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Everything posted by Starbuc71

  1. They were actually down Sunday. They must have heard me gripe on here Saturday...lol
  2. If that's the way they are building, it's really not that much. I saw early concepts that they were supposed to start building right off echo lake and out behind Indiana jones for Star Wars. Again as I stated in another post, they should have left very thing as it was and built a sub park off of HS
  3. Remember. We're talking about the fort here. If it's not profitable for Disney, they are not going to spend the money to have someone spend the time and effort to come up with a plan and implement it online to pick a specific site. They fill up already without it. Can anyone tell me the last thing they did at the fort to improve the guest experience without focusing on increasing the bottom line? I do many things at my job that increases customer satisfaction and sometimes it decreases the bottom line, but it increases my reputation. My experience with state or county parks at least here in F
  4. By keeping up the Christmas stuff but not the osbourne lights? I would love to be their PR director
  5. How can they continue to charge full admission price to this park. It absolutely crazy. Who in their right mind would pay near $100 each per day to ride 3 attractions and see 2 or 3 shows? I know HS will be totally my favorite park once Star Wars land is opens, but I don't expect to see that for many years. Can anyone say "Avatar land". That movie was so long ago I almost had to ask myself what it was about. Do they think fluffer stuff like Star Wars launch bay is going to keep people coming in? Probably since ther was a 40 minute wait to see a guy dresse in a Chewbacca outfit. I was not im
  6. Not complaining, but what's the deal with HS still having all their Christmas decorations still up, and on, except for the Osboune lights? The huge tree is still out front of the gates and the photo pass folk are still taking pics in front of it. The main strip also has their lights up on the poles. It all felt kind of weird to me since I put the holidays behind me...especially on the 15th of January
  7. Thanksgiving there was an adult swing and a baby swing. Today I noticed just the baby swing. Must be the last one to break. I wouldn't doubt they want to get rid of the swings. A few months ago we saw some kids trying to swing them all the way around. Lucky they didn't since the whole swing set was jerking. Such a shame that in most places swings are becoming a thing of the past. With me being 45, I can think of a ton of commercial playground equipment I grew up on that now is deemed unsafe. I agree, they should at least remove it if they are not replacing it
  8. This happened to us over thanksgiving. I was the nice person and went to the desk and moved. I won't do that again.
  9. ......but yet I have 20 boxes of magic bands and you are a transcontinental park hopper. We all give into their greed (and stupidity) like everybody else. At least their not getting my $600 each for AP's this year
  10. I looked in my closet last night and counted 20 boxes. Made me do a double take when I figured that besides the 2 annual pass boxes, all the others were either fort or resort stays since the inception of the MB. That's a ton of money that you don't realize you spend. Not even counting all the dining at an average of $80-$100 a pop for 4 of us. We need to cut back on putting money into the mouse pockets
  11. They really need to pull this tier crap. Especially now with Sorin down and HS soon to become a huge mess
  12. I agree, they threw the photo pass in to justify the price. They must have figured that if you were an annual pass holder especially a Florida pass holder you most likely would not even use this free option. I have more pictures from the parks than I know what to do with. Unless the photo pass photographers followed TCD around for his whole trip report, it's not worth it
  13. I agree with TCD, I think Han knew what he was doing. I believe he may have thought by sacrificing himself it may drive Kylo to feeling guilty and coming back to the light side and having a relationship with Leia. Should Han died in a bigger fashion being Han Solo? Probably, but that was not the point of the scene. As many people have stated, mostly band wagoners for Star Wars, Han should not have died, I thought it was right that he did. The guy is 75 yo. How much longer could he fight, smuggle and save the Galaxy. I would of hated to see him go to bed with Leia and in the morning have him
  14. That will be in the top tier fast pass
  15. They should drop the ticket price for Epcot for the time that is down....lol. I guess this means innovations will be packed now to visit the hurricane house and the fire truck
  16. Love your trailer. I wish more manufactures would go back to putting the front windows on their units
  17. I did one last ditch effort last night to see actually how much more the new passes would be. With the new passes we would be forced to get the platinum FL resident pass due to Disney blocking out just about everyday the kids are out of school including spring break, all of summer and the end of year holidays. Right now on the FL resident monthly payment plan we pay $138 per month for 4 passes. The new cost would take us up to $198 per month. As Donnie said, even the short weekends are putting you 100's of dollars. I'm just not doing it. We will still camp at the fort, but no parks for us this
  18. Well, after spending this past weekend with the mouse, we decided to not to renew for 2017. Our passes expire on 1/16 and with sorin closed till summer, Hollywood studios closing many attractions and will become an absolute mess for 2 years, avatar land probably not opening til next year and the MK always over crowded, I figured this would be a good year to skip and save a couple grand
  19. I read yesterday the 2015 was the year of price gouging at WDW. Our annual passes look like they are going up close to $100 each. The kids will be upset but I'm really considering to tell the mouse to stick it and go back to camping only at the fort.
  20. I just watched the empire strikes back last night and I thought the exact same thing when I saw the hallway in cloud city. Now it gets me thinking if Finn had something to do with Lando if they are showing future visions of a cloud city hallway. Like every other fan I'll have to wait for the dvd to listen for the sound of Luke saying noooooo
  21. Just like the 70 some year old ex police officer who yelled at a guy for texting during the previews at the movies then got popcorn thrown at him so he pulled his gun and killed the guy. This was close to our home about a year ago. Our tax money has been helping to house this scumbag. He is claiming self defense. The man killed was texting the babysitter watching his young daughter before the movie started. Goes to show you all the a$$holes in the world today
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