get air into the camper. We have been talking for a while about emergency planning with the fire escapes and practicing exits and whatnot. So tonight, we played around with the idea and frankly, I'm very sad and very afraid.

    #1- I could get my kids out *if* I'm standing outside and able to "catch" them.

    #1a- we didn't test it but my wife could catch my 3 year old son, but no way would be able to catch my 12 year old daughter (not without getting hurt in the process; but I guess if it comes to that- being hurt or kid dying, the decision is easy).

    #2- neither my wife or I could make it out. (yes, bold, underline, and caps.)

    Maybe we'll be willing to plummet face first to the ground in the event of a real fire. BUT- in practice, neither of us could force ourselves to do it.

    Now, for the videos. My apologies for fat guy stomach hanging out of the bottom of my shirt.

    Daughter came out. But notice it took 20 seconds and that doesn't include the couple of stutter starts to figure out the best way.


    Son popped right out, but this was the lowest window. Would he come out IF he had to free fall a bit before I caught him?


    And now, my 3 failed attempts. I gave up fairly quick because that was an option. But still- the idea of falling face first down 6' wasn't comfortable.




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