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Everything posted by Jennifer41

  1. I just realized this is the second time I've quoted this post. :laugh: Carol- do you find foot/vehicle traffic annoying on this site seeing as it's by the road?
  2. :laugh: :laugh: I just saw that on TV today & suggested it to the husband. HAHAHA
  3. You're the best. :) We check in Monday & already have the PP+ so I guess we'll be keeping it.
  4. Ponchos purchased. :) What a funny word that is... poncho....
  5. Hey Fiends! I'm not freaking out or anything (I promise! :laugh: ) but the forecast for our park days isn't looking so hot at this point. Having spent every Christmas in Fla for the last 13 years, I'm well aware at how unpredictable, and quickly the weather changes there. HOWEVER... Just in case we need to deal with an extended period of rain- What are your WDW in the Rain strategies? All help, advice, experience & tips appreciated. :heartsmiley:
  6. (I apologize in advance because I'm sure I can find the answer to this in another thread, but since I'm here.....) Is this also the process for PP+ as far as ride & dining photos? I do already have the PP+ can or should it be converted to MM or should I just keep PP+?
  7. We check in Monday!! (I haven't checked if Kenny has charged us yet) My sign hasn't arrived yet. As in Tuesday the 17th?? We have tickets for that night too!! :)
  8. Can someone with experience renting from Kenny please PM me? I have some questions. :)
  9. So... since I got a new job- this is the camper in the lead right now: http://www.rhonesrv.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?sid=0677334X11K30K2013J8I29I44JAMQ4871R0&veh=3390034&nv=y We've got the dealer down to $23,300 so far & workin on getting him to $23K even (taxes & fees included) if we can get there, then it's in the bag, baby!! Then we have to buy a truck. :laugh:
  10. Hello and welcome! :wave1: I don't have any valuable advice that's Fort specific because I've never stayed in the cabins- but personally, I love RV camping. :) I guess you'd just have to weigh price, and what comes with the RV/Cabin. Do they both provide linens? Cooking stuff? Cable? etc... Good luck! :)
  11. I'm not sure I could talk the husband into the electric blanket. Then again I haven't mentioned it yet. On an unrelated note- my dad will be pulling in with the MoHO by himself. Are there CMs available for spotting that can help him back the sucker in? Not that he couldn't do it himself- I just worry about my Daddy. :)
  12. I love those! No room in the car for one though. (We're meeting my Dad w/RV there) Maybe I can convince him to take one.
  13. We're taking a big tent to the Fort to supplement the RV sleeping room and my original plan was to put the boys in it. Now I'm thinking that Mr.41 & I might want to stay in it instead. However, I do NOT do well sleeping in the cold. Have you ever used a tent heater? If so, can you recommend one? Or am I just asking for trouble adding heat to canvas...
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