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Everything posted by Starbuc71

  1. You think they at least could have waited for the frozen ride to open. Just another reason to go to Epcot to just eat and drink
  2. Ok. I have seen this move 3 times now. Everybody look back at this post on May 18,2017 and let's see if my prediction is correct: I believe Rey is Han and Leia's daughter. I think after "Ben" Solo aka Kylo Ren turned to the dark side it tore Han and Leia's relationship apart. After Han left, Leia realized she was pregnant with their second child. Being afraid of what happened to Ben, Leia put Rey into hidding with Lor San Tekka the old man on Jakku who had the piece of the map. This explains the hug Leia and Rey had at the end of the movie and a little of the comment of Kylo stating "Han was
  3. I think like everything else these days, they tried on going in a different direction. This years parade/ celebration was more a focus on entertainers singing. The parade shots for me me were just short blips of the move it/shake it parade put on character floats and shown on TV for less than a minute. I sat through 1 1/2 hours of it to see th Star Wars part which was a disappointing minute and a half shot. I will say, the only thing I liked was seeng the host this year being professional and not a wise ass like that tool Nick Cannon who should never be on TV. I thought the wedding proposa
  4. It would be nice to have Disney spend some of their billions and make a cart path to the lodge with a parking area at the end of the trail. I agree carts should not be on the walking path to mow down adults and children. I also agree carts should not be visible to the hoity toity lodge guest to ruin their $400-$500 a night picturesque views of the landscape. I think it would be fair to have a GC parking area on the south side of the trail behind the trees. This would allow us trailer trash to walk across the street and dump our money into the restaurants and gift shops that the fort does not h
  5. Hmmmm. A fight broke out in an overcrowded entertainment complex with people who were annoyed before even entering while probably waiting for hours for a table because they had no dining reservations? Still, it's no reason to cause an actual fight. That's the problem with Disney packing more and more people into places. People in general are just more aggravated than before. I feel everytime I go to the movie theater here in Tampa I have to be careful not to get shot. Totally ridiculous
  6. They say this movie is setting up Episode 8 to be all about Luke and Mark Hamill will be all over it. I agree Phasma was HUGE let down. She gave into Finn way too easy....and was put in the trash
  7. Ive seen it twice already the second time to dissect it. Here a few things I caught: 1. As a Jedi or force sensitive person, you can see forward and backwards in time. The visions Rey saw were in some sort hallway maybe in a first order ship or base. I believe this to be a hallway in starkiller base in the future before it blows up 2. Next we see Rey left on Jaku when she was around 8 or 9. The clip was so fast I could not make out who she was left with. I als did not catch if she was screaming daddy or mommy. I say daddy my wife said mommy. And for sure it was not the falcon leaving. This was
  8. Andrew I'm so proud of your Star Wars geekiness. I remember only about 4 short years ago you could barely pronounce Chewbacca and Ewok now your quoting the expanded universe. I'm so proud of you padawan
  9. Well, this movie left a lot of speculation as to what episode 8 will bring. I believe Han is dead. JJ wanted to bring a new generation to the Star Wars world. I think using the old characters to blend in the new ones is a great idea. Han was put in this movie for exactly that. I thought he did a great performance with him being 75yo and doing a great job getting back into character after 30 years. My wife and I thought Daisy Ridley nailed it. She did such an awesome job and they picked the right actress. You will see her going places in Hollywood. I always liked how star wars always incorpora
  10. I agree, it's just a matter of time. I think they need them. I also think for safety they should ban some coolers and other large items, thermos, and water bottles. In this day and age and the sickos that are out there imagine what could really happen in side a theme park. It's down right scary
  11. Sorry to say, but I actually applaud security for noticing your type of cart. These ATV/UTV/SXS vehicles are strictly stated prohibited at the fort. It seems depending on the time of year, you will see a lot of UTV type vehicles running around the fort. They should not be allowed. I did hear a year ago from security that the loophole around having a UTV at the fort is that if is registered street legal they are allowed to drive on the roads but not park with the carts.
  12. They actually fixed it the day we left, Nov 30th. I couldn't believe it
  13. I sure miss my 2500 Diesel for towing but don't miss the rattles, bangs and booms of an American truck. I have to figure out how to beef up my suspension on the Tundra but man do I love this truck
  14. My wife and I were discussing this last night. Probably the most frequent travel places in the US is the Disney parks and yet they seem to me to be the most laxed with security. Even when I go to a hockey game nowadays I have to walk through a metal detector. People always talk on here what they can sneak into the park like apple corer, coffee makers and other weird crap. It's quite scary in this day and age with all the wackos out there. I would be fine with Disney being more stringent on their security practices. I'm sure there will be a day where everyplace you go there will be security an
  15. It stinks when you have to plan fort trips around your kids school calendars. When they were in preschool it was great, we never went camping on busy times and we could even go up north to see the changing of the leaves Disney is on to this too since their block out dates align with most FL school break dates
  16. I think your right. We have reservations for next thanksgiving already, but I can always cancel
  17. Crap. I looked in every loop but mine. Too bad. I needed someone to drink some cold ones with...lol. Hope you had a good trip. Oh. Yes I almost ran over two small kids that were not being watched in the rode as their parents endulged in alcohol on our loop
  18. A little after 9/11 I picked up a buddy from the airport. He always carried a buck knife and would always do carry on to bypass the luggage carrousel When I met him in the main area of the airport he said we needed to go to baggage. I asked him why he checked a bag. He kept saying,"wait for it, wait for it" and after about 30 minutes, a small buck knife comes on the carrousel with a luggage tag bigger than the knife. I laughed so hard. I don't think the airlines would be that compassionate about a knife these days.
  19. I agree. Again, what does it take to b special and request exactly what you want and get it
  20. I looked for your trailer and truck for a couple days but could not find you. I'm incognito without herbie now
  21. Ok, especially each thanksgiving, I see the same people get the same site each year. We all know that we can request sites but nothing is guaranteed. Do you have to have big gaudy blow up decorations to get what you want? I see the the last site on 1600 always has that for a thanksgiving. The first site on 1800 always has that one also. There are probably at least 8 more. I just want to know the secret
  22. They should be lucky they got the 1500 loop again. They seem like good people. The 2000 loop on The other hand this year is a whole different story. I rode it once and was stopped 3 times when kids and parents would not move out of the road while they salsa danced then I got a football thrown at my cart....intentionally. You could not pay me to stay on the 2000 loop
  23. I am here and have only seen 3 or 4 of the new ugly Columbia carts. None the of them had the flat screen with the gps technology. To me they must be cheaper than a leased club car
  24. We bought the below fire pit specifically for the trailer before they custom tailored the restrictions. The fire pits back in the day just needed a screen on top for the embers. We paid over $100 for this at bass pro and don't plan buying a new one to appease the CM who don't enforce more important rules
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