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Everything posted by HappyCamper...Deb

  1. Oh goodie! A new TR to follow during break!!! :mademyday: Great tour of Crockett's! I'm loving all the details. Honestly, I've never ventured past the take-out/refill area. Now, it's on the must-do-next-trip list. :suspense:
  2. This just made me think of our S'mores... Try Ghirardelli Pumpkin Spice Squares instead of plain chocolate. They are YUMMY!!! (It's as if these little squares were designed for S'mores!) We've tried other flavors, but the pumpkin spice is my favorite. I say experiment on your own..
  3. Feeling all warm 'n fuzzy seeing the kids with Santa. My three are 18, 17, and (soon to be) 12. Brings me back..(sniff-sniff) Viewing the thread on my tiny screen on the phone, I thought the golf cart Santa WAS the target for snowballs. Ack! Can't wait for more... :)
  4. Thanks for the warning, Nicki. I try my best to be accepting of others, but spiking the unexpected and greeting campers is a bit much. Is the apple pie topped traditionally or is it crumb-topped???
  5. I feel better. 1. Hijack (spell it funky the first time), 2. Apologize 3. Lou :superhero: - shows me the correct spelling, allows me full reign of his thread, AND makes me feel better with just a few taps on his keyboard...
  6. Now, I feel awful for stealing away from the real premise of the thread. Lou, you are one special guy for doing what you do. Compassion and consideration...even when it's not always warranted. :heart:
  7. Hey! Checked it out...Them there prices 'r purty cheap!
  8. TR, TR, TR!!! :jumpforjoy: I'm on vacation for the rest of this week an need a reason to avoid paper grading and planning...and cleaning....
  9. I'm a believer!!!! Made it during our New Year's camping this week. Yummmmmm!!! I must say, the longer you can hold off eating, the better. Super tasty shredded and on a bun! :)
  10. Okey dokey, I decided to quote Debbie's one line and do a bit of soap-boxing here... :) I try my best to NEVER make snap judgements about others. A bit difficult at times, but I'll tell you why... Our DD(now 18) has a condition that is brought on by extended exposure to sunlight. Not everyday exposure...just long hours and direct. What happens? Well, her muscles begin shut down...to the point where holding a plate is difficult. Anyway, here's my real point... Because she appears (and is now) a healthy, typical, active teen, we have gotten many crude comments when given alternative access
  11. Yay! A new TR!!! Love the playground photo of the two boys. They're adorable. :heart: Patiently waiting for more..... :)
  12. I LOVE :heart: the New Year's fireworks!!! Every time we have gone, we find our spot right under Tink's wire and watch the numbers explode around us in all directions. Breathtaking!
  13. IS THAT MY NAME I SEE???!!!!! Happy Camper wants a Happy Camper Fort sticker!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  14. Sounds great! We're all over the state throughout the summer. My kids are in a fife and drum corps, so we travel a ton to be in hometown parades. Heck, we're in Waterloo right now...come on over! :)
  15. I just HAVE to meet you guys in person. This is a riot to read... Lou- warm and fuzzy, weatherman wearing orthopedic sneakers Doodle- bull-like with back up Rita- troublemaker who enjoys napping and :heart: :heart: :heart: Lisa- should NEVER drive a bus...
  16. Thinking of you, CKCK, as we are nestled in our Crossroads for the New Year. How's it going? Any other camping adventures to share? Have you checked out the Crossroads forum? Great chance to chat with other owners. (don't know about you, but we're still a rare find in our parts)
  17. Fort Pickins! (like my daughter's awesome nails?...must photoshop more color...)
  18. Most of us just dream about a WDW job. YOU lived it...over and over and over and over.... Lou, you are my hero!
  19. We bought a new TT in April...It's a Crossroads too! LOVE IT!!!! :heart: Nothing better than taking your new camper on its maiden voyage. :dance: (We actually camped in our driveway the first two nights.) Congratulations on the purchase!
  20. Thanks! I just took a peek at my choices of threads...woo-eeee!!!!
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