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Everything posted by Memphis

  1. Just how did you learn that rule was it posted on a sign or explained to you?
  2. Some of the sites on 1400 and 600 back up pretty close to the canal. but they don't look like what's pictured at all. The horse trail is up front and doesn't go by any water. Disney has always and still does take great liberties with the pictures and videos they use in advertisements. If you look at the last Disney planning DVD I got you would think the are no paved roads or sidewalks anywhere in the campground. They show a big class A driving down a dirt road and bikes on dirt paths.
  3. We have always just put the request on the resi. We are locals so we do a lot of weekend and long weekend trips. I always ask for 1500 for a partial or 1700 for a full hook up and we only get our request maybe 10% of the time. However on our 7 day or longer trips we almost always get our request. I have read on here that a lot of people fax in request about 4 days before their arrival date. What has worked best for us is to check in early so if we really don't like the site there are other left to choose from and just asked to be moved. But on a one or 2 day trip we really don't care especia
  4. Wonder how they will handle the parties like MNSSHP. Can you get 3 FP+ for the day and 3 for the party or will you have to save them. Being a separately priced ticket I would think they would be separate FP+
  5. First off Welcome :welcome: Personally I would stay with the full hook up and request 1700 or 1600 loops. They are right across the street from 1200/1300 not to far from the pool campfire area but are a little distance from the marina but with bikes its less than a 10 min ride. I would also point out the 600 and 700 loops do not have their own comfort stations and with a crew as large as yours I'm sure you will benefit from a CS being close by (something I would request on your resi). Your kids will have a ball no matter what loop you get. Really in whole scheme of things almost any site at t
  6. When I first ordered mine I was linking my ap to My Disney Experience. A window opened that said "select your magic band" I followed the on screen directions and about 3 days later I had them. Now I had also just booked a night at Pop but did not have that resi linked to my account yet so that may have had something to do with it. But I got an overnight letter from Disney about 4 days after I received the MB telling me because I was staying at pop I was eligible to participate in the test program and ask me to order my MBs. Never did really understand what that was about. Just an oversig
  7. ok so we can have good coffee or hot coffee but not good hot coffee. Maybe later. Did you happen to check out the TP to see if they have the new machines yet?
  8. Yes if you tie your passes to your MB then you can schedule FP+ you cant get LFP with MB. you have to use your pass cards like always before MB & FP+ so if you bring both into the parks you can use the MB for the FP+ and use your ticket media to make LFP. but somewhere down the road LFP will just be no more.
  9. The FP you get with APs are legacy FP so it goes by the old rules no more than 2 at a time but the total number is not limited. You can get more as you use the ones you already have. My biggest gripe about FP+ is you only get 3 / 4 no matter what.
  10. OK that explains why the My magic bands and cards section on my account keeps growing. I have 4 cards now. They really should just remove the old deactivated cards from our list its just confusing.
  11. You don't have to use the MB. You can do the same things with an rfid card. we wore the MB all the time. It would not be hard at all for a kid to take theirs off but they say on well. The MB is just so convenient to have ready all the time.
  12. I don't know if that's the only one that's just the one they took me to from RNR. There has to be others. If there was only going to be one they would surely have it more centrally located.
  13. another small rant rant on/ It is not just Disney that is doing this but I was informed of an update to the app that required me to give Disney permission to use my camera, video, and audio on my phone to take pictures, video or audio of anything my phone may see or hear. It can do this without you being able to tell its happening. I refused to give permission so I could not get the update so I am not sure how much longer my app will still work. Why do they need to be able to capture pictures or video from my phone. Like I said its not just Disney doing this. Bank of America's latest update
  14. The one we went to at HS was by the FP distribution for TOT. The one in the resort was in the lobby by check-in desk. There is also one at every guest relations location. In fact every FP return line has the equipment needed to troubleshoot/ fix the problems. Disney just needs to get more CM trained on the system. All the CMs had at the help desk was an IPad with a scanner attached.. But again all the problems we had with the system were my fault.
  15. This is a little (or a lot) long winded you can skip down to the pros and cons for shorter version. Just go home from a 2 day weekend trip to WDW. We stayed at Pop Century and were offered to participate in the Magic Band test program. I had ordered and received our magic bands a couple of weeks before the trip so we had them with us when we arrived. I had scheduled our Fastpass+ for Saturday at Hollywood Studios. I set up Toy Story at 930, Star Tours at 1040 and RNR at 12 50. We left home at our typical time 1 hour late as usual and did not arrive at HS until 845. It was an Extra magic
  16. Thanks Lou you deciphered my question correctly. And yay we get to go under the water bridge guess we will go see what's going on in the MK tonight
  17. Do u still have to take monorail or ferry to mk from bus stop?
  18. I love how the monorail loops through Epcot. Its kind of nice to get to see how crowds are and what attraction are backed up.
  19. They really had a lot going on all at the same time. Look how many cars are parked all over the place. Really impressive all the coordinating of people , materials, and work space they did without computers.
  20. Very cool us flatlanders in Florida don't get to see any hills let alone mountains. Thanks for posting
  21. Most of my trips are under 2 hours so I am mostly worried about hitching and unhitching. I wrap a small pc of wax paper on the ball. I like to keep my ball clean and not get grease all over everyone while trailer is unhitched. If I was going on a long trip I would use a lite coat of lithium and be sure to clean up after uncoupling.
  22. Great video Donnie I really whish I had a chance to see Disney back then. But men in short shorts.....what were they thinking
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