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Everything posted by BradyBzLyn...Mo

  1. From the Disney Parks blog... http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2011/03/colorful-merchandise-for-walt-disney-worlds-40th-anniversary/
  2. Anyone done this? I can honestly say I didn't even know it was there. (shame on me) posted on Walt Disney World for Grown Ups... http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/articles/animation-academy
  3. We saw a boat camper once too. Hey, you can tow it and sleep in it....
  4. This little (not) baby is between sites 333 and 334... I guess that's why they call it Cypress Knee Circle :o
  5. Beats me but Brady does this all the time. Mind you he only goes to the Fort once a year (although this year will be his 7th) and he starts whining, crying and carrying on every time we pull into the Fort checkin area for the first time! But the crazy part is that we're in the car for 2 days on the way home, most of which he sleeps during. We also usually get home in the dark. The *second* we pull off the main road in our town onto one particular street (about 2 miles from our house) he pops up and starts barking! He also is the one that carries on when we get close to our parents' and grandp
  6. well if no one else is gonna chime in, this should be a fairly easy one...
  7. reminds me of a joke... How many tow trucks does it take to change a MH tire in SC? 3 The 1st one they send is too small to lift a 38' MH The 2nd one gets stuck in the soft shoulder The 3rd one gets the 2nd one unstuck and lifts the MH Ah, Disney Family Trip 1979..... good times! (oh and I left out the part where a van pulls up with a family in it with a window A/C unit in the back window and a recliner in the back, and takes my dad to go "get help"... you can't make this stuff up!)
  8. We've got a thread for the Fort, now how about one for Disney World in general... American pavilion at Epcot
  9. They look like they're waiting for someone to tow them. Is that even possible? Nope - that thing is the tour bus of snowmobiles. Luckily if we get stuck I've got enough crap packed in the suitcases to set up camp. :bellringer: It actually seats 3 - we take the middle seat out most of the time, but have gone out with the 2 of us and my nephew in the middle before. That's really just Brian and his brother Eric enjoying the view on top of the mountain near our camp.
  10. Hey, Bombardier makes some cool stuff... :bellringer:
  11. With all to see and do at DTD, how about some photos... This little guy was keeping a close eye on all the doings at the Lego store. ...or plotting global domination
  12. One of the big reasons we love Walt Disney World is because of the attention to detail that Disney goes to in it's theming to really make you believe you're in ... a castle, deepest Africa, a frontier town, Norway... Post your pics of the little things that make WDW such an amazing, immersive experience. Don't forget to tell us what/where it is so we can look for it the next time we're there... Liberty Tree Tavern
  13. ok, so not quite, but inspired by the new monorail thread, how about photos of all the OTHER modes of transportation around Walt Disney World?
  14. Party pooper. You gotta admit, what they lack in efficiency and cost-effectiveness, they make up for in just plain COOL...
  15. Do I spy a border collie in that pic? Did I mention the only reason we bought the new TT was because Brady wanted a chair of his very own...
  16. Great idea for a photo thread! Extra points if you can get pics of all the different colors. :D
  17. Buddy clearly knows the way "home"!!
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