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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2012 in Posts

  1. At site 1503!! Tentzilla is up! I wasn't able to get an official Fort Fiends sign so the kids are making me one right now for this trip. Got my Kenny cart and already did some looping. Still can't believe I'm really here!!
    1 point
  2. A lot of the camgrounds up here tend towards the rustic mostly because they are not open all year round. This one is a very large one for the area though. I do a lot of summer camping at this campground because of its proximity to the beach. Which will be coming up today. Ok. Sil happened to see me looking at all of the comments and wanted to see what people were saying. I think i need to set the tent up in the backyard now since we don't have a dog house. :banghead: One of the things I like when I am traveling is trying new places or going back to old favorites. I like to share them with eve
    1 point
  3. Your Canuck roots are showing.
    1 point
  4. It's one of two least busiest times of the year, so it's a good time to do some sprucing throughout the entire campground.
    1 point
  5. I did too. It was the very first WDW park that I visited and to this day I believe it was better then than it is now.
    1 point
  6. Rita I am blushing thanks for all the compliments. But around here I don't think anything is one fiends or that it wouldn't have been the same without one of us there. We all make it what it is, weather it be a thread or a GG or a mini GG or WWW. We all get along so well that we bring out the best in each other, so along with that comes the humor, laughing, eating and just all around FUN. And to anyone who hasn't met anyone of the fiends in person yet, have no fear, I read on one post that we have know each other so long. Well this is the first time I had met Karla and Kelly in person (other t
    1 point

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