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Everything posted by Jennifer41

  1. I will avoid having to leave the beer AT ALL COSTS. I LOVE your little trailer!! :thumbsup2: I get it. Please know that we will be as conservative as possible when we decide on a camper! (which is why I'm hoping Mr.41 decides to get a truck!) I love the debate... I love the opinions... I love the advice... I LOVE FIENDS!
  2. My guess is they're easier to sell while open?? But I don't know. My brother (the RV sales/sevice guy) HATES when pop ups come in for services.. he says he immediately starts swearing and shooing them off the property. :laugh: (but he is being very helpful in my search despite his PUP hate... gotta love him)
  3. Good to know! I really need to look more into the hitching options. I just wish Mr.41 would make up his mind about a TV! Are we gonna use the Odyssey, or get a truck? It's driving me nuts! I want to go camping NOW! :laugh:
  4. I love this! So what's the difference between premium & full hook up? I wonder if it's too late to change our ressie...
  5. We definitely reserved a premium site. Noted!! Y'all are the best... narrowing it down here.... Another thing... Dad gets super stressed if the site is hard to back the beast into.
  6. Sending out the fort[bat] signal for the lovely Carol, Lorna & WWs..... :batman: :)
  7. Thanks! I know I told the CM we want "the works" so I'm sure you're right that I didn't request 1500. :) I'm going to have to put some QT into exploring the app! Can you tell by looking at the app how much room is off the concrete? I need more hours in my day for all of my OCD planning!!
  8. Hey Fiends.... I know this has been covered a bazillion times (I did search!) but there's just SO MUCH scattered info I thought I'd ask specifically about my situation. :) When I made my reservation I think I requested 1500 loop (I don't remember- it was in Feb). I've seen that a lot of you request specific sites & hope for the best. I'm thinking I want to do the same! We'll have my Dad's 32ft moho (with one slide out) and a 10X14 tent. Obviously we'd prefer a site that we can stake down the tent, but I'm not expecting to be able to do so. With 6 of us (even though there is "technica
  9. Hey Fiends... I joined the Good Sam Club a couple weeks ago and I thought I saw something on the site about assisting in camper buying & selling but now I can't find anything about it. Do any of you know anything about that? Since we are actively shopping for a camper, I thought it would be a good recourse but I can't find any info! I have an email in to their customer service people, but I thought it would be good to ask you guys too. Anything else I should know about Good Sam? Thanks in advance! :)
  10. This is the floor plan that I really like (though if we stick with the Odyssey- it will be way to heavy, so lets just call this my "you must be dreaming" PUP for now..) If anyone knows of a model, or floor plan that's similar yet lighter/less expensive- please inform! What I REALLY like is how the sink/stove isn't right next to the bed and I like the double sink. I also like the slide out dinette because it creates more room- but I'm willing to go without it. I like the toilet/shower- but I'd be willing to do without that too. (So basically what I'm saying is- my favorite part is the pla
  11. Mr.41 is now actively considering this option... Also- his uncle has a Silverado he might sell to us if we show interest... I'm still holding my breath that any of this is actually going to happen.
  12. Nice!! Wish we could stay that long! We only have 5 nights. I will have a sign by the time we go, I just haven't ordered it yet. :)
  13. This actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have to run this through Mr.41 & get his thoughts. :laugh: Judy! How long are you staying?
  14. Awesome! Thank you! Why would anyone NOT get the full buffet? (Or maybe not all the restaurants offer buffet... ohhhhh I get it..) And I fully expected to pay (out the wazzoo) for booze.
  15. Question!! With our dinner package res at Biergarten, does that mean we'll be restricted in what we eat?
  16. Public service announcement: we have no intention of over loading our TV. :) Mr.41 will make sure to get all the info he can, from every source possible before moving ahead with any of this. Which (fortunately and unfortunately) may end up in us not getting ANYTHING after all. Not only does he hate spending money- when he DOES spend big money, he's very thorough in his pre-purchase research. I appreciate all of your help & opinions!
  17. Well.. we've downgraded our search to something lighter. If it ends up wrecking my van I guess we'll deal with that then. I think Mr.41's ULTIMATE plan, and ulterior motif is to end up with a Hummer. Keep in mind- we don't actually HAVE a camper yet... There's still a chance it will never happen.
  18. I appreciate this! And believe me, my RV dealer brother has been trying his hardest to "be nice" and humor my pop up shopping non-sense. He's in the same boat as you guys. Hit it hard, or go home!! Well, Mr.41 is in a pansy slap stage right now- he'll be throwing a good punch in a few years though, for sure. :laugh:
  19. Bob... I both LOVE, and want to ignore your advice. My thinking is this: I LOVE camping. I'm a girl who would be just as OK in a tent as in a mazillion dollar, 40ft class A. So your suggestion to go for the fancy pants tent set up is certainly a valid suggestion to me. BUT- Mr.41 is on a "I want a camper, and I will have one" kick right now and this man NEVER makes big "toy" purchases EVER, so I'm going to roll with it & keep him moving on this! This kick he's on is quite a shock to me because he's SO frugal and hates debt. He knows what he really wants is a nice, class C and sees
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